Goal 9
Objective Sheet
Objective 9.01 Elaborate on the cycle of economic boom and bust in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
Major Concepts:
Impact of Presidential Policies
Rise/Decline of Major Industry
Factors leading to the Stock Market Crash and Great Depression
- ______Secretary of the Interior under Warren G. Harding, caught in the Teapot Dome Scandal
- ______Government Hands Off, Government does not mess with the economy or business
- ______One of the highest Tariffs in American History, contributed to the Great Depression, caused Europe not to purchase American surplus goods, purpose was to encourage Americans to buy American made products
- ______Replacing people with machinery in factories
- ______Herbert Hoover’s approach to the Great Depression, volunteer cooperation, patience that the business cycle would turn around
- ______Buying high risk stocks in order to gain quick profits
- ______Direct cash payment from the government to the people
- ______Warren G. Harding, election campaign slogan, return to a more normal time after WWI
- ______Albert Fall, Scandal over oil found on government property
- ______Borrowing money to buy stock
- ______October 29th, 1929; Stock Market Falls signaling the beginning of the Great Depression
- Describe how speculation and buying on the margin eventually bring the stock market crashing down.
- Why were business and political leaders hesitant about the government providing direct relief to the people of the US?
Objective 9.02 Analyze the extent of prosperity for different segments of society during this period.
Major Concepts:
Consumer spending habits
Difficulties of farmers
- ______Buying something now and paying for it in monthly payments
- ______Place where poor could find something to eat
- ______Name given to shanty towns as a sign of disgust with President Hoover’s actions during the Great Depression
- ______The production of more items that you can sell
- Why was the difficulties that farmers were having a warning of future economic crisis?
Objective 9.03 Analyze the significance of social, intellectual and technological changes of lifestyle in the United States.
Major Concepts:
Impact of mass media
Public response to the Great Depression
Harlem Renaissance
Leisure Time
- ______Famous for flying “The Spirit of St. Louis” across the Atlantic Ocean, 1st transatlantic flight
- ______Propaganda that tries to convince consumers to buy your product
- ______Moving pictures of the 1920’s
- ______Americannovelist and playwright. In 1930 he became the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature
- ______By 1940 90% of American homes owned at least one of these, Americans listened to music, ball games, soap operas, and dramas
- ______African American musician, mixed blues with jazz, brought blues and jazz to Harlem from New Orleans
- ______African American writer of the Harlem Renaissance, wrote about life in the cities
- ______1st feature length talkie, Al Jolson, about a Minstrel Singer
- ______Term used by Earnest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald to describe society of the 20’s
- ______Critic of 1920’s materialism, wrote The Great Gatsby
- ______Nickname for people that smuggled illegal alcohol
- ______Modern music of the 1920’s, part of the Harlem Renaissance, sometimes mixed with blues or “Big Band” sound
- ______Critic of the Glorification of War, wrote about experiences in WWI
- ______Underground bars during the 20’s
- ______Change American dating and courtship patterns, Developed for public use by Henry Ford
- ______FDR’s radio talks to try and comfort the people of the US during the Great Depression
- Describe the Harlem Renaissance including at least two people that contributed.
- How did the automobile change the American culture?
Objective 9.04 Describe challenges to traditional practices in religion, race and gender.
Major Concepts:
“Back to Africa”
Fundamentalist vs. Freethinking
Religion in Politics
Changing role of women
- ______Substitute teacher in Tennessee broke the law concerning the teaching of evolution in public schools
- ______Famous male evangelist of the 20’s, former professional baseball player
- ______African American against lynching, helped found the NAACP, member of the Niagara Movement, said African Americans should seek academic education and immediate civil rights
- ______Famous Baseball Player/Sultan of Swat/Homerun King
- ______Female Harlem Renaissance writer, wrote about experiences of the poor in the south
- ______Led the United Negro Improvement Association, Back to Africa movement/United Negro Improvement Association, The motto of the organization is 'One God! One Aim! One Destiny!' Therefore, let justice be done to all mankind
- ______Take the Bible literally
- ______Female evangelist of the 1920’s
- ______Became famous for wanting to educate women about birth control
- Describe how traditional attitudes were challenged during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
- Scopes Trial
- Margaret Sanger
Objective9.05 Assess the impact of the New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in American life.
Major Concepts:
Response to the New Deal
Relief, Recovery, Reform
Expansion of the role of federal government
- ______Established jobs during the New Deal and kept up with employment statistics
- ______Set up employment for jobs during the Depression concerning public water and electricity projects
- ______Established make-work projects such as road building in the TennesseeValley
- ______Along with Huey Long was a critic of the New Deal, said that the New Deal did not go far enough to help the poor
- ______Regulates the buying and selling of stock on the Stock Market along with unfair business and trading practices
- ______The government spends more money than it takes in tax revenue
- ______Insurance payments for elderly, 65 and older, unemployed, and dependent children of handicapped and single parent families
- ______Established conservation measures along with jobs planting trees and improving public parks
- ______Insures deposits in banks
- ______1st Female cabinet member
- ______Established a unions right to strike, set up a system of government mediation between labor and management
- ______Industrial Program within the New Deal, ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
- ______Established to help farmers by paying them to destroy crops, ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme court
- ______Set working hours and minimum conditions for labor, especially, 16-18 year olds
- What New Deal legislation is still around today?
- What did critics find wrong with the New Deal
- Charles Coughlin
- Huey P. Long
- Conservatives