Barrhead Housing Association

Governing Board Meeting

Minute of the meeting on Thursday25thAugust2016 at 6.30 pm held at 60-70 Main Street, Barrhead


R McGuire, BEM, Vice ChairpersonL Hendry

C Boyd, ChairpersonCouncillor T Reilly

B Connelly, MBE, SecretaryC Baird

In Attendance:

S Robison, Chief Executive

L Dallas, Director of Customer Services

J Ward, Director of Asset Management

H Sutherland, Director of Corporate Services

Agenda – BHA Governing Board meeting
1. / Apologies & Sederunt Check
The Sederunt was signed by those present.
Apologies were received from Drew McKinney, Michael Mukhtar and David McCready. It was noted that John Hamilton was on Leave of Absence. It was noted that D McKinney was currently off work ill and had requested leave of absence until September 2016 as he’d now missed 3 meetings. Michael Mukhtar has also had family difficulties and also did not wish to leave the Board, despite missing the last 4 meetings. He had requested leave of absence from July – September 2016. The Board discussed their disappointment at the attendance by fellow Board members at the AGM and generally at Board meetings, and the current number of requests for leave of absence. They wished to request a 3 month review of leave of absence requests going forward and the Chief Executive indicated she would speak to those affected and report back. She cautioned Board members in making this too rigorous when the ability to recruit new members remains problematic.
These requests for leave of absence for M Mukhtar and D McKinney were approved by the Board with M Mukhtar being approved as a Board member. This was proposed by R McGuire and seconded by L Hendry.
2. / Elections to the governing Board
  • Chairperson
It was proposed by R McGuire that C Boyd be nominated for the Chairperson’s position. There were no other nominations and the proposal was seconded by B Connelly. C Boyd took over the chairing role for the meeting.
  • Vice Chairperson
It was proposed by B Connelly that R McGuire be nominated for the Vice Chairperson’s position. There were no other nominations and the proposal was seconded by C Boyd.
  • Secretary
It was proposed by R McGuire that B Connelly be nominated for the Secretary’s position. There were no other nominations and the proposal was seconded by L Hendry.
  • Co-optee
It was proposed by B Connelly that Councillor Reilly is approved as a co-optee. This motion was seconded by C Boyd. Councillor Reilly accepted the co-optee position.
  • Conveners – Audit, Policy, Development, Health and Safety and Staffing
Given the absence of Board members, the Chief Executive suggested that Conveners for sub-group meetings be approved at each individual meeting. It was noted that C Baird would like to join the Development Sub-Group. All Board members would be invited to join the Audit Sub-Group. Health and Safety members would be the office bearers; staffing sub group would be office bearers plus L Hendry. Anyone else wishing to join sub-groups would be welcome.
3. / Declaration of Interest for noting
There were no declarations.
4. / Approval of Minute
(a)Board meeting 4thAugust2016
The Minute was approved as a true record of the meeting. The motion was proposed by C Baird and seconded by R McGuire.
Minutes for Noting
(b)Audit Sub-Group Minutes 4thAugust 2016
(c) Staffing Sub-Group Minutes 3rd August 2016 (confidential)
The Chief Executive circulated the confidential minute. Board members read the minute and it was returned to the Chief Officer.
5. / Matters Arising from Above Minutes
There were no matters arising from the Governing Board Minute. There were no questions on the staffing sub-group minute. Staff recruitment as indicated has now commenced and a further meeting would be scheduled soon.
6. / Matters for Discussion and approval
6.1Chief Executive Report
The Chief Executive referred to the written report. It was noted that 7th October event wasn’t suitable for the band and a new date was awaited.
The Chief Executive referred to her meeting with a prospective member. It was agreed that Linda Begley should be invited to the next meeting as an ‘observer’ with the view of taking her membership application forward for approval and for her to become a new Board member after the September 2016 meeting. Outstanding appraisals would be completed as soon as possible.
Development activity – the Chief Executive reported on the positive discussions with ERC regarding a future programme. The revised strategy will be brought back to the next meeting for fuller discussion including private finance issues. The development sub-group would meet soon to discuss Robertson St and Board members noted the progression of procurement of design team by development agents meantime. For ROTs, ERC is keen to see one lead organisation for this project – further information is awaited on what is likely to be included within the SHIP. Discussions on Walton St are also positive meantime. The Chief Executive would discuss the date for the development sub-group meeting with Atrium and advice members as soon as possible.
