Summer Reading Assignment Guidelines
In order to keep your place in Honors English at Saks High School, you must do your summer reading. You will be expected to read the books which your grade-level teacher has assigned. In addition to the reading, you are required to complete the following assignments which are due the first day of school. If you have not done this work by the first day of school, you will receive zeros for all assignments and will not be allowed to turn the work in late.
For each book you read, you will provide the following information on 4x6 or 5x7 lined index cards:
Author—1 card
Give a few facts about the author. Mention dates, nationality, types of works written, the author’s purpose for writing this work, at least one other work (novel, play, short story, etc) written by this author, and a “fun” fact—something funny or unusual about the author or his life.
Setting—1 or 2 cards
Include the following: When does the action of the book take place? How long is the period of time the action of the book covers? Where does the action of the book take place? If the author shifts his/her scene, make a list of all the important places mentioned in the book.
Major Characters—as many cards as needed
Give the names of the most important characters and identify each with both physical and personality descriptions
Minor Characters—1 or 2 cards
Simply provide a list of other characters in the novel. No descriptions are needed.
Plot—as many cards as needed
In seventy-five (75) words or less, summarize the plot (conflict, rising/falling action, resolution) of the book.
Theme—as many cards as needed
While books may have more than one theme, identify what YOU consider to be the most important theme in the novel. Write the theme in your own words and provide two or three examples explaining why you picked this as the major theme.
Quote—1 card
From the novel, pick your favorite quote and explain why you like it.
Personal Opinion—as many cards as needed
In not more than sixty (60) carefully chosen words, state your honest opinion of the book, giving reasons for liking or disliking it. Discuss as least two of the following points: character development, setting, tone, atmosphere, plot, author’s style. You will not lose points for disliking a novel. This is YOUR opinion, not mine or anyone else’s.
Do not rely on Cliff Notes, etc., the internet, or other students for the answers. This work must be your own reaction and in your own words. Do not plagiarize—this includes copying or paraphrasing from any other source. Plagiarizing will result in a zero. Complete this work in blue or black ink, using your best handwriting (not typed or computer-generated).
Remember, you must turn in this work on the first day of school. You will also be assessed on the books. The summer reading and assessment will account to 20-25 percent of the first nine weeks’ grade. If you do not turn in your summer reading assignment, you will receive a zero for ALL work.
(Contract on next page)
Honors English Summer Reading
The following summer reading has been assigned to students in Honors English. Books-A-Million has been asked to carry the required books for student purchase. Students are required to have all reading completed by the first day of school and are expected to turn in all written assignments on that day. Students who do not complete their summer work will receive zeros and will not be able to turn the work in late.
9th Honors
Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
10th Honors:
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
11th Honors:
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
12th Honors:
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
1984 by George Orwell
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
Growing Up by Russell Baker
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
(Return this section only)
Print student name:______Grade (next year):
I have read the Honors English Summer Reading guidelines, and I understand what is required. I agree to adhere to the guidelines.
Student signature ______Date ______
I am aware of the required work my child must complete by the first day of school in order to remain in the Honors English program at Saks High School.
Parent signature ______Date ______
Return this section of the contract to your current English teacher by May 1, 2009.