Lion Pride Magazine

December 2013

Volume 42 – Issue 3


Best wishes to all this Holiday Season and a very Happy New Year! Yours in service … Council Chair Brian Shepard & your SD10-MD11 2013-2014 Council of Governors … DG Tim Anderson, E1; DG Barry Allen, B1; DG John Kontos, A2; DG Jerry Stephens, SD10; DG Gus Malmberg, E2; DG David Boes, C2; DG Wesley Wagester D2; DG Jake Dasho, D1; DG Doug Schneider, C1; Front Row: DG Evelyn Cooper, A1; Council Chair Brian Shepard; DG Betsy Farrell, B2

2014-2015 Council Chair Elected

At the recent Council of Governor’s meeting, the 1st Vice District Governor’s held interviews for the position of their Council Chair for the upcoming 2014 2015 Lions year. Congratulations to Immediate Past District Governor Jim Pettinato, 11 A2.

To Dream Achivers

LCI President Barry Palmer is asking Lions to finish the period STRONG to earn program recognition for your District! Period 2 of the Dream Achiever Awards ends on December 30th, so make sure you’re in position to earn your recognition. Complete details are located on LCI’s website.


The Internal Revenue Service has gotten very active in the nonprofit arena. Many Lions clubs have lost their tax exempt status because they have not filed their tax returns. Every club must file either form 990N, form 990EZ or form 990 every year. The penalties that the IRS charges can be as high as $20.00 per day for late filing. In Michigan alone 293 clubs have had their status automatically revoked. Some clubs have had more than one Federal ID number. In that case, they have filed using one number only. The unused number is no longer valid but the club is ok. In some cases, the club has dissolved. However there are clubs that have not filed, must file Form 1024 with the IRS at a cost of $400 to get there status back. Presidents must make sure the returns were filed. That is part of the challenge in managing your club. The District Governors were given a list of the clubs on the IRS list. If you are not sure of your status, you can check with them.

Paul Hemeryck, MD 11 treasurer

A District Governor’s Analogy - District Governor Doug Schneider, District 11C1

Well, I have just finished two months as 11-C1 District Governor. My predecessors told me that this year will go by fast! No truer a comment has been made.

I think back to the District 11-C1 convention in March 2013, when I was elected as the governor. It was at the Awards Banquet, the business meeting was done, the elections completed and as I sat from my vantage point, I looked around at all the people in the room. Other than being Lions, I tried to find another commonality. It wasn’t the white, blue, or possibly green jackets! It wasn’t the suits that some of the other Lions were wearing. It wasn’t the beautiful gowns or dresses the women were wearing! So … what was it?

The commonality that I saw was that most of the Lions attending had a spouse, girlfriend, best friend, or significant other. Maybe that person was all of the above, maybe not!

As I am sitting next to my spouse/girlfriend/best friend, I pondered and wanted to ask those Lions the following:

•  What would have happened had you not asked that person for the “first dance?”

•  What would have happened had you not asked for that “first date?”

•  What would have happened had you not asked for that “first kiss?”

• What would have happened if you just “didn’t ask?” What would have changed? Would that relationship have ever developed? Would you be where you wanted to be?

In the case of the best friend, as I call it, “your jammin’ buddy”, you know or remember that person that you met in grammar/high school, college, military, or your next door neighbor:

•  What if you hadn’t said that first “hello?”

•  What if you hadn’t extended that “first handshake?”

• What if you never found that “common ground” that now makes you best friends?

What would have changed? Would that relationship have ever developed? Would you be where you wanted to be? Now, what does the above have to do with Lions? Myself, I believe the above has A LOT to do with Lions! Think back in your Lions endeavors:

•  What if that Lion didn’t tell you about Lions?

•  What if that Lion didn’t ask you to attend a meeting?

•  What if that Lion didn’t ask you to help on a project?

•  WHAT … if that Lion hadn’t given you that membership application? What would have changed? Would you be where you wanted to be? Would you feel fulfilled?

