Optional Physical Assessment Form
NRP/516 Version 2 / 1

University of Phoenix Material

Optional Physical Assessment Form

Name ______(Initials only if used for a class)

General Appearance______

Age ___ Sex ____ Race______Weight ______Height ______BMI ______


Color ______Lesions ______

Temperature ______Texture ______Moisture ______Turgor, recoil ______

Color ______Distribution ______Hygiene______


Color ______Shape ______Adherence to bed ______Texture ______Strength ______

Color return after blanching ______seconds

Absence of clubbing: nail matrix firm______DPD<DIPD ______Angle______

(Distal phalangeal depth less than distal interphalangeal depth)


Indicate if any of the lymph nodes are palpable. If palpable, give a full description: size. Consistency, symmetry, mobility. tenderness, erythema. If not palpable mark 0, if palpable mark +

Lymph nodes

Preauricular______Postauricular______Tonsilar______Occipital ______submaxillary ______

Submental ______Anterior cervical ______Posterior cervical______Supraclavicular______

Infraclavicular ______Axillary ______inguinal______

Palpation of salivary glands

Parotids ______Submaxillary ______


Symmetrical______Position ______Scalp lesions______
Involuntary movements______

Light touch (CN V) ______TMJ for crepitus ______
Masseter muscle strength (CN )______

Symmetrical facial expressions (CN VII) ______


Range of motion: Flexion ______Extension ______Rotation ______Lateral bending ______

Jugular venous distension with chest at 35-45 degrees elevation ______

Thyroid size ______Texture______Tenderness ______Nodules______

Strength sternocleidomastoid muscle CN XI______Strength trapezius CN XI______

Carotid pulses ______bruit______Tracheal position______

External configuration______Patent nares: right _____left _____ able to identify odors CN I______

Color of mucosa ______Septum ______Turbinates visualized ______Discharge______

Frontal Sinuses: palpation ______Transillumination ______

Maxillary Sinuses: palpation ______Transillumination ______

Lips: color______symmetrical ______edema ______lesions ______
Gums: color ______lesions ______adherence to teeth ______inflammation______

Teeth: color ______caries ______missing teeth ______malocclusion ______broken teeth______

Buccal mucosa: color ______lesions or ulcerations ______

Salivary gland orifices visualized: Stensen ducts ______Wharton ducts under tongue______

Tongue: size______distribution of papillae ______lesions ______coating ______

CN XII Strength______ROM ______difficulty with taste CN VII & IX______

Other structures

Hard palate______soft palate ______uvula midline, rises with phonation ______tonsils ______

Posterior pharyngeal wall______

External ear: size _____ placement in line with the lateral canthus of the eye ______angle of attachment______

lesions ______tenderness on palpation of tragus, external ear, mastoid process ______

Otoscopic examination:

External canal: color ______cerumen ______scaling ______exostoses ______

Tympanic membrane: color _____injection – if present describe location and amount______

Describe visible landmarks: ______


Eyebrows ______eyelids ______eyelashes ______

Lacrimal apparatus ______conjunctiva______

Sclera ______iris ______limbal margin ______cornea______

Pupils: reaction to light: direct ______consensual ______accommodation______

EOM CN III, IV, VI ______nystagmus ______lid lag ______

Tests for strabismus: tropia ______phoria______

Visual acuity: right______left ______both ______with correction ______+ or –

Peripheral vision CN II temporal: right ______left______Color vision ______

Ophthalmoscopic examination: red light reflex______Color of retina ______

Disc: color ______shape ______margins______C:D ratio______

blood vessels______Artery/vein crossing ______

general background______macula ______


Inspection: Chest symmetrical ______chest wall deformities ______spinal deformities______

Anterior-posterior: transverse diameter ______respiratory rate ______rhythm______

Palpation: tenderness ______respiratory excursion ______tactile fremitus tracheal position______

Percussion notes: ______diaphragmatic excursion______

Auscultation: Breath sounds ______adventitious sounds ______

Voice sounds if suspect consolidation: bronchophony, egophony, whispered pectoriloquy ______


Inspection: apical pulsation______Jugular venous distension with chest at 35-45 degree angle ______

