Initial Steps for Developing a North Dakota

Practice-Based Research Network

Meeting Notes

April 15, 2014

9:00 – 10:30 AM CST

Project Website:

Project Goal: Develop a North Dakota Practice-based Research Network.

Group Chair- Mary Wright

  1. Introductions: Ashley DeMakis, Kyle Martin, Shila Thompson, Mary Wright, Kelly Buettner-Schmidt, Norma Kiser-Larson, Patricia Moulton
  1. Review March meeting notes.

March Meeting Notes

The group did not have any changes to the notes.

  1. Status on Follow-up on QI/EBP and Nursing Research Document-Some feedback received on document and changes have been made. Final version posted online.

Final QI, EMP and Nursing Research Definitions Document

  • Darla Adams- UND. Thank you for sending out this document. It is incredibly helpful. Is this something we can disseminate now, or should we wait until people respond to you about the document. I did have one comment or suggestion regarding the document. Under the column “Evidence-Based Practice” and the row “Impact on Practice”, it seems to me that the statements within that cell should reflect ” improvement in practice”…not just a “change in practice”. I believe the EBP movement is aimed at improving care processes and patient outcomes, therefore, I think the statement(s) in that particular box, should reflect that goal. Perhaps it could say, “Seeks to positively impact practice” or “to improve practice” rather than to “change practice”. Just my two cents worth. Thank you again for providing this document and all of the hard work you and the committee members are putting forth! It is greatly appreciated.
  • Julie Traynor: Dakota Nurse Program I have had input to this document before but this just popped out as I was looking at it again. Instead of the title: Comparison of Evidence-based Practice, Quality Improvement and Nursing Research I think we should have the title match the way the columns are set up and be titled: Comparison of Quality Improvement, Evidence-based Practice and Nursing Research

Patricia indicated that she would fix the spelling of Shirey’s name in the reference section. The suggestion was made that evidence based practice also includes looking at the patient’s values- we might learn more about this depending on what our speaker talks about.

  1. Feedback from Research and Development Home Group on Funding Proposal and Workplan for 2014-2015

Group Feedback: The conference would be attractive to nursing students. We have so many different levels of nursing researchers in the state, Could have roundtables and have a list of questions related to research and see if they have anything to add. Maybe have small groups reflect on key pieces from the keynote speaker etc.

Those that are experienced in research, do some of the steps unconsciously- really should emphasize the newbies at this first conference.

Would be kind of nice to have a statewide project to work on- that people could work on something that they could step right into at their own comfort level. There are so many steps to a project. Maybe one way of doing that- those that are interested in learning a particular part of it they could volunteer to do a lit review or help with a component.

We could get people involved in a simulation during the conference- here is how to do a lit review etc. during the conference, actually go through the steps with computers there to go through it.

2014-2015 Practice Based Research Network Funding Proposal

The group discussed the idea of starting a statewide research project at the conference and thought that this would be too big to take on at this time. They thought it might be a nice goal for the future. The group thought that we should make sure we have some time for networking so that nurses could connect with others that have similar research interests.

  1. Status on sending letters to all Sigma Theta Tau chapters inviting them to join the planning committee. Two responses back. Fargo chapter has added Shila Thompson and Minot Chapter has added a member, Ashley DeMakis
  1. Initial planning for conference including determining dates, location, title, draft agenda, keynote speakers and overall framework.
  • Date: October 23-24, 2014
  • Location: Bismarck Public Schools Career Academy
  • Title: See draft agenda for a draft title
  • Finalize draft agenda and overall framework

Draft Research Conference Agenda

The group made several changes in the draft title and objectives for the conference. The group thought that if we are going to have sponsors that they have to be in a separate room- not in the location where the speakers are at. So will need to have to think about potential space for them. The fundraising group will be helping with finding sponsors as part of their fundraising strategy. Patricia indicated that she has some ideas on sponsors for the conference.

  1. Kyle will design save the date materials and send to group for review during April. We will then disseminate widely via enewsletter, facebook/twitter, email to leadership team and email to NDONE, Sigma Theta Tau chapters and CUNEA. Any other places?

Kyle will use the draft title the group decided on, the date and location of the conference in the design of an electronic postcard. The group thought that it should have a couple of different pictures on it- maybe a research picture, a nurse with a patient and maybe reflect North Dakota in the background. The save the date would have the hosted by line on it and the ND Center for Nursing logo on it.

In addition to the dissemination list above, the group thought we should also send it in an email to all of the nursing education program administrators and ask them to email it out to all faculty, graduate and undergraduate students.

  1. Start work on program for conference, invite keynote and other speakers-
  • Patricia will work on inviting Keynote. Possible speakers that we need to prioritize:

Possible Keynote Speakers

The group thought that all of the candidates look good and didn’t have a strong opinion about order, but after discussion were able to rank order them so that Patricia can start at the top of the list and work her way down.

  1. Maria Shirey
  2. Bernadette Melnyk
  3. Nancy Albert
  4. Ann Mayo
  • How about other speakers that would be invited? Would not be paid- but would get free conference registration?

The group thought we should discuss more next time and to ask members to bring names of people to the next meeting. Some initial thoughts are below:

Plenary Session Quality Improvement: ND CAH Quality Improvement Network-

Patricia will bring information back to the next meeting. An individual facility might have a great QI team project too.

Plenary Session Evidence Based Practice:Patricia will email NDONE to get some suggestions

Plenary Session Nursing Research:Maybe Glenda at UND will have some examples, Kelly from this group has done some great community based research- might be nice to have a mixture of types

Steps for Getting Started: Panel Discussion:Group could discuss some ideas

IRB Panel: Sanford or other health care facility IRB, nursing IRB member such as Norma), an IRB staff person

  1. Setting up meetings in the Summer. Should we meet in June (will need to work on call for abstracts, finalize agenda) and then August (launching registration platform, sponsorships, catering and other logistics)? Meeting doodle for these? One hour, 1 ½ hours?

Patricia will send out a meeting doodle for the first week in June for one hour meeting- we will talk more about plenary and panelists, work on a call for abstracts, hear about how our keynote speaker search is going and continue finalizing agenda

Current Activity Plan

Strategies / Activities / Month
Responsible Person(s) / Activity Completion Status
Hold statewide nursing research conference/summit to provide an opportunity to share information about QI, EBP and Nursing Research, disseminate ND nursing research and start development of research network. / Send letters to all Sigma Theta Tau chapters inviting them to join the planning committee. / March
Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Initial planning for conference including determining dates, location, title, draft agenda, keynote speakers and overall framework. / March-May
Workgroup / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Design save the date materials. Disseminate widely. / April
Kyle / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Work on program for conference, invite keynote and other speakers. / May
Workgroup, Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop and disseminate call for abstracts. Determine final oral and poster presenters. / June- August
Workgroup Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Complete form for CEU approval from NDBON. / July-August
Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Develop and launch registration platform and promote conference. / July-October
Kyle / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Work with Fundraising group on sponsorships. / August-September
Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Determine catering and other final logistics for conference. Develop presentation materials. / August-September
Workgroup, Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Hold conference. / October
Workgroup, Patricia, Kyle / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Evaluate conference. Determine if we should hold another conference next year or other format (online webinars). / October- November
Workgroup, Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Continue development of research network. / Develop activity/session for conference to provide opportunities for networking and for gathering of ideas about components of research network including possible newsletter features, web portal, resource documents, webinars, poster templates, mentoring program. / May-August
Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Gather feedback about possible components during conference. / October
Workgroup, Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Examine feedback and develop plan for implementation of network components. Pilot one component. / November-March
Patricia / 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Implement Research Network components. Hold Annual Research event.