Loddon Valley Ramblers Committee.

Prior to the Loddon Valley Ramblers Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 15th November 2017, this communication is to give notice that there will be four key vacancies on the committee.

1. Footpath & Countryside Officer.

Ray Sharp stood down from this position at the 2016 AGM and has yet to be replaced. The role involves co-ordinating with our parish footpath wardens to identify Rights of Way issues and liaising with the Countryside staff at Wokingham Borough Council to instigate repair work. Ray would be delighted if someone were to carry on the work he did for nine years. This position could be shared by two or more people.

2. Chairman.

Graham Smith undertook this role in 2014 stating that he would stay in the position for no more than three years. True to his word, Graham is standing down at the AGM. He has been a very inclusive chairman and has led the committee and the group as a whole very effectively.

David Moffett has agreed to stand for election at the AGM. However, as with all positions (filled or vacant) any member may stand for election.

3. Walks Organiser.

David Moffett is standing down from this position at the AGM. The role involves establishing walk date charts for each programme, receiving walk proposals from the walk leaders and transferring these to the walks programme and Ramblers Walk Finder. A development to automate these transfers is in hand which will make the role considerably less onerous. An ongoing function is to continually seek new walk leaders.

4. Social Secretary.

Judith Clark is standing down from this position at the AGM as she will soon be moving away from Berkshire. Recent regular events are the Quiz and Fish & Chip Supper, the Summer BBQ, the AGM and the Walk Leaders` Dinner. There has always been a team to support Judith with arranging these events.

To conclude:

The last ten years have seen a fairly stable and fully staffed committee who have put on an increasingly varied programme of walks and social events and the above people have contributed hugely to the success of Loddon Valley Ramblers.

This is an opportunity for others to step forward to be able to have a direct and meaningful influence on how the group is run. In addition, the committee usually includes two ex-officio members who should be prepared to undertake an officer position after a year or two.