Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association Board met on November 10th, 2003 at the Wellhouse #3 office, with the following in attendance: Gary Gallens, Dave Jirele, Gus Stetter, Kevin Rowe, and Brian Converse.
Organization of the Board:
Gary discussed the duties of each board position along with Merle Loete's duties. Gary moved, Kevin seconded the below board positions, and the motion unanimously carried.
- Gary Gallens – President
- Kevin Rowe – Vice President
- Dave Jirele – Treasurer
- Gus Stetter – Water Commissioner
- Brian Converse - Secretary
The treasurer reported bills were paid to:
- Farmers Mutual Electric Co. $445.85
- The water engineer, $559.44
- Repairs expense, $6,854.00
- Dave did note that Evergreen Construction finished siding doors and roofs that were in the insurance claim. Dave stated that the insurance paid the hold back amount of $1,438.56. The total amount of money received from the insurance company is $7,312.98. With repair expenses totaling $6,854.00, the homeowners association came out ahead.
- The checking account has a balance of $ 7,573.51.
- The money market has a balance of $25,448.68 as of October.
The homeowners association has a lien on 22 Hart Drive for an unpaid water bill of $360.00.
Dave noted there are three homes for sale in the development. Gus moved, Kevin seconded that his report be accepted as presented, and the motion unanimously carried.
Old Business:
- The new sand filter was discussed and Gary indicated that GHA needs to obtain a few more quotes.
- Comments that were made to the first draft of the annual meeting minutes were discussed. Kevin Rowe said he could not attach the sign-in sheet to the annual meeting minutes that Brian requested since this document along with the ballots were shredded. Kevin stated that the shredding of these documents was discussed with GHA’s lawyer Virgil Thurman prior to the annual meeting. It was also noted, that in the recollection of the existing board, that retaining ballots and sign-in sheets once the vote was unanimously accepted, had never been done in the past. And to insure our homeowners “right-to-privacy” it was felt there would be no reason to retain them. Gus & Dave stated that next year we can attach the sign-in sheet to the annual meeting minutes. It was agreed upon to place Bruce Elkins' statement in the annual minutes along with Alice Lopez’s question to the lawyer and the lawyer’s response.
- Gary stated that no by-laws are recorded at the county, although the county does have the covenants recorded. Gary will call Mr. Wirt and ask if he recorded the by-laws with the state.
- Gus stated that the water flushing was clean.
- A line to circulate water from the South end of Longview drive to Sunrise Lane was discussed, but no action is being planned at this time. It was estimated that this might possibly be a $7,000.00 kind of expense.
- Kevin agreed to be in charge of information gathering and possible future implementation of recycling. The first step is to gather recycling information for discussion at our next board meeting.
- A small discussion took place regarding the legalities of hooking up Dave Coomes to GHA’s water system and, upon Brian Converse’s request, Dave said he would provide Brian a copy of Virgil Thurman’s legal response to this matter at our next board meeting.
New Business:
- Kevin said mowing is finished for the year. Mowing of Well house #3 is working out well. Thanks go out to: Henry & Regina Bullen, Andy & Karen Dennhardt and Richard & Mary Larson. Dave told Kevin if he wants a letter sent out pertaining to mowing, that he would like this sent out with the water bill.
- Brian will scan plats and water maps for web site, and Gary said he would supply Brian with these maps at the next board meeting.
- Brian will scan in all minutes of meetings from previous years that can be located and convert these minutes to a word document using an optical character reader.
- The Boardhas not received the GHA meeting minutes fromSara Patterson, which have beenrequested on four occasions. Kevin asked Brian if he would call Sara and see if she would hand these minutes over to him. Brian said he would call Sara and note in an e-mail to the other board members her response.
- Thanks to Steve Mroz, Deb & Steve Klemmer and Julie & Steve Arndt for their assistance @ the annual meeting.
- Updating the by-laws and by whom will be discussed at the next board meeting.
Next Board Meeting is at7:00 PM CDT on January 13th, 2004 @ the wellhouse # 3 office.
A Motion to Adjourn was made and passed unanimously.
Submitted by: Brian Converse, Secretary