Palpation: location of apical impulse ______thrills ______carotid arteries______

Auscultation: B/P sitting R ______L ______lying R ______L ______standing R ______L ______

Heart rate______rhythm ______extra beats ______compare SI with S2 apex ______base ______

Describe extra heart sounds if present: S3______S4______clicks______snaps______

Evaluation of heart murmurs: location ______radiation ______grade ______/VI

Systolic or diastolic ______
Palpate peripheral pulses for amplitude and symmetry: carotid______brachial ______radial ______

femoral______popliteal ______,dorsalis pedis ______, posterior tibial ______

Edema: lower extremities ______other locations ______Veins______



Breast: size and symmetry ______contour ______lesions ______retraction / dimpling ______

Nipple: retraction ______discharge ______lesions______

Palpation: breast: consistency ______tenderness______nodules ______


Inspection: lesions______scars ______contour ______distention ______aortic pulsations _____

venous pattern ______hair distribution______hernia (raise head & shoulders) ______

Abdominal: superficial reflexes ______

Auscultation: bowel sounds ______Vascular sounds bruit or venous hums______
Percussion: all quadrants______estimate liver size @ mid-clavicular line ______cm.

Spleen: small area of dullness _____ blunt percussion: liver tenderness _____ kidneys CVA tenderness _____

Palpation: light______deep______tenderness______rebound______spleen ______liver______

Kidneys ______Other masses or organomegaly ______diastasis recti ______inguinal nodes __


Alignment, contour, and symmetry of bone structure______

Muscle characteristics: symmetry ______atrophy ______

ROM and joint function:

neck______shoulder ______elbow ______wrist and hand ______
hip______knee______ankle and foot ______

Muscle strength: Compare right and left against resistance

Upper extremities:

Triceps ______biceps ______

arms: abduction ______adduction ______

wrists ______fingers ______

Lower extremities

Hamstrings ______quadriceps ______

leg: abduction ______adduction ______

plantar flexion ______dorsiflexion ______


Mental status: from your observation while taking the history and performing the physical assessment, make a brief statement about each of the following mental status categories:

Appearance and behavior ______

Emotional stability ______

Cognitive abilities ______

Speech and language ______
Cerebellar function ______

Balance: Romberg _____ gait ______tandem walk ______knee bends ______

Coordinated and skilled movements ______

Finger to nose ______finger to nose to finger ______

Rapid alternating movement______heel down shin ______
Sensory perception ______

Primary sensation: tactile discrimination (light touch) ______

Pain, temperature: warm and cold (only if light touch abnormal) ______

Pallesthesia: vibratory sensation______Position sense: proprioception ______

Discriminative sensation: Stereognosis ______graphesthesia ______

Two point discrimination (state where tested) ______distance when 2 points were perceived _____

Superficial reflexes: plantar right ______left ______
Deep tendon reflexes:

Biceps ______


Brachioradialis ______


Achilles ______

Inspection: pubic hair distribution ______lesions ______

Separate labia: clitoris ______labia majora ______labia minora ______urethra ______

Introitus ______perineum ______

Palpation external genitalia

Urethra and Skene’s glands ______Bartholin glands ______pelvic musculature ______

Cystocele ______rectocele ______

Internal examination inspection

Vagina: color ______rugation ______lesions ______discharge ______

Cervix: color ______lesions ______shape of os ______

Surface ectropion, eversion ______Nabothian cysts ______discharge ______

Internal examination palpation

Cervix: consistency ______contour ______mobility ______

Uterus: position ______shape ______size ______

Rectovaginal: adnexa ______rectovaginal septum ______

Rectal masses ______anal sphincter tone ______stool hemoccult ______


Inspection: pubic hair distribution ______lesions ______

Inspection and palpation external genitalia: urethral orifice _____ penile shaft ______scrotum _____

Palpation of testicles: consistency _____ nodules ______epididymis _____ vas deferens ______

Palpation for hernia: inguinal ______femoral ______

Inspection and palpation of the anus

Pilonidal cyst ____ perianal lesions ______anal sphincter tone _____ bidigital palpable masses ____

Palpation of the rectum: masses ______

Prostate: size ______contour ______median sulcus ______mobility ______

tenderness ______stool hemoccult ______