Washington Township Public Schools


Course: / Fundations/ Word Study – Grade 2
Written By: / Maryann Schaper
Under the Direction of: / Gretchen Gerber
Description: / Fundations provides children of varying learning abilities with a foundation for reading and spelling. Students will be instructed using a structured, sequential, and cumulative phonics/spelling program using multisensory teaching techniques.
Curriculum Highlights:
Segment syllables into sounds (phonemes) – up to 6 sounds; Identify word structures such as vowels, consonants, blends, digraphs, digraph blends;
Identify parts of words (syllables, basewords, suffixes); Identify all six syllable types: closed, vowel-consonant-e, open, r-controlled, vowel ; digraph/diphthong, consonant-le; Read and spell words with: short vowels, long vowels in vowel-consonant-e and open syllables,
r-controlled vowels (ar, er, ir, or, ur); vowel teams (ai, ay, ee, ey, ea, oi, oy, oa, ow, oe, ou, oo, ue, ew, au, aw);
Read and spell words with unexpected vowel sounds (old, ild, ind, ost, olt, ive);
Read and spell words with s, es, ed, ing, est, ish, able, ive, y, ful, ment, less, ness, ly, ty suffixes;
Read and spell phonetically regular one-, two- and three-syllable words; Read and spell targeted high-frequency,non-phonetic words;
Divide multisyllabic words; Write clear, legible manuscript at an appropriate rate
Spell words with options for the grapheme representation for sounds with use of a spell checker or dictionary
Apply correct punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point); Apply capitalization rules for beginning of sentences and names of people;
Read controlled stories with fluency, expression and understanding; Read approximately 90 words per minute with fluency and understanding;
Construct sentences using vocabulary words; Use synonyms, know some multiple meaning words, and apply dictionary skills;
Retell facts from expository text; Locate facts and details in narrative and expository writing;
Skim for information; Make judgments, predictions from given facts
Joseph A. Vandenberg: / Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
Barbara E. Marciano: / Director of Elementary Education
Jack McGee: / Director of Secondary Education
Written: / Spring 2012
BOE Approval: / Spring 2012



Course Title: / Fundations Level 2

I. Unit 1: Diagraphs and Blends

II. Unit 2: Bonus Letter and Welded Sounds (Glued Sounds)

III. Unit 3: Closed Syllable Exception

IV. Unit 4: Suffixes

V. Unit 5: Multisyllabic Words

VI. Unit 6: Vowel-Consonant-E Syllable

VII. Unit 7: Open Syllable

VIII. Unit 8: R-Controlled (-ar and –or)

IX. Unit 9: R-Controlled (-er, -ir, -ur)

X. Unit 10: Double Vowel Syllable (-ai and –ay) (Vowel Diagraph)

XI. Unit 11: Double Vowel Syllable (-ee, -ea, and –ey) (Vowel Diagraph)

XII. Unit 12: Double Vowel Syllable (-oi and –oy) ( Vowel Diphthong)

XIII. Unit 13: Double Vowel Syllable (-oa, -oe, and –ow) (Vowel Diagraph)

XIV. Unit 14: Double Vowel Syllable (-ou, -and -ow) (Vowel Diphthong)

XV. Unit 15: Double Vowel Syllable (-oo,-ou,-ue and –ew) (Vowel Diphthong)

XVI. Unit 16: Double Vowel Syllable (-au, and –aw) (Vowel Diphthong)

XVII. Unit 17: Consonant –le Syllable


Course Title: / Fundations Level 2
Unit #: / UNIT 1 / Unit Title: / Diagraphs and Blends
Unit Description and Objectives:
Unit 1 reviews some of the concepts, sounds, and spelling rules taught in Fundations Level 1, including digraphs sh, th, ch, ck, and wh. You will also review the definition of a digraph and the difference between a digraph and a blend. Students will review the concept of digraph blends such as in the word bunch. The spelling of the /k/ sound will be taught and how to determine when to use each spelling option. Lastly, you will review the Closed Syllable type.

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

Essential Questions: / Enduring Understandings/Generalizations
Students will understand that: / Guiding Questions
1.How do sounds and letters create words? / 1. Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader.
2. Letter and letter combinations represent sounds. / 1.1 How are sounds represented by letters?
2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? / 1. Fluent readers’ group words together quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. / 2.1 How do I figure out a word I do not know?
3. What do good readers do?
4. Why does fluency matter? / 3. Fluent readers accurately process print with expression at an appropriate rate. / 3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension?


