English 10 B What makes something priceless? Can you be rich without money?

September Syllabus How does greed affect people?











Labor Day: No Class

/ 6
Turn in 1-page reader response.
Socratic Seminar: “Eleven” / 7
Intro to The Pearl
Read-alouds and discussions this week. Use Post-Its to annotate.
Journal: A Cry For Help/Words of Anger
Vocabulary: parable, plaintively, avarice, indigent, suppliant, estuary, bulwark, undulating, speculatively, incandescence / 8
Read & discuss Chapter 1 & 2.
Analyze setting and its effect on text.
Homework: Sum-LIE Chapters 1-2. Due beginning of class Friday. / 9
Quiz: Ch. 1 & 2
Literary Focus: Imagery (sensory language)
Author Technique: Surprise and Suspense
Analyze narrator, tone, point of view, voice.
Journal: Dreams Come True/Money Troubles
Vocabulary: semblance, precipitated, lucent, benediction, subjugation, dissembling, clamored, furtive, consecrated, cozened
Read Chapter 3 for Tuesday. Sum-LIE. / 13
Turn in Sum-LIE. Group work: Discussion questions for Ch. 3.
Homework: Simile/Metaphor worksheet. / 14
Setting in The Pearl
Complete worksheets in class. Us worksheets to prewrite compare/contrast composition. Bring completed prewrite to class tomorrow. / 15
In-class composition: How does Kino differ from the average townsperson? From the average villager? Due at end of period. Write in blue or black ink ONLY. / 16
Chapters 4-5
Journal: Risking a Protest/Keeping One’s Word
Vocabulary: countenanced, stalwart, benign, legerdemain, collusion, lethargy, searing, edifice, keening
Homework: Read Ch. 4-5 for Monday
Quiz: Ch. 4 & 5
Group work: Discussion questions, Ch. 4-5 / 20
Literary Focus: Conflict
Pairs to work on conflict worksheets. / 21
Essay: Write an essay tracing chapter by chapter how the discovery of the pearl brings Kino into conflict with ______. / 22
Continue working on essay. Due Monday, Sept. 26. Must be typed, double-spaced, proper MLA format. / 23
Literary Focus: Characterization. Complete worksheets individually in class. Turn in. Work in small groups on final characterization sheet.
Monthly paper due.
Journal: Fight or Flight?/The Other Side Of Pain
Vocabulary: guttural, monolithic, irresolution, escarpment, petulant, intercession, germane, ulcerous, malignant / 27
Read Ch. 6 together in class. Discussion questions. (Student-led) / 28
Literary Focus: foreshadowing, irony
Response to Literature: How the biblical allusion foreshadows the plot of the novel. / 29
Literary Focus: Characterization. Static and dynamic characters.
Culminating activities: Symbols in the novel. / 30
Literary Focus: Motifs
Choose project topics.