DTAS Study Guide


•  Enable deployed commanders at all echelons to account for personnel by name, by unit, by location, by day

The mission of the Army's DTAS is to provide personnel accountability of military personnel and

civilians, and report other strength-related information such as duty status, unit of assignment and

location. This system provides readiness managers at all levels the data necessary to analyze

personnel strength as a component of personnel combat power.

The objectives of the DTAS include the ability to:

(1) Provide a standard accountability tool and standard procedures.

(2) Improve accountability with focus on Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)/Operation Enduring

Freedom (OEF).

(3) Provide a corporate database for Department of the Army (DA)/Department of Defense

(DOD) inquiry.

The functional tenets of DTAS are:

(1) Produce manifests that provide in-transit theater visibility.

(2) Give daily accountability to units.

(3) Synchronize information from bottom to top.

(4) Track personnel deployment history.

(5) Provide disconnected operations capability.

DTAS System Levels

e. There are three distinct levels of DTAS.

(1) The Mobile System provides the company level with a micro-database, reporting capabilities, and personnel accounting tools. DTAS Mobile provides simple front end user tool for the Battalion and Brigade S-1 that can be used during disconnected operations.

The mobile database contains information on the Soldier’s current location and duty status as well as a mini-record, and allows the user to update location and duty status, while providing several predefined, roster-based reports. The mobile system is deployed on laptop or desktop computer and communicates using web services because these systems may only occasionally be connected to the network. While a mobile system is disconnected, any DTAS work performed is stored in a message in its micro-database. When the mobile system is connected, the stored messages are sent to the theater database via web services.

(2) The Theater Database consists of the theater manager application and a core database. The theater manager application allows theater-level users to manage mobile systems and UIC structure, and provides reporting capabilities, such as the Joint Personnel Status (JPERSTAT) report and support for adhoc queries. The theater database is a subset of the enterprise database. The theater database communicates with both the enterprise and mobile systems. Message queuing is used for communications between the theater and enterprise databases. The theater database uses web services to support data communications with occasionally connected DTAS mobile systems.

(3) The Enterprise Database houses the central database, which contains Soldier data obtained from Electronic Military Personnel Office (eMILPO) as well as information on current Soldier location and duty status as entered into mobile systems and passed to the enterprise database system. The enterprise database also interfaces—through a secure High Assurance Guard (HAG) or trusted gateway—with eMILPO and receives data from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) and the Marine Corps Operations Data Store Enterprise (ODSE). In addition, the enterprise database includes an integration broker that manages the messaging among DTAS component systems. The enterprise database also houses a data warehouse that contains historical data for each deployed Soldier, such as a transaction history of those attributes for which DTAS is the authoritative source. Adhoc reporting is configured to run against the DTAS Enterprise data warehouse.

Capabilities vs. Limitations

Near real-time data / Requires user discipline and network availability
Disconnected Ops / Only near real-time data
Secure/SIPR vs NIPR / Access to SIPRNET
Data transfer to NIPRNET systems
Customizable reports / COGNOS not intuitive
Requires high bandwidth/low latency
Multi-service solution / Requires commander support to ensure compliance

If firewalls block DTAS traffic then data is delayed.

Manual air gap to other HR systems until HAG is in place.

COGNOS can require high bandwidth and requires responsiveness from the server or it times out. If it data takes a long time to go back and forth then the session will timeout and the user starts from scratch.

Architecture Overview

j. The system interfaces—through a secure cross domain solution (CDS)/trusted gateway—with eMILPO and receives data from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) and Operational Data Store Enterprise (ODSE). In addition, the Enterprise system includes an integration broker that manages the messaging among DTAS component systems. The Enterprise system also houses a data warehouse that contains historical data for each deployed soldier, such as a transaction history of those attributes for which DTAS is the authoritative source.

Mobile User Info

The data elements on the chart are the most current requirement; data fields vary depending on type of deployer (MOS will be a different value for a Marine than Army; civilian, etc). DTAS Enterprise will primarily be a corporate level datastore that holds records/histories on the deployed force that is queriable. Reporting requirements are still being gathered, but recurring data requests provided over the past year at DA or DoD level include Home of Record (support congressional visits to appropriate basecamps based on volume of constituents); Deployed by MACOMs; Under 18 Report.