What about your community, is it better? What about the people’s life you changed? Now, think about your community and YOUR LIONS CLUB:

•  What if you don’t tell the next person you know about Lions?

•  What if you don’t ask that person to your next meeting?

•  What if you don’t ask that person to help on your next project?

•  What if you don’t give that person a Lions membership application?

•  What will happen to your club and community if you don’t ask what needs to be done?

•  What if you just DON’T ASK?

Will your club or community be better if you FORGET TO ASK? Are you willing to take that chance of not asking?

District Governor Doug Schneider, District 11 C1

Spotlight On ... Muskegon Northside

Muskegon Northside is one of the most active clubs in District 11 C1 Region 1 Zone 1. And here’s why:

• Coordinating with Love Inc. for qualifying individuals in need of financial assistance to provide domicile entrance ramps. Muskegon Northside has a hard working group of Lions that call themselves the Muskegon Northside Lions Ramp Crew. Not a glitzy name, but they sure get the work done! This year this crew of Lions completed 5 (five) domicile ramps. In fact, these Lions are asked for by name to build ramps by some recipients. This DG has witnessed these Lions in action! I have never seen so much cooperation and so much sawdust fly! This DG has tried to help this crew when possible, BUT, “No matter how many times I cut the board it’s too short!” So to save material, this DG gets out of the way and cheers them on. Also, the crew went out of their way to build a domicile ramp for my son in law due to his severe stroke almost 2 years ago. After 2 years, I still well up!

• Approximately 5 years ago, as I was serving my second term as president, I was heading to our annual Christmas party and was saddened at what I noticed in a park affectionately called “the beautiful mile”, or Veterans Park. In prior years, this park was decorated from one end to the other for Christmas. During the meeting I told a story about when I moved to the area 20 years ago, how the park made holiday season special with the elaborate decorations. That year, there were no decorations. It just didn’t feel like Christmas to me! Many fellow Lions felt the same, and decided to pursue this project. The club took criticism on the decorations. The criticism was on the electrical power. This power was marginal at best. The club worked with what we had, and began to purchase LED lights to alleviate the power problem. Over time, the club received donations of additional LED lights, time, and money to correct the power. Volunteer support also came from retired IBEW Union members. Now, the community saw what Northside was doing for this park, and soon the help of foundations and government agencies were on board as well. Twenty years of overgrowth and debris were removed and replaced with new plantings, giving a much needed face lift to this beautiful park! Currently, with the help of the Muskegon Northside Lions Club, there is a pending grant for $1.75 MILLION which will be invested in pathway lighting and electrical upgrades, decorating the park for the holidays, funds for cleanup and other necessities to beautify Veterans Park once again.

Muskegon Northside Lions now have a visible community project which has netted us accolades from residents. It’s surprising how many residents see us working, stop, and talk to us, and roll up their sleeves to help. This project has garnered several new members, and the club feels that more will come to assist us in the park project.

Governor Doug Schneider, District 11 1

So, You Are Interested In Becoming A District Governor - District Governor David Boes, District 11C2

Have you been thinking of becoming a District Governor? Are you ambitious and ready to jump in after a few years (or 25, like me) as a Lion? There are two different routes to becoming a DG.

Begin with Club President, move onto Zone Chair, then become nominated by your club as 2nd Vice District Governor. OR, begin to work your way through the various officer positions, serving as District Cabinet Secretary, which will make you eligible for the nomination of 2nd VDG.

Begin by talking to Past District Governor’s, asking questions and getting to know them. They will become your support group and mentors. Participate in the MI Lions Leadership Institute, known as the best in the country. Not only will you learn more about Lions, but you will learn the skills necessary to guide the way to becoming a 2nd VDG. Training will be held at Higgins Lake November 7-9, 2014.

Additional training will take you to the Senior Lions Leadership Institute in Oak Brook, Illinois. This is mandatory training and the class fills up quickly for the March course offering. Informational, fun, and an excellent opportunity to meet with Lions from the US and Canada. This class is paid for by LCI.

