ForResearch Higher Degree Candidates (PhD MPhil) /1. Candidate’s Details
Candidate’s Name / Student Number
Program / PhD / MPhil / Commencement Date
International sponsored student – send copy of form to
2. Attainment of MilestoneConfirmation of Candidature (mid-candidature review due in 12 months FTE for PhD or 6 months FTE for MPhil)
Mid-Candidature Review (thesis review due in 12 months FTE for PhD or 6 months FTE for MPhil)
Thesis Review (thesis submission due in 3 months FTE)
Effective as of
Day / Month / Year
3. Field of Research (FOR) Allocation at Attainment of Milestone
Insert additional rows to list additional Field of Research codes, to a maximum of 3
FOR Code / FOR % Share / FOR DescriptionNote: the total % share must add to 100%
FOR codes and descriptions can be accessed at
4. Extension of Milestone/Submission Due DateConfirmation of Candidature (3 months FTE)
Mid-Candidature Review (3 months FTE)
Thesis Review (3 months FTE)
Submission (3 months FTE)
Note: under normal circumstances, a maximum of one extension will be granted to a milestone
Please provide, in detail, the reason(s) for the extension request
Please provide a detailed plan as to how the above issues will be addressed
I certify that I have completed the indicated milestone process or agree to the requested extension.I confirm that I have received appropriate written feedback on my performance and progress and an outline of the tasks to be completed for the next milestone, thesis submission or to attain this milestone.If there are potential areas of concern that need to be addressed, I understand what I must do and by when to address these concerns to a satisfactory standard.I have expressed any additional concerns in an attached letter.Candidate
Name and Title / Signature / Date
I certify this candidate has satisfactorily completed all parts of the indicated milestone process or I recommend an extension of the due date for achieving this milestone or submitting the thesis.I confirm that the candidate has received appropriate written feedback on their performance and progress and an outline of the tasks to be completed for the next milestone, to attain this milestone or to submit the thesis.I certify that the school/institute can provide all appropriate resources (including facilities, equipment, funding and advisory support) for the likely duration of candidature.I certify that achievement of the next milestone or thesis submission in the period of timeset by UQ policy is feasible.I have expressed any additional concerns in an attached letter.
Name and Title / Signature / Date
Postgraduate Coordinator
Name and Title / Signature / Date
Please complete and send fully endorsed form to or to the Graduate School, The University of Queensland.
GRADUATE SCHOOL USE ONLYNext milestoneis Confirmation Mid-Candidature Review / Thesis Review Thesis Submission
Next milestone duedate is ______/ Period of FTE enrolment at next milestone equals ______
Number of previous extensions for next milestone is ______
Recommend approval
Recommend approval of final extension / Recommend against approval
Approved / NotApproved
Dean of the UQ Graduate School or delegate / Date
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