MTH 151 HA


Meeting Times: 8:30-9:20 MTWRF in room 502 MOS

Text: Stewart: CALCULUS, Early Transcendentals (5th Ed)

Instructor: Bob Baer

Office: 223 REN

Office Phone: 785-3003


Office Hours: 8:00-8:20; 9:30-11:20 MTWRF; other hours by appointment

This is the first semester of a three-semester calculus sequence. This course is a Miami Plan Foundation course, area V. It is also required for admission to the School of Business, among other programs. You should have passed a pre-calculus course (our MTH 125 or MTH 123) with a grade of C or better or at least 2 years of high school algebra and a separate course in trigonometry.

This is a tough course, but not impossible if you work hard and don't fall behind. I suggest that you form study groups of 2 or 3 to help each other over the rough spots. You must be careful that one person in the group does all the work and the others merely observe. The one who does the work obviously will benefit greatly; the observers will probably fail. I suggest that you try the homework assignments separately and then get together to discuss the problems and/or ideas that caused trouble. Since the class meets every day, this suggestion may not be very feasible. It implies that you start on the homework assignment as soon after class as possible. COME TO MY OFFICE for help if the group can't resolve the problems. There will be some opportunity to ask questions about homework in class (see later reference), but I am sure we won't have time to answer every question about homework in class. That's why it's important to work in groups and to take advantage of my office hours.

Homework is your opportunity to see if you understand what the class discussions were about. YOU MUST DO THE HOMEWORK ON A DAILY BASIS!!!!! It is the rare individual who can learn mathematics by osmosis. You learn mathematics by doing mathematics. There is no other way!

Included with your text are two cd’s. The red and black one, entitled “Tools for Enriching Calculus” (TEC, for short) contains interactive material dealing with various topics covered in the text. When you see a red circle with TEC inside, you should go to the TEC cd for such material. The TEC cd also contains some hints on homework problems; problems whose number is printed in red have hints on the cd. The green cd, entitled “Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD”, contains worked out examples of problems similar to the problems in the home work assignment. It also contains a quiz for each section of the text.

I have assigned several specific homework problems that are to be written up and handed in. These problems will be graded; the total of these homework grades will count as one test grade. You will have two days to complete each assignment; the due dates are given with the assignment. I will not grade late submissions! However, there are more problems assigned than I will count toward the grade, so if you miss an assignment or two, it will not affect your total homework grade. I will post the correct solutions on the web site (see next paragraph) when I return the graded assignment. These problems constitute a minimal assignment. Most of you should do as many extra problems as you can. Complete answers to all odd numbered problems are worked out in the Student Manual that you can purchase in the bookstore.

I plan to spend the first 5-10 minutes each day reviewing the homework assignment. If there is a problem (or problems) you would like to see worked out write the number of the problem on the upper right-hand portion of the board when you come to class. I will work through as many of these problems as possible. I will place solutions to problems asked for but we don’t cover in class on the computer. If you are using computers that are part of the Hamilton Campus network, go to the P drive; look in the folder Baerrd; then in MTH151. I will also place these solutions on the web. It can be accessed by going to; then click on the 151 folder. I will also place a copy of this syllabus in those files as well, so if you lose this copy you can always get another. I will not work in class any of the assigned homework problems!

Your grade will be determined by the total points earned on the tests and the final exam. You will have the opportunity to supplement this point total by handing in extra credit problems that will be assigned from time to time. I will replace your lowest test score by the average of all of your test scores.

I don't take attendance. I will make out a seating chart later in the week to help me learn your names.

Don’t miss a test! Unless I am contacted before the test is given, there will be NO MAKEUP EXAMS. If you get sick the day of a test, call my office (785-3003) before class. I have voice mail, so leave a message if I am not in the office when you call. You can also send an email message to . If you require special circumstances for test taking and are registered with Mary Vogel’s office, please talk to me about such arrangements.

The use of cell phones is a rude, annoying activity. The use of cell phones during an exam or quiz will be considered an act of academic dishonesty and will be dealt with accordingly.

