Team 16414 Build Manual
Low Tech Model
List of Required Materials:
●Carlon Junction Box 6x6x4 – E987I (x1)
●10-32 by 5/8 bolt and nut (x2)
●Bar flat zinc 36x3/8x1/16-887480020373
●Low-Tech Sensor Module
●#4 x ½ screws
●Drill a hole (3/4”) on the center of the top of the box (lid of the box) using a step drill, or other tools.
oSecure the lid of the box by tightening screws on the lid.
oSecure the box to the table using the vice or clamps.
oUse either a step drill (preferable) or a regular drill bit.
oClean up extra debris.
●Install the motion sensor into the 3/4” hole. Secure it in place with caulk. While the caulk dries secure the motion sensor in place with duct tape to ensure caulk dries up properly.
oRemove duct tape when done.
oReview Low-Tech Sensor Module for additional motion sensor wiring/installation info.
Motion Sensor Installed to the Lid (Front and Back View Left to Right)
●Drill a hole (3/16”) on the top side of the box using a drill.
oSecure the lid of the box by tightening screws on the lid.
oSecure the box to the table using the vice or clamps.
oDrill bit.
oClean up extra debris.
●Feed pressure sensor wires through the 3/16” hole.
oReview Low-Tech Sensor Module for additional pressure sensor wiring/installation info.
●Secure pressure sensor between the padding at the seat of the arborloo.
●Install battery packs along with the rest of the wiring secure with Velcro tape.
oReview Low-Tech Sensor Module for additional battery wiring/installation info.
Battery Pack with VelcroBox Interior with Velcro
Batteries attached
Finished Interior of Box
●For mounting of the board, 4 #4 x ½ screws
odrill 4 holes using a 3/32 in drill bit through the holes on the board where mounting is desired. Although the picture shows mounting on the back of the box, it can be adjusted so that it is mounted on the inside bottom part of the box so that the sd card is facing out and easier to access. with this change place the battery packs where the board is currently mounted in the picture.
●Close box and screw the lid on.
●Cut bar in to two halves (1-1/2’ length for each)
oMark up middle point.
oCut with tin snips.
●Bend bars to form into the arborloo base.
oAllow roughly 1 foot from bottom of bar to bend location.
oBend in to the shape of the bottom ring of the arborloo.
Bars cut and bent in to shape
●Install box on the bars with bolts, washers and nuts (roughly line up the bottom of the box with the bottom of the bars).
Box Attached to bars
High Tech Model
List of Required Materials:
●Carlon Junction Box 6x6x4 – E987I (x1)
●10-32 by 5/8 screw and nut (x4)
●Bar flat zinc 36x3/8x1/16-887480020373
●Blue ENT 1-1/2” – 12010-750 (3ft)
●End Cap designed by P16414
●Hose Clamp 1-1/2”
●Low-Tech Sensor Module
●High-Tech Sensor Module
●Drill a hole (3/4”) on the center of the top of the box (lid of the box) using a step drill, or other tools.
oSecure the lid of the box by tightening screws on the lid.
oSecure the box to the table using the vice or clamps.
oUse either a step drill (preferable) or a regular drill bit drill.
oClean up extra debris.
●Drill a hole (3/16”) on the side of the box, without the tabs, that will be facing upwards using a drill.
oSecure the lid of the box by tightening screws on the lid.
oSecure the box to the table using the vice or clamps.
oUse a drill bit to drill.
oClean up extra debris.
●Drill a hole (1.5”) on one of the sides of the box.
oSecure the lid of the box by tightening screws on the lid.
oSecure the box to the table using the vice or clamps.
oUse a wood hole saw to drill.
oClean up extra debris.
●Install the motion sensor into the 3/4” hole. Secure it in place with caulk. While the caulk dries secure the motion sensor in place with duct tape to ensure caulk dries up properly.
oRemove duct tape when done.
oReview Low-Tech Sensor Module for additional motion sensor wiring/installation info.
Motion Sensor Installed to the Lid (Front and Back View Left to Right)
●Feed pressure sensor wires through the 3/16” hole.
oReview Low-Tech Sensor Module for additional pressure sensor wiring/installation info.
●Secure pressure sensor between the padding at the seat of the arborloo.
●Install battery packs along with the rest of the wiring secure with Velcro tape.
oReview Low-Tech Sensor Module for additional battery wiring/installation info.
Battery Pack with VelcroBox Interior with Velcro
Batteries attached
●Close box and screw the lid on.
Finished Interior of Box
●Cut bar in to two halves (1-1/2’ length for each)
oMark up middle point.
oCut with tin snips.
●Bend bars to form into the arborloo base.
oAllow roughly 1 foot from bottom of bar to bend location.
oBend in to the shape of the bottom ring of the arborloo.
Bars cut and bent in to shape
●Install box on the bars with bolts, washers and nuts (roughly line up the bottom of the box with the bottom of the bars).
Box Attached to bars