Course Title/Grade: / Fundations Level 2- Grade 2 / Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators
Unit Number/Title: / Unit 1- Diagraphs and Blends / RF 2.3.a / RF 2.3.e / RF 2.3.f / RF 2.4.a
Appropriate Time Allocation (# of Days): / 2 weeks / RF 2.4.b / RF 2.4.c / L.2.2.d / L.2.1.f
(Incl. time / # days per topic) / Critical Content
(Students Will Know:) / Skill Objectives
(Students Will Be Able To:) / Instructional/Learning Activities & Interdisciplinary Connections / Instructional Resources / Technology & 21st C Skills Integration (Specify) / NJCCCS w/ CPI Reference / Evaluation/ Assessment: /
Unit 1- Diagraphs and Blends
Week 1
Unit 1- Diagraphs and Blends
Week 2 / Review tapping and read words.
Review reading and spelling words with digraph sounds and how to code digraphs: sh, ch, th, wh, and ck.
Review reading and spelling words with 2 and 3 letter blends and how to code words with blends.
Review the Closed Syllable type by identifying that these words contain one vowel, which is short, followed by a consonant.
Review spelling for Fundations Level 1 Trick words.
Learn the spelling of the /k/ sound.
Review Closed Syllable concept.
Review spelling / Distinguish short vowels when reading and spelling regularly spelled one-syllable words.
Identify words with common spelling sounds correspondences.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Produce complete sentences when appropriate to the task.
Distinguish short vowels when reading and spelling regularly spelled one-syllable words.
Identify words with common spelling sounds correspondences.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Produce complete sentences when appropriate to the task. / Drill SoundsActivity
Echo and find Letter
Reteach primary consonant sounds and short vowel sounds and the tapping procedure for reading words.
Build the word map using the Standard Sound Cards. Say sounds separately then blend sounds together. Tap a finger to thumb while saying each letter sound. Then blend the sounds and say the word as you drag your thumb across you fingers beginning with the index finger.
Review diagraphs by showing students the Standard Sound Cards for sh, ch, th, wh, and ck.
Review coding of digraphs by underlining with one line.
Review Blends using Standard Sound Cards. Form the word slip. Explain that slip has 4 sounds because the letters each make their own sound.
Review Diagraph Blends with Standard Sound Cards. Build the word lunch. Review marking for Diagraph Blend.
Dictate the word sock. Students tap out the sounds. Ask students what says /k/. Explain why you would use the different spelling options for certain words. Continue to dictation words with the /k/ sound and have students build words on their Letter Boards.
Explain to the students words have parts that go together called syllables. Explain that Closed Syllables have one vowel and must be closed in by a consonant. A Closed Syllable gives the vowel a short sound. Using Standard Sound Cards Build various words and discuss and explain which words are Closed Syllables.
Dictate words and have students build using their Magnetic Letter Tiles.
Additional Activities:
Word of the Day
Make it Fun / TM page 75
TM page 67
Standard Sound Cards
TM page 68 and 69
Standard Sound Cards
TM page 75 to 78
TM page 69 and 70
Standard Sound Cards
Letter Boards
TM page 70 and 71
Standard Sound Cards
Letter Boards
TM page 71
Magnetic Letter Tiles / Formative Assessments:
Unit 1 Benchmark page 78
Summative Assessment(s)
Check –up Quiz
Teacher Observation during Dictation Practice.

Unit Modifications for Special Population Students:

Struggling Learners / Gifted and Talented Students
(Challenge Activities) / English Language Learners / Special Education Students
Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix)
Fluency Kit
Intervention Placement Inventory / Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual-
*Make It Fun
*Story Time
*Word of the Day
* Word Talk / Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix)
Intervention Placement Inventory
Fluency Kit / Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix)
Fluency Kit
Decodable Stories
Intervention Placement Inventory


Course Title: / Fundations Level 2
Unit #: / UNIT 2 / Unit Title: / Bonus Letter and Welded Sounds (Glued Sounds)
Unit Description and Objectives:
In this Unit, you will review the ff, ll, ss bonus letter rule. You will also reteach the “glued” or welded sounds: all, am, an, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk. You will begin to introducing the keywords-sounds of selected vowel teams using the Vowel Teams Poster.

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

Essential Questions: / Enduring Understandings/Generalizations
Students will understand that: / Guiding Questions
1.How do sounds and letters create words? / 1. Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader.
2. Letter and letter combinations represent sounds. / 1.1 How are sounds represented by letters?
2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? / 1. Fluent readers’ group words together quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. / 2.1 How do I figure out a word I do not know?
3. What do good readers do?
4. Why does fluency matter? / 3. Fluent readers accurately process print with expression at an appropriate rate. / 3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension?


