Strategy 1: Throughout the year, staff will utilize the PLT process with fidelity to gather and analyze data, prioritize needs, establish goals, implement strategies, and monitor and evaluate the results.

Action steps:

1. All teachers are members of, and active participants in, a content area PLT, which meets weekly and on Early Release days

2. EC inclusion teachers will work weekly with content-area PLTs.

3. District program managers, PLT coach, and curriculum coordinator support PLTs, including facilitating meetings and monthly PLT facilitator training.

4.Teachers work in vertical teams quarterly within their department throughout

5. Administration team and SIT will regularly monitor EOC and other AMO data to check for progress toward the 2018 district goal.

Strategy 2: Teachers will participate in staff development on early release days and teacher workdays to address causes of and research-based strategies to close achievement gaps.

Action steps: The curriculum coordinator in concert with central office staff and teacher leadership will facilitate staff development in the following areas

1.  Lesson planning

a.  Sept. 30 ER day: PLT and vertical alignment (teacher led)

b.  Oct. 14 ER day: PLT and Lesson plan Construction and Organization (teacher led)

c.  Feb. 24 ER day: Lesson planning workshop (teacher led)

2.  Data analysis

a.  Sept 16 ER Day was district-generated content with protocols for looking at and analyzing gap data (facilitated by curriculum coordinator)

b.  March 23rd and April 20th ER day: district-generated content with protocols for looking at and analyzing gap data (facilitated by curriculum coordinator)

3.  Integrating student-centered technology resources

a.  Oct. 14 ER day: Technology Integration through Haiku (Marty Creech-central office)

b.  Feb 24 ER day: Working with Chrome Books in the classroom (MTAC and Marty Creech)

4.  Resources for working with LEP students

a.  Oct. 14 ER day: Working with LEP Students (Overview of SIOP) (teacher led)

5.  Strategies to close the achievement gap

a.  Sept. 30 ER day: Freshman Success Academy meeting and

b.  Achievement Gap Best Practices (teacher led)

c.  Oct. 14 ER day: Strategies for working with African-

d.  American Students (Dr. Nash-central office), and Grantwriting Strategies (teacher led)

Strategy 3: Throughout the school year, all staff will provide academic interventions to improve student performance.

Action steps:

1.  PLTs will use EVAAS data, county benchmark and classroom assessment data to identify academically at-risk students quarterly.

2.  School leadership will establish mentoring programs for identified at-risk students (mentors include teachers, community, etc.), which provides services on a weekly and/or monthly basis.

3.  School leadership will continue to utilize established community programs such as the Latino Achievers program, Crosby Scholars, and United Way Senior Academy on pre-determined dates throughout the year.

4.  Administrative team will establish new community partnerships and other initiatives during first semester that are aimed at connecting with our African- American population (WSSU Project GIVE, Lit City, YMCA Black Achievers etc.)

5.  Identified staff and assistant athletic director provide weekly academic support to student athletes through ASP (Academic Support Program).

6.  Department heads establish a regular departmental tutoring schedule each semester.

7.  EOC Course teachers and curriculum coordinator will establish and monitor a PEP folder for each repeating students and students with a D or below at the midterm of each semester.

8.  Teachers and assistant principals will facilitate peer tutoring twice a week through academic clubs and student organizations in the final eight weeks of each quarter.

9.  Principal and guidance counselors schedule individual conferences with at-risk students throughout the year.

10.  Teachers of ninth grade students will provide additional support to all freshmen through Freshman Success initiative (notebook, mentoring, student handbooks, tutoring, etc.) during Freshman orientation and throughout the year.

11.  EC math teachers provide remedial instruction to EC math students throughout the year through the ALEKS program.

12.  EC coordinator and CSESA program team will provide academic and social support to MAP students and student body throughout the year.

Strategy 1: School leadership will monitor and revise student attendance guidelines annually.

Action steps:

1.  Administrators and data manager will monitor teacher daily attendance record on a daily basis in PowerSchool.

2.  Administrators and teachers will enforce School Board attendance policy quarterly.

3.  Staff will offer incentives for good attendance each semester, including implementation of new county exam exemption policy.

Strategy 2: School leadership will monitor and revise student tardy guidelines annually.

Action steps:

1.  Administrative team and SIT will monitor tardy data each semester.

2.  School leadership will revise course of action if tardy goals are not met annually

Strategy 3: Staff will intervene with students, as necessary, who are chronically absent and/or tardy to class.

Action steps:

1.  Teachers will stand at their door and administration will monitor hallways during class change to encourage all students to get to class on time on a daily basis.

2.  Teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators will use PowerSchool data to identify students with excessive absences and/or tardies weekly.

3.  Teachers communicate directly with parents of students in a timely manner to inform and address the causes and consequences of excessive attendance issues (after 3 consecutive absences).

4.  Administrative team, guidance counselors, and social worker will conference with students with chronic absences and/or tardies when need is indicated by PowerSchool data or teacher concerns.

5.  Data manager will send home weekly notices to students who have reached 3,6, or 10 absences in the current grading period.

Strategy 1: School improvement team utilizes the continuous improvement process to address school goals at each meeting throughout the school year.

Action steps:

1.  SIT members analyze data from Teacher Working Conditions Survey, FCAE Surveys, AdvancEd Surveys and the “Suggested Changes” document to determine targets of concern annually.

2.  SIT members actively facilitate communication between their department members and SIT, by discussing SIP action steps and progress quarterly (SIT member will email summary of SIT meeting).

3.  SIT chair will maintain SIT calendar that follows the continuous improvement model throughout the school year.

4.  SIT, in consultation with the administrative team, will develop strategies to address concerns as they are communicated from stakeholders.

Strategy 2: The School Improvement Team will develop an ongoing process for addressing instructional and cultural concerns affecting the whole school.

Action steps:

1.  Department chairs and SIT members will actively facilitate communication between their department members and school leadership monthly.

2.  School leadership will annually reinforce the responsibilities of department chairs and the expectations for outcomes of their monthly meetings.

3.  District coaches and curriculum coordinator will assist PLTs in addressing instructional problem-solving processes during weekly PLT meetings and monthly PLT facilitator meetings.

4.  School leadership will review data (Teacher Working Conditions Survey, FCAE Surveys, and AdvancED surveys) and SIT minutes to measure progress in addressing instructional and cultural concerns.

5.  SIT will establish committees to review research, discuss concerns, and develop courses of action when a need is identified.