DTAS System Requirements

minimum system requirements to support DTAS are:

(1) Operating System: Windows 2000/XP.

(2) Processor: Pentium III 166Mhz or higher processor.

(3) Memory: 128MB RAM.

(4) Hard Disk Space: 200Mb free on hard drive.

(5) CD-ROM Drive.

(6) Video: Supports 1024x768 resolution and 256-bit color depth.

The network requirement for using DTAS is the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET).

UIC Hierarchy

The Unit Hierarchy provides a visual indication of which units are assigned to this Mobile system, which are attached to this Mobile system, and which are assigned to this Mobile but attached elsewhere. Units within the unit hierarchy are displayed in a tree format. A plus sign to the left of a unit’s name indicates that it has at least one subordinate unit. A unit subordinate to another unit may have its own subordinate units.

DTAS Mobile System Setup

a. S-1 obtains TRN Files from the manifest site at CRC or at the APO/SPOS, or the S-1 can down load eMILPO files prior to deploying.

b. Manifest a Soldier, Joint Service Member, DoD Civilian, Contractor or Foreign Nationals.

c. Mobile System users must coordinate the following with the Theater Manager:

(1) UIC placed in hierarchy on the Theater System.

(2) Wartime requirements documentation loaded to theater.

(3) Obtain Theater System IP Address and Mobile System Activation Key.

d. Mobile System Users should insure that the following occurs:

(1) S-1 Personnel plug into SIPERNET.

(2) Initialize DTAS system.

(3) Add personnel to DTAS via Add Personnel Function, or Mass Add using TPS(TRN) eMILPO (XML), or Excel (CSV) load file.

Mobile System Initialization

e. Contact the Theater Manager and enter the required data in the pop-up System Activation window and click “Activate”.

Adding Personnel

There are four ways to add personnel into your DTAS Mobile System. The Mass Assign Wizard function allows you to load data to your DTAS database using an

eMILPO XML load file,

TPS TRN file,

excel CSV file.

Or add an individual person

The XML and TRN files are created in eMILPO or TPS, respectively, and are saved to a floppy disk or other removable/transportable media

TPS to a TRN File

g. Multiple TPS stations may be used for the same flight when processing arrival groups and adding personnel to a manifest. However, if personnel are grouped and processed according to the potential gaining unit and reason for arrival, the TPS user has fewer individual updates to change and processing will be faster. The TPS user must ensure the following data is entered accurately for all arrivals:

(1) Deployed UIC.

(2) Duty Status.

Mass Add Wizard

The mass add wizard allows users to add personnel from other systems via a floppy disk or other removable and transportable media scanned at the APOD. For example personnel can be added from a TPS Transfer File (TRN) or a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. The Mass Add Wizard would be conducted at the APOD, upon arrival to the unit's deployment into theater.

The mass add wizard allows users to view the complete name listing with all the updates to ensure that all the information is correct.

Deactivate System

Deactivation resets DTAS and removes the existing database. Mobile system users should coordinate deactivation with the Theater Manager. Users must not deactivate until approval and permission is received from the Theater Manager.

View Synchronization

This function allows users to view system generated messages awaiting upload to the Theater system and a synchronization log with two tabs of Message Queue and Synchronization Log. The S-1 would view this to see what has been input into the system, to know what was received by the theater database, and what is still on hold. Especially when the SIPRNET is down, or the system is disconnected.

Email Theater Manager

The Email Theater manager allows you to email the Theater Manager if you have issues the your system. When you select the option, DTAS launches a blank email using your default email application. For any problems or questions utilize the help menu to contact the theater manager. Some common examples of when users may need help are when DTAS is not synchronizing properly, to add a 6-digit grid coordination location to DTAS tables, and when DTAS is not working properly.