Course Title/Grade: / Fundations Level 2 / Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators
Unit Number/Title: / Unit 2 Bonus Letter and Welded Sounds (Glued Sounds) / RF 2.3.a / RF2.3.e / RF 2.4.b / RF2.3.f
Appropriate Time Allocation (# of Days): / 2 weeks / RF 2.4.a / SL 2.6 / RF 2.4.c / L.2.2.d
(Incl. time / # days per topic) / Critical Content
(Students Will Know:) / Skill Objectives
(Students Will Be Able To:) / Instructional/Learning Activities & Interdisciplinary Connections / Instructional Resources / Technology & 21st C Skills Integration (Specify) / NJCCCS w/ CPI Reference / Evaluation/ Assessment: /
Unit 2
Bonus Letter and Welded Sounds (Glued Sounds)
Week 1
Week 2 / Review Bonus letters; ff, ll, and ss.
Review all “glued” welded sounds.
Introduce Vowel Teams and teach letter-keyword-sound.
Review Level 1 Trick Words
Review other “Glued” sounds. / Distinguish short vowels when reading and spelling regularly spelled one-syllable words.
Identify words with common spelling sounds correspondences.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Produce complete sentences when appropriate to the task / Drill Sound Activity
Review bonus letter using Standard Sound Cards. Discuss that the letter f,l,and s require an additional letter but do not make a sound.
Review all “glued” welded sounds. Using green Standard Sound Cards and explain why they are on one card.
Teach how to code bonus letters and welded sounds.
Dictate and build words with Standard Sound Cards as well as Magnetic Tile Boards.
Introduce Vowel Teams Poster and keywords for ai and ay. Continue to review during Drill Sound Activity.
Drill Level 1 Trick Words using Trick Word Flashcards
Drill Sounds
Explain that /n/ and/m/ are nasal sounds.
Introduce Vowel Teams Poster and keywords for ee, ea and ay.
Dictate and build words with Standard Sound Cards as well as Magnetic Tile Boards.
Additional Activities:
Word of the Day
Make it Fun
Word Talk
Blank Tile Game
Make a Movie / TM page 91
TM page 83 and 84
Standard Sound Cards
Magnetic Tile Boards
TM page 85
Baby Echo
Level 1 Trick Word Flash Cards
TM pages 91-93
TM page 91
TM page 85
TM pages 91-93 / Formative Assessments:
Unit 2 Benchmark page 94
Summative Assessment(s)
Day 5 Check-Up
Teacher Observation during Dictation Practice.

Unit Modifications for Special Population Students:

Struggling Learners / Gifted and Talented Students
(Challenge Activities) / English Language Learners / Special Education Students
Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix)
Fluency Kit
Intervention Placement Inventory / Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual-
*Make It Fun
*Story Time
*Word of the Day
* Word Talk / Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix)
Intervention Placement Inventory
Fluency Kit / Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix)
Fluency Kit
Decodable Stories
Intervention Placement Inventory


Course Title: / Fundations Level 2
Unit #: / UNIT 3 / Unit Title: / Closed Syllable Exception
Unit Description and Objectives:
In Unit 3, you will teach the exception to the closed syllable type. These exceptions are taught as “glued” or Welded Sounds. The exception are:ild, ind, old, olt, and ost.

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

Essential Questions: / Enduring Understandings/Generalizations
Students will understand that: / Guiding Questions
1.How do sounds and letters create words? / 1. Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader.
2. Letter and letter combinations represent sounds. / 1.1 How are sounds represented by letters?
2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? / 1. Fluent readers’ group words together quickly to help them gain meaning from what they read. / 2.1 How do I figure out a word I do not know?
3. What do good readers do?
4. Why does fluency matter? / 3. Fluent readers accurately process print with expression at an appropriate rate. / 3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension?


Course Title/Grade: / Fundations Level 2 / Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators
Unit Number/Title: / Unit 3 Closed Syllable Exceptions / RF 2.3.a / RF 2.3.e / RF 2.4.b / RF 2.3.f
Appropriate Time Allocation (# of Days): / 1 week / SL 2.6 / RF 2.4.a / RF 2.4.c / L.2.2.d
L 2.1.f
(Incl. time / # days per topic) / Critical Content
(Students Will Know:) / Skill Objectives
(Students Will Be Able To:) / Instructional/Learning Activities & Interdisciplinary Connections / Instructional Resources / Technology & 21st C Skills Integration (Specify) / NJCCCS w/ CPI Reference / Evaluation/ Assessment: /
Unit 3 Closed Syllable Exception / Teach Closed Syllable
Teach students to mark words with closed syllable exception.
Introduce Vowel Teams and teach letter-keyword-sound.
Review Level 1 Trick Words / Distinguish short vowels when reading and spelling regularly spelled one-syllable words.
Identify words with common spelling sounds correspondences.
Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
Produce complete sentences when appropriate to the task / Drill Sound Activity
Review closed syllable concept and using Standard Sound card build words. Introduce Exception and teach how to code words.
Dictate and build words with Standard Sound Cards as well as Magnetic Tile Boards.
Introduce Vowel Teams Poster and keywords for oi and oy.
Drill Trick Words using Trick Word Flashcards
Additional Activities:
Word of the Day
Make it Fun
Word Talk
Blank Tile Game
Make a Movie / TM pages 96-107
Standard Sound Cards
Magnetic Tile Boards
Baby Echo
Trick Word Flash Cards / Formative Assessments:
Unit 3 Benchmark page 108
Summative Assessment(s)
Day 5 Check-Up
Teacher Observation during Dictation Practice.

Unit Modifications for Special Population Students: