Monthly Meeting, 10.30 Monday 20 May 2013, Chamber, Dunshaughlin Civic Offices

Cathaoirleach Cllr. Noel Leonard presided

Other Councillors present:

Cllrs. Brian Fitzgerald, Joe Bonner, Nick Killian, Maria Murphy, Niamh McGowan, Gerry O’Connor

Officials present:

Joe Fahy, Area Manager; Brendan McGrath, County Manager; Adrian Hobbs, Area Engineer; Shane Donnelly, Senior Executive Officer; Fergal O’Bric, Executive Planner; Margaret Carroll, Staff Officer; Paul Monahan, Area Administrator.

Paul Monahan advised the Councillors / Officials of their obligations under Part 15 of the Local Government Act 2001 as set out in the Ethical Framework circulated with the Agenda.

1.0  Confirmation of Minutes of the following meeting

1.1  April 2013 monthly meeting held Monday 15 April 2013.

On the proposal of Cllr. Killian seconded by Cllr. Murphy, the councillors confirmed the minutes of the April monthly meeting held Monday 15 April 2013.

2.0 Matters arising from the minutes

Nothing raised.

3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations

The councillors extended sympathy to

  • The family of the late Phil Synnott, former librarian Ashbourne Library

The councillors extended congratulations to

  • Inspiration Cycling Club on hosting the first stage of the Ras Ireland cycle race
  • Dunshaughlin Amateur Boxing Club on its recent success
  • Cllr. Bonner on the recent successful recycling event in Ashbourne

4.0 To consider matters in respect of Protocol Committee in relation to

4.1 Planning

On the proposal of Cllr. Killian seconded by Cllr. O’Connor, the councillors agreed to go into committee to discuss this item. Cllr. McGowan voiced her objection to this.

Cllr. Murphy

DA/130345 For

Cllr. O’Connor

DA/130210 For

DA/130227 For

Cllr. Leonard

DA/130215 For

5.0 To consider and recommend to the Full Council the Disposal of Land in Dunshaughlin Business Park in the Townland of Dunshaughlin by way of fee simple

Shane Donnelly circulated a report and map on this issue. He read the report and clarified any issues which the councillors raised. On the proposal of Cllr. Murphy seconded by Cllr. McGowan the councillors recommended the disposal to the Full Council.

6.0 To Receive a Report on and Recommend to the Full Council the Taking in Charge of Race Hill Lodge, Ashbourne

Margaret Carroll circulated a report and map on this issue. On the proposal of Cllr. Bonner seconded by Cllr. Killian the councillors recommended the taking in charge of Race Hill Lodge, Ashbourne to the Full Council.

7.0 To Receive a Report on Dunboyne Cemetery

Margaret Carroll circulated a report on this issue. The councillors received, noted a report on this issue, and raised the following queries:

  • Amount of land necessary for provision of burial ground
  • Available burial spaces in existing burial grounds in Dunboyne
  • Welcomed proposals regarding car parking and entrance to current burial ground
  • High water table in Dunboyne Area and affect from non drainage/clearing of ditches
  • Identification of land areas already assessed
  • Possible meeting with Environment to discuss this issue

Joe Fahy advised that a full report on all graveyards in the county was given at the April Full Council meeting. The Council intends to develop a policy, which will involve a public consultation process and the councillors will be kept fully briefed

8.0 To Receive a Report on and Recommend to the Full Council the Extinguishment of the Public Right of Way on the L-62143-0 at Ardrums Great, Agher

Margaret Carroll circulated a report and map on this issue. On the proposal of Cllr. Killian seconded by Cllr. Bonner the councillors recommended the extinguishment of the public right of way on the L-62143 -0, Agher, Rathmolyon, Co. Meath in the townlands of Ardrums Great and Agher to the Full Council.

9.0 Notice of Motion

9.1 Cllr. Murphy.

We call on Meath County Council to set up a project specifically for the replacement of damaged footpaths in our older housing estates. The funds for this project could be sourced from Council funds or by lobbying the Dept and/or the NTA.

The councillors discussed this matter and agreed that it should be pursued through the reintroduction of specific Private / Council Estate budgets as part of the Roadworks Programme. Accordingly, they deferred the matter until the next roadworks programme came up for discussion.

10.0  Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach

10.1 Report on Matters Raised at the April 2013 Meeting.

Margaret Carroll circulated this report to the meeting. The councillors noted the contents.

10.2 Kilmessan Footpath

Adrian Hobbs outlined to the meeting that there was a difficulty with a landowner in relation to the provision of this footpath outside his property. He hoped that the impasse could be resolved through the intercession of the Area councillors, who agreed with Cllr. Fitzgerald’s suggestion that a dropped kerb at this location might provide a solution to the matter

10.3 Grass cutting Dunboyne Park

Cllr. Leonard and Cllr. O’Connor requested that the grass cutting in Dunboyne Park and Dunshaughlin Par respectively be carried out weekly. The Area Engineer advised that having a weekly cutting regime depended on resources but he would see what could be done.

10.4 Litter Bins

A new local enterprise has expressed interest in supplying and servicing sample bins in one of the towns of the Area. There would be no cost to the Council. These bins would double as an advertising board and thus provide revenue for the supplier.

10.5 Provision of rumble strips at Curragha Crossroads

This was requested as a safety measure to slow traffic coming from the direction of Ratoath.

10.6 Recycling grass cuttings

The councillors discussed the difficulties involved in the disposal of grass cuttings by householders and residence associations. Peter Brady was commended on his co-operation with the community regarding voluntary recycling of grass at Batterstown. It was suggested that similar projects might be investigated with other communities.

10.7 Resignation of County Manager, Brendan McGrath.

The councillors congratulated Brendan McGrath on his appointment as Galway City Manager. They thanked him for his wonderful service to the county and wished him all the best in his new position. Joe Fahy, on behalf of the staff, echoed these sentiments. Brendan thanked the councillors and Joe for their gracious comments and wished all well in the future.

10.8  Transfer of Margaret Carroll

Brendan McGrath announced that Margaret Carroll would be moving to Corporate Services within the next few weeks. The Chairman on behalf of the councillors thanked Margaret for the professional and courteous manner in which she carried out her duties. The Area Manager echoed these sentiments and wished her well in her new role in Corporate Services.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 12.35

Minutes May 2013 Meeting 200513 Page 4 of 4

Meath County Council, Dunshaughlin Civic Offices, Drumree Road, Dunshaughlin, County Meath

Telephone: 018011100, Fax: 01 8258277, Email: , web: