Church Officers

The Rector

Rev. Steven Hughes – Tel: 612267; E-mail:

The Churchwardens

Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite – Tel: 612952.

Mr John Clarkson – Tel: 612855; E-mail:

Licenced Lay Reader

Mr Stan Pickles – Tel: 615708; E-mail:

PCC Secretary

Mrs Margaret Clark – Tel: 616990; E-mail:

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Barbara Wood – Tel: 617679: E-mail:

Deanery Synod Representatives

Mr Bill Prescott, Mrs Avril Wright.

Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary

Mrs Pearl Read.

Magazine Secretary

Mrs Elsie Kirkham – Tel: 615832.

Flower Secretaries

Mrs Althea Slater – Tel: 614966, and Mrs Marion Clarkson – Tel: 612855

Electoral Roll Secretary

Mrs Julie Tanham – Tel: 612992


Mrs Val Simpson – Tel: 614458.

Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.


Sunday School – meets 10.30am in School.

Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh – Tel: 612196.

Youth Club for 9-13year olds – meets 6.30-8.30pm on Wednesdays in School.

Leader: Mrs Mandy Hughes, MBE – Tel 612267.


Hoole Church Ladies Group – meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.

Leader: Mrs Joan Wilson – Tel 613063; E-mail:

St.Michael’s Men’s Fellowship – meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday in School.

Secretary: Mr Ted Hopkins – Tel: 617002.

Hoole St. Michael C E Primary School

Head Teacher: Mrs Kathryn Melling – Tel: 613219.

1st St. Michael’s Hoole Scout and Guide Groups

Group Scout Leader: Mrs Jacqui Sherrington – Tel: 619579.

Friends of St. Michaels – Caring for the fabric of our ancient church.

Chairman: Eric Barker – Tel 614385. Secretary: David Turner – Tel 614192.

Church Web Site: and


Calendar for March & April

Sunday March 1st Lent 1

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am Holy Communion (CW) (Revd. S Hughes/S Pickles )

3.00pm Evensong (said) (S Pickles)

Sunday 8th Lent 2

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am Morning Praise (Revd. S Hughes/S Pickles)

Sunday 15th Lent 3

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am Holy Communion (CW) (Canon J Burns )

3.00pm Evensong (said) (S Pickles)

Sunday 22nd Lent 4 – Mothering Sunday

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. P Taylor)

10.45am Family Worship & Parade (S Pickles)

Sunday 29th Lent 5 – Passiontide

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am United Service at Hoole Methodist Church

Sunday April 5th Palm Sunday

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am Morning Praise (Revd. S Hughes/S Pickles)

Meet in School at 10.30am for distribution of Palm Crosses

3.00pm Evensong (Said) (S Pickles)

Friday 10th Good Friday

10.45am Service of Meditation (Revds. S Hughes & K Wood)

Sunday 12th Easter Day

9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) (Revd. S Hughes)

10.45am Holy Communion (CW) (Revd. S Hughes/S Pickles)

3.00pm Evensong (S Pickles)

Note. Midweek services of Holy Communion will as usual, be held each week during the season of Lent on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm. They will all be at

St Michaels, with the exception of Tuesday March 31st, when the service will be at Hoole Methodist Church. During Holy Week commencing on April 6th there will be a service of Holy Communion at St Michaels each evening at 7.00pm.

Please also note the reduced number of Evensong Services, which will now normally only take place on the first and third Sundays of each month, although seasonal changes may take place as with the inclusion of Evensong on the second Sunday in April namely Easter Day.

Magazine material to Stan Pickles by March 15th.


From the Churchwardens

All good things must come to an end and we are sorry that Steve is moving on after being with us for a little over seven years. It would have been better if he could have carried on at St.Michaels until his licence expired but we appreciate he has to look to the welfare of his family first.