Members noted progress with the Barrhead Improvement District; the new Board; event on Saturday 17th September 2016; and launch on 19th September 2016; and recruitment of a Manager.
6.2Development Report for staff and Board members
The Chief Executive highlighted the current report on staff and Board members development, noting that a budget was in place and should be sufficient. It was noted that as C Baird and C Boyd had the same initials, ChB would be used in future for C Baird. Any further training will be added when appraisals completed.
6.3 Management Accounts to 30.06.2016 – recommended for approval by Audit Sub-Group
The Management accounts were recommended for approval following the Audit Sub-Group meeting tonight. The Accounts were approved by B Connelly and seconded by R McGuire.
6.4 Tender Report Gas Contract
The Director of Asset Management, DAM, referred to his report and took members through the main points and issues, particularly in relation to performance and risk. Following discussion it was agreed that given that comprehensive performance management was part of the contract, that the tender for Gassure be approved. DAM also provided further information on the community benefit clause, which would be confirmed at the next Board meeting in September 2016. The approval of the tender was proposed by B Connelly and seconded by L Hendry.
6.5 Community Regeneration Update Report
The Director of Asset Management, DAM, highlighted the interim report to Board members, indicating that the post was now only being shared with Williamsburgh HA. The Strategy would be developed for a future meeting. Members noted the excellent progress of the Climate Challenge project for the Auchenback Resource Centre.
The Chief Executive highlighted the desire for a FLAIR wide Strategy for community regeneration following the recent decision for Linstone and Bridgewater HA to recruit a second officer. Members sought confirmation of the local partnership approach that had been established particularly as a result of BHA’s Big Lottery welfare and energy project.
6.6 Q1 Performance Reports
The Director of Customer Services referred to the detailed report, taking members through particular issues and figures reported this far. It was noted that better contract management with our main contractor had been established but there was a need to extend this to other contractors as performance wasn’t as good. This would be followed up with a report on performance on repairs generally to the Board at a future meeting. Director of Asset Management also referred to the report and highlighted that the landscape contract would be re-tendered via IFLAIR.A lot of work was being done following the recent ARC validation visit with staff including training and review of processes for QL. Members noted the positive steps by both Directors to progress change within the organisation.
6.7 Q1 Complaints Reports
The Director of Customer Services referred to the report highlighting no particular themes this far. Members noted the report.
6.8 Tenant Satisfaction Survey Headline Results
The Chief Executive referred to the survey of 349 customers over late June/early July 2016 and the positive headline results. It was reported that the format of the questionnaire and the timing of the survey had a positive result on outcomes, particularly around understanding the value for money and opportunities to participate charter indicators. The fall in the repairs response satisfaction indicator would require further investigation but initial results highlighted issues with boiler repairs in particular. A full presentation would be delivered by Research Resource at the September 2016 meeting.
7. / Matters for Information/Standing Agenda Items
7.1 Correspondence - list of items attached
It was noted that C Boyd was to attend a consultation event by EVH next week and will report back. A further meeting of the Staffing sub-group was required.
7.2 Workplan – attached
7.3 Notifiable events – none
7.4 Documents for execution/approval/noting- none
8. / Health & Safety – incident report, if required. Working group meeting 8th September 2016 at 2.00 pm. Audit visit due 19thSept 2016. Director of Asset Management highlighted no further H and S issues for reporting at this meeting.
9. / AOCB
R McGuire noted her apologies for the next meeting.
10. / Date of Next Meetings: Thursday 29th September 2016

Signed by Chairperson: ______

Date: ______

Creating opportunity for growth and improvement