P.O Box 390
Jerry Fox & Robert Snitzer, Co-Chairs
Eryn Boone, Mike Edgington, Sam Daniel
Ethan Berkowitz, Mayor

August 9, 2017

GBOS Work Session

Budget Meeting #3

Minutes Final

12:00 p.m. Girdwood Community Room

Call to Order 12:00 p.m. Robert Snitzer, Co-Chair
GBOS attending are: Robert Snitzer, Eryn Boone, Mike Edgington, Sam Daniel

Jerry Fox is excused.

Agenda Revisions and Approval
August 9 2017 budget work session #3 agenda approved


·  GBOS non-profit recreation grant applicants will present at the GBOS Non-Profit Grant Presentation meeting on MON AUG 28, 2017 at 7PM

·  GBOS/LUC Joint Quarterly meeting is scheduled for MON September 18 at 6PM in the Girdwood Community Room.

·  Final Budget approval August 21 at the Regular GBOS meeting 7PM Girdwood Community Room.

GBOS Budget Items
1. Parks and Recreation Budget
Flat Budget compared to past years achieved through shifting of funds from various projects and supplemental funds from grants. For example, the Skate Park work GBOS funding is supplemented by fundraising and Anchorage Park Foundation grant of $5,000. Tennis Court renovation worked similarly.

Main topic at Budget Meeting #2 was regarding creating a system for review and allocation of funds for Non-Profit grant distributions. Budget for the grants is $30,000. It was decided at meeting #2 that allocation to each specific non-profit will occur at the September GBOS Regular Meeting.

2. Public Works Budget

Flat budget. This budget proposes that $100,000 is placed in the Roads 406 account from funds that will be released from Fire Department construction contingency fund, which originally came from the Undesignated Fund.

GBOS Meeting Agendas and minutes are available on line:

3. Cemetery Budget

Flat funding of $20,000. This project has uncertain total cost, but putting money in to the account does not require that it is spent. All spending would need GBOS approval. Although intended for cemetery development, GBOS could re-allocate these funds to another area if needed.

GBOS members state hesitation on overall feasibility of this project; general consensus is that it is appropriate to study the project further, save for permitting, engineering and construction.

4. Public Safety Budget

Budget increases this year are based on GVSA fully funding entire year of police service, plus cost of office space @ $12,000; other expenses (towing, animal disposal, signs, PSA’s) @ $5,000; dispatch services @ $302. In 2017, a portion of policing cost was subsidized by overage from 2016 payments for services taxed for but not paid to WPD.

Cost of Living increase is required under contract, this is calculated with Consumer Price Index from 2nd half of 2016 and 2017. The calculation should be made in January, and is expected to be between $5-6,000.This adjustment can be made in the First Quarter revisions and paid by property taxes or can be paid from the Undesignated Fund.

5. Girdwood Fire Department Budget

GFD is seeking more information on debt service for old fire hall.

2018 Taxpayer paid budget is flat compared to actual 2017 budget, increase in funding will come from Undesignated Fund.

Shortfall from 2017, which is estimated at $25,000, can be paid either through Undesignated Fund or by moving funds from the Fire Dept 406 account. Either requires approval from the Assembly. Actual amount of 2017 budget shortfall will be known at the middle of the 4th Quarter. GBOS should discuss this at their regular meeting in October.

$62,000 will be added to Fire Dept 406 Capital Fund from taxes. $38,000 will be added to 406 account from Undesignated Fund, to equal total contribution to fund of $100,000.

6. HLB rent for Girdwood Industrial Park lots

HLB plans to rent lots in Industrial Park to Fire Dept and Girdwood road maintenance.

Fire Dept lot is approx. $2319/yr and Roads lot is $3220. This charge will be included in the departments’ IGCs and will bump up IGC’s in both those budgets.

These fees cover management of the lots in the Industrial Park. GVSA could avoid the rent fee if we take over management of the lots, however that involves uncertain amount of oversight, especially while construction is on-going.

Group then discussed Girdwood Towing, Brian Holliman’s company. Brian is trying to use space on the GFD lot for towed vehicle storage.

Although it’s a good partnership with GFD, it does have some challenges:

In order to operate there in the near-term, Girdwood towing may seek fast track of approval: A quicker designation of approval for use of the space for this purpose. Requires payment of fees to process the conditional use permit.

IN addition, Girdwood Towing still needs to go through the process for regular Conditional Use Permit: This takes time and would be the long term solution for permitting of space for this purpose. In combination with the Fast Track approach, there is basically a duplication of fees for two separate permits.
Group discusses that fill from the Airport hangar project has been substantial and some may be used to begin to fill lots in Phase II of the Industrial Park.

In concluding budget conversation, current proposed budgets result in an estimated mill rate increase of .43. Majority of this increase results from full funding policing through property taxes.


Mike Edgington requests a report of the 406 account balances for Parks and Rec, Community Center, Roads and Fire Dept.

Chief Banning updates the group that he will be out of town moving his family to Alaska for a couple of weeks. Deputy Chief Manch Garhart will attend the GBOS meeting August 21, as will Christina Dixon. The request for funds to purchase furniture from the Fire Dept’s 406 fund will be withdrawn as the Fire Department has received MOA surplus furniture that will meet their needs for now.

Adjourn 12:44PM