More training will be held throughout the year in conjunction with the Council of Governor’s meetings under the leadership of the state Global Leadership Chairperson. You will be asked to attend District Cabinet meetings and go on club visitations to promote Lionism within the district and state.

Are you beginning to think you will be busy? You are right! Now you are prepared to step up as 1st VDG. This year will be similar to the previous year: more training, more club visitations, more confidence! As you become familiar with Lions within your district, you will make decisions on selecting your Cabinet. This will consist of Secretary, Treasurer, Region and Zone Chairs, as well as Committee Chairs.

After election at the District Convention, you are now the District Governor-Elect and will head to the LCI Convention, attend training, walk in the International Parade, participate in the Plenary Session. Congratulations, Governor!

Once home, your year kicks into high-gear as you plan for your first Cabinet meeting, 1st Council of Governor’s meeting, and so on. Just when you’re feeling busier than ever, three months have passed by. Where did the time go – it’s flying by!

Welcome to Governorship!

District Governor David Boes, District 11 C2

Congratulations PDG Peggy Farnsworth!

Leader Dogs for the Blind president and CEO Sue Daniels recognized PDG Peggy Farnsworth with the President’s Award at the annual BIG D event, held in October. The Award was created to honor a Lion from District 11 D1 or 11 D2, who exemplifies the spirit and passion of Lionism for Leader Dog, through their Advocacy, Volunteerism and Philanthropy. Past recipients include PDG Duane Farnsworth and PDG Tom Thompson.

In presenting the Award, Lion Sue referenced PDG Peggy’s 25 year career as a Lion. Peggy began volunteering for Leader Dog in 1985. Three years later, she became one of the first women to become a Lion in 11 D 2. Her passion for Service, especially for Leader Dog, grew. Where ever there was a LIONS event, you would see Peggy. Mint Sales, White Cane, and the Algonac Pickerel Festival, just to name a few.

In 2001 2002, Peggy broke the glass ceiling in 11 D 2 when she became the first woman to hold the position of District Governor. She currently serves on the All State Band Committee. Over the years, Peggy has remained steadfast in her support of Leader Dog, serving at countless Puppy Days, Conventions, and Governors Summer Visits, preparing and serving literally thousands of Chili & Donut lunches. She has been an ardent supporter and ambassador for Leader Dog for almost 30 years.

Lion Sue also thanked PDG Peggy for facilitating countless programs promoting Leader Dogs and her tireless efforts in raising literally thousands of dollars to support Leader Dogs.

2014 Peace Poster Contest Michigan Winner

Congratulations to Brianna Naughton, winner of the Lions of Michigan Peace Poster contest!

At the December Council of Governors meeting, winning District Peace Posters were voted on by the council. Brianna, from Troy, District 11 A2, was the overall winner for the state competition.

Brianna’s poster will now be sent to Lions International Headquarters to be judged among entries from around the world. At this level of the contest, 23 “merit winners” and 1 grand prize winner are chosen. The Merit Award Winners each receive $500 and the Grand Prize Winner receives $5,000. Judging is expected to be completed by Feb. 1, 2014.

International Convention 2014

This year’s International Convention 97 will be held in Toronto Canada. The dates of the convention are July 4 8, 2014, in Canada’s most cosmopolitan city. The Michigan Hotel is the Eaton Chelsea which is located just over a mile from the convention center. This year’s early registration runs until January 10, 2014. After this date, the registration fee will increase from $110.00 to $150.00.

This year, we will have a decision to be made on who will be the 2nd International Vice President. The candidates are PID Mike Butler from Texas and PID Bob Corlew from Tennessee. YOUR VOTE MATTERS! A Michigan Night activity will be decided at one of the forthcoming Council of Governor meetings. In addition, there will be a Mid West Breakfast hosted by the Lions of Ohio, but we have not received any information on this event at this time. Once received, it will be forwarded to all registrants of the convention.