Waterford Youth Services Bureau
Advisory Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 16th, 2016
Call to Order:
Chairperson Jody Nazarchyk called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and a quorum was established.
Dani Gorman (YSB Director), Jody Nazarchyk (Chairperson), Ron Fedor, Steve Whitehead, Dottie Concascia, Sheila Cash, Kerry Sullivan, Gene Ryan, Quinn Ryan, Emma Brown, Ellen Bellos (Vice-Chairperson), Lisa Sachatello, Ryan McNamara & Chris Gigliotti
Dan Steward, Kathy Peterson, Brett Mahoney, Justin Barzcak, & Michael Buscetto
Public Input:
J. Nazarchyk welcomed K. Sullivan of Recreation and Parks.
Motion #1
E. Bellos made the motion to approve the minutes from October 26th, 2016. S. Cash seconded the motion.
D. Gorman reported Waterford Police Union and President Steve Whitehead presented a donation of $500.00 to go towards turkeys and hams for the holiday program.
Program Report:
C. Gigliotti reported on Stuff the Bus which occurred on November 9th. Gigliotti reported a great turn out in canned goods and non-perishable items which go to families in need this holiday season. Gigliotti also reported the annual holiday bus trip to New York City was on November 12th and was a great time. Gigliotti finally reported there are 80 families signed up for assistance through the holiday program with about half of those being families with children.
Student Report:
Q. Ryan reported a mock election was held this past week and sophomores were having a dodge ball tournament as a fundraiser. Q. Ryan also reported the Lancers football team is playing New London on Friday and on Saturday will be the 5k Turkey Trot. E. Brown also reported the cabaret has an upcoming drama musical and a dress down donation of $400.00 from high school staff was made to Youth Services.
Director's Report:
D. Gorman reported on the new police/youth drug education program entitled Youth Promise which will be launched in 2017 to 5th grade students pending Board of Education approval. Gorman also reported her annual report was done and shared it with the board. Gorman finally reported she will be working on the department budget next.
Financial Report:
WADE Report
D. Gorman reported she is anticipating a grant of $4,000.00 from the Local Prevention Council and in March of 2017 Waterford will host Dancing with the Stars: East Lyme vs. Waterford. Gorman reported partners and teams from both East Lyme and Waterford are all paired.
Old Business
New Business
S. Whitehead reported the Police Department will be looking to host Heroes & Helpers again this year. Police and Waterford youth who are in need come together and shop at Target with a $100.00 budget. Whitehead also reported Waterford Police collected and donated $18,000 to a charity for a Montville girl diagnosed with cancer. J. Nazarchyk reported to the board a possible merger of Youth Services and Senior Services. Nazarchyk shared a job description of the new position which would oversee both departments which would become Human Services. An open discussion was held and Nazarchyk decided to write a letter on behalf of the board stating the board’s opposition.
Motion #2
S. Whitehead made the motion to adjourn the meeting. R. McNamara seconded the motion. Vote unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 6:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Gigliotti
Note: These minutes are scheduled for approval at the next Youth Service Bureau Advisory Committee Meeting.