Steve’s predecessor, Harry Pugh, did much for St.Michaels. He arranged and watched over the building of the new vestry and restoration of the Church Tower, set up the Men’s Fellowship and also the Friends of St.Michaels. Harry brought in the Revd.Peter Ainsley who did much to help Steve in his early years and in particular at the Transit of Venus celebrations in 2004. Steve has built on these foundations and has made the idea of shared ministry work, improved relations with our Methodist friends and at the same time done much good work in Eastern Europe.

Steve, it has been a pleasure working with you and we are truly sorry that you are moving on. Our very best wishes go with you, Mandy, Adina and Ben.

Steve’s letter in our February magazine may have raised a few eyebrows. We don’t want to go through his letter answering every point but there is one section which we must set in order and that is the part relating to “the old men” made up of Robert and myself, David Turner, Bill Carr and Stan.

Robert, Margaret Clark and myself all received letters a few days before Christmas from Bishop John asking for an urgent meeting. There was no time to call a meeting of the PCC and things had to be put in hand quickly. Margaret suggested that David go in her place, it was thought appropriate that Stan be present as lay reader and Bill as Warden Emeritus. We phoned Burnley to arrange a date, time and venue, expecting it to be in the New Year, only to be told that the meeting had been fixed for 3.30pm on Tuesday at 18, Franklands. We enquired if Steve would be present and were told no, he would be called into Blackburn early in the New Year. All done and dusted with only three days to go.

The Bishop had no problem with there being five of us, rather than the invited three and in fact, he had John Hawley, the Archdeacon with him. At the meeting we were asked not to discuss the matters covered with anyone for the time being. The Bishop outlined various possibilities for St Michaels, the main points of which were as follows:

1. The possibility of licensing a half time priest to Hoole and the possibility of Hoole being joined in a “Cluster” with Croston, Bretherton and Mawdsley to be served by the existing clergy and reader(s) in the current group, plus the new half time appointment to St Michael’s and our Reader.

(continued on page 4)


2. The possibility of a new appointment to Hoole arises out of the pending appointment of a half-time chaplain at Garth Prison. The new priest would reside in Hoole Rectory. The appointment to Garth will be made by the Governor, not the Church, but the Bishop will need to licence the appointee. The appointment is likely to be made soon.

3. Following the licensing of the new priest to Hoole, it is considered desirable that Hoole should be linked to Croston, Bretherton and Mawdsley in a “Cluster”, which is not a “group” or “team”, but more an ad hoc grouping together with a sharing of ministers and other resources but retaining our own traditions and PCC.

4. The Bishop advised that St Michael’s should urgently consider a resolution under the Ordination of Women Measure. This appears to imply the possibility of a woman priest being appointed to Garth and it follows that if Hoole PCC passes a resolution against the licensing of a woman priest to Hoole, it may not be possible to consider the appointment of a new priest to Hoole in the near future (and perhaps not at all, although this was not stated explicitly).

5. The Bishop asked if there would be any objection in principle to the appointment of a divorced priest, and he was assured not.

6. The Bishop expressed a wish to attend the February PCC.

At the January meeting of the PCC the members were informed fully about the meeting and were asked about the composition of the group who met the Bishop. Were they happy with the group and did anyone wish to join the group? The opinion was that it should remain the same should there be future meetings. On the matter of the licensing of a woman priest the Secretary went back through the minutes of previous meetings and found that a vote, in favour, had been taken back in 2001. The Bishop has been invited to the February meeting of the PCC.

Rest assured, we, the Wardens, the PCC and “the old men” will try to do our very best for St.Michael’s.

John Clarkson and Bob Hawthornthwaite.

With regard to note 4 above:

Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the PCC held on 6 August 2001 chaired by Rev Pugh. ‘Finally a vote was taken concerning having a woman assist with communion at Hoole church and also appointing a woman as a future Rector of Hoole. The result was eleven for and two against’.

From the PCC Meeting of Monday February 16th 2009:

Resolved: That the PCC ratify the vote taken on 6 August 2001 to accept a woman priest at St Michael’s Hoole.

Proposed: Mr J Clarkson Seconded: Mrs J Elphick.

This was carried unanimously.