Good luck in the course. We can learn a lot and have some fun doing it if we work together. I pledge to do my part and trust that you will work to the absolute best of your ability.

NOTE: If you must miss class, you can try to attend my 11:30 class in room 304 PHE instead.

Below is a tentative schedule of when we will discuss which sections of the text. We will try to stick to this schedule as much as possible.

M Jan 9: Overview of course

T Jan 10: Section 1.1: HW - pg 22-24: Hand in on Thur, Jan 12: Sec 1.1: #2, 10, 14, 18, 20, 22, 40,

48, 60 EC - #54

W Jan 11: Section 1.2: HW - pp 35-38: Hand in on Fri, Jan 13: Sec 1.2: #4, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20, 22

R Jan 12: Section 1.3: HW – pp 45-48: Hand in on Tue, Jan 17: Sec 1.3: #4, 6, 26, 28, 40, 46, 52,

54, 56, 60 EC - #12, 62, 63, 64

Read Section 1.4: HW – pp 55-56: Hand in on Tue, Jan 17: Sec 1.4: #24, 28, 30

EC #32, 34, 35

F Jan 13: Section 1.5: HW – pp 62-63: Hand in on Wed, Jan 18: Sec 1.5: #16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26,

28 EC #14

M Jan 16: No Class

T Jan 17: Section 1.6: HW – pp 74-77: Hand in on Thur, Jan 19: Sec 1.6: #16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28,

40, 50, 52, 60, 64, 68, 72 EC #62, 76

W Jan 18: Review EC p85: #2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20


M Jan 23: Section 2.1: HW – pp 91-92: Hand in on Wed, Jan 25: Sec 2.1: #2, 4, 6, 8

T Jan 24: Section 2.2: HW - pp 102-104: Hand in on Fri, Jan 27: Sec 2.2: #4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18

W Jan 25: Section 2.2: HW – pp 102-104: Hand in on Fri, Jan 27: Sec 2.2: #20, 26, 28, 32, 34,

36, 38, 40

R Jan 26: Section 2.3: HW - pp 111-113: Hand in on Mon, Jan 30: Sec 2.3: #10, 12, 16, 18, 20,

22, 26, 32, 36, 46, 48 EC: #38, 50, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

F Jan 27: Section 2.4: HW - pp 122-124: Hand in on Wed, Feb 1: Sec 2.4: #4, 6, 8, 16, 18, 20, 22,


M Jan 30: Section 2.4: HW - p 122-124: Hand in on Wed, Feb 1: Sec 2.4: #26, 28, 42

EC: #36, 37, 44

T Jan 31: Section 2.5: HW - pp 133-135: Hand in on Fri, Feb 3: Sec 2.5: #4, 6, 8, 16, 18, 20

W Feb 1: Section 2.5 HW – pp133-135: Hand in on Fri, Feb 3: Sec 2.5: #32, 34, 36, 38, 42, 44,

48, 54 EC: #55-57, 60, 62

R Feb 2: Section 2.6: HW – pp 146-149: Hand in on Tue, Feb 7: Sec 2.6: #2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16,

22, 26, 28, 34

F Feb 3: Section 2.6: HW - pp146-149: Hand in on Tue, Feb 7: Sec 2.6: #42, 44, 48, 52, 54, 56,

58, 60, 66 EC: #64, 67

M Feb 6: Section 2.7: HW - pp 155-157: Hand in on Wed, Feb 8: Sec 2.7: #6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 22,

24, 26, 28

T Feb 7: Section 2.8: HW - pp 163-164: Hand in on Thur, Feb 9: Sec 2.8: #6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20,

22, 24, 26, 32, 36

W Feb 8: Section 2.9: HW - pp 173-175: Hand in on Fri, Feb 10: Sec 2.9: #6, 10, 14, 16, 18, 24,

28, 30, 34, 38 EC: #40, 47

R Feb 9: Review


M Feb 13: Section 3.1: HW – p 191 Hand in on Thur, Feb 16: Sec 3.1: #6, 10, 24, 28, 32

(#32 is tricky)

T Feb 14: Section 