§  DTAS not synchronizing

§  Adding a location to DTAS tables (providing updated 6 digit grid coordinates from G-3)

§  DTAS not working properly

Add Personnel to DTAS

Users should use the Add Personnel function to add personnel within 12 hours of arrival. Add Personnel allows users to add various types of personnel (Soldier, Civilian, Contractor, Marine, etc.) as they are assigned to a DUIC.

The Add Personnel function is performed at the lowest level of SIPRNET connectivity.

(1) In the event an incorrect mini-record is pulled down due to incorrect SSN entry, the record can not be deleted. Instead, submit a duty status update changing the Soldier’s duty status to ‘Redeployed - Erroneously Added’. The record will ‘age off’ the mobile system 24 hours later. Then add the correct SSN.

(2) There is no departure transaction in DTAS. If a person is reassigned from a unit to another unit in theater, the gaining unit will submit an ‘Add Personnel’ transaction which will remove the associated mini-record from the losing unit’s mobile system.

Once updates are made, click on the finish tab. The social security number cannot be the same during entry, the system will not allow it as a safety feature to avoid double counting.

Mini Records

View Mini-Record provides an abbreviated personnel record for the selected individual.

The Mini-Record is divided into three tabs: Basic, Service, and Personal Mini-Records Status codes are shown on the main page of the People Tab. There are three Mini-Record status codes. The Status Codes are:

(1) P - Pending. This is the initial status of the Mini-Record after a person is added to the Mobile System and before the Mini-Record is pulled from the Enterprise system.

(2) U – Unverified. The record was not found or not successfully pulled from the Enterprise level. There may be a mismatched SSN or the Mobile System may be offline. See Update Personnel for instructions on correcting erroneously added SSNs.

(3) D – Downloaded. The record was found and has been pulled successfully from Enterprise level.

Foreign National civilian / military personnel will remain as Record Status Code P as their record is never sent to Enterprise for verification. This action is performed at the lowest level of SIPRNET connectivity

Users view the mini records status under the synchronization tab. The Update Personnel function allows users to change information within DTAS on personnel with a mini record of “P” or “U”. Personnel with mini records “D” cannot be updated due to their information being downloaded. This function allows users to update the person’s DoD component, gender, the spelling of his or her name, etc.

When viewing the Update Personnel tab, the user can only update the areas in white.

Update Duty Status function allows users to update person’s deployed duty status as it changes.

DTAS Duty Status

The DTAS duty statuses are listed in the DTAS functional guidance. DTAS duty status updates do not replace casualty reporting requirements. Current casualty reporting procedures are still required for all casualty related duty status updates.

-Confined by Military Authorities

-Wounded in Action

-Convalescent Leave

-Death other

-Duty status whereabouts unknown

-Hospitalized (Battle incurred)

-Hospitalized (nonbattle incurred)


-Killed in action


-Present for duty


-Rest and Recuperation (R&R)

-Temporary Duty

It is imperative that casualty status data be treated as sensitive until verification of notification of the next of kin. Duty status updates also require a ‘Physical Location’ update. This action is performed at the lowest level of SIPRnet connectivity.

DTAS Update Location

Update Location allows the user to update the assigned and physical locations for a selected individual or for a group of individuals

The 'Assigned Location' refers to the location of a unit a person is assigned to. The 'Physical location' is the actual camp, city, or grid coordinates where the person is located. If the established city or base camp location individuals are relocating to is not available in the drop-down menu, contact the Theater Manager to coordinate a location update on the theater database. Until the location table is updated, use the six or eight digit grid for the physical location.

Physical Location is important for a variety of reasons, not least of which is for medical tracking. It should be updated for any change in physical location, whether for a week, a day or a few hours. Units should update personnel physical locations to show movement through, over, or near any and all cities, base camps or established locations. This action is performed at the lowest level of SIPRNET connectivity.


The Update DUIC function is primarily used at the battalion level to move people from one company to another. It is available only to mobile system users who have exclusive mobile system control over the DUICs within their hierarchy. Update DUIC is not available for a higher headquarters to move people in subordinate DUICs if that subordinate DUIC has a mobile system, nor is it available between two mobile systems.