Ladies Group

The Group February meeting on the17th was very well attended, including additional members subscribing for the year. Our Speaker, the Revd. Bob Worswick, on a return visit to us gave an extremely entertaining and funny talk on “The Perils of the Visiting Preacher”.

The Ladies group are invited to join the Men’s Fellowship meeting in March. Please note that this will be on Tuesday 10th March and will follow the 7.00pm Lenten Service in Church, the Group Meeting starting at 7.45pm in School, and being a talk by Beverley Turner on the work of St. Catherine’s Hospice.

At our April Group Meeting on Tuesday 21st April, the list will be completed for the Charter Theatre trip to see My Fair Lady on Tuesday 9th June, and the cost of £11.00 collected. Transport will be by cars. A provisional booking for 50 seats has been made and to date there are 38 names on the list. The trip is open to husbands, partners and friends. If wishing to go please contact Sheila Taylor.

Poppy Collection 2008

The top collector in my round was once again the Spar, with Suthers Garage a mere spit behind, and the Fox Cub closely on their heels. Thank you to all the local businesses who always give their support, and also to the new businesses in Walmer Bridge and "the Little Chef roundabout" who have recently joined in.

Localarea(Walmer Bridge, Hoole and Bretherton) – total: £1,026.48

Regional Area (as above plus Hutton, part of Penwortham, Longton, New Longton, Bamber Bridge, Lostock hall, Gregson Lane, Walton le Dale, Tarleton, Hesketh Bank and Banks) – total:£41,910.84

National total as of Thursday last week:£26.3 million

Thank youto one and all once again.

Barbara Wood (On behalf of Michael Turner, Regional Area Distributor)

Annual Church Meeting

The Annual Church meeting this year will be held in the school on Monday April 20th at 7.30pm. At this meeting the Church accounts for 2008 will be presented for acceptance, after which these accounts which are fully inclusive of the financial status of all organisations within the church will be posted on the church notice board, individual copies are available by request.

Please also see the church notice board for details of any forthcoming vacancies on the PCC, you may be able to fill any such vacancy.

All church members may attend the annual meeting, and are entitled to vote if they are on the church electoral roll. Anyone who is uncertain as to whether or not they are on the roll should contact our Electoral Doll Secretary, Julie Tanham on 612992.



Holy Baptism “We welcome into the Lord’s Family”

1st February GRACE EMILY WIGNALL daughter of

Paul David and Emily Wignall of Little Hoole.

15th February ELLIS JAMES FORSHAW son of

Paul Michael and Sharon Orphan of Longton.

Holy Matrimony “Those whom God hath joined together”

The Departed “Rest eternal grant unto them”

29th January JEAN JOHNSON aged 79 years of Walmer Bridge

Interment followed in the Churchyard.

13th February THOMAS LESLIE ORRITT aged 86 years of Walmer Bridge

Interment followed in the Churchyard.


Attendance Communicants Collections

Jan. 25th (Conv. St Paul) 166 124 £ 633.00

Feb. 1st (Epiphany 4) 139 121 £ 925.20

Feb. 8th (Septuagesima) 79 30 £ 344.35

Feb. 15th (Sexagesima) 106 90 £ 530.75

Jean Johnson: We were all greatly saddened at the most unexpected death of Jean, and extend our sincere condolences to members of her family, who must take some comfort from the fact that she did not suffer a long or debilitating illness. In her life Jean did so much for so many people, both family and friends, she could instantly sum up a situation, and respond to it in a positive way, she would always look for the good in everybody. Whilst she was a hard working person, nothing she did was ever looked upon as a drudge, or something to be endured, everything she did was done in good spirit and in a pleasant way.

Her strong faith and membership of St. Michaels were the foundations on which her life was built, and from childhood as a member of Sunday School to being a great support to husband Les, during his time as Churchwarden, with all points in between which included flower arranger, choir member and of course member of the Ladies Group, Jean figured in church life. However what she did best was simply being a good, regular and faithful member of our congregation, she will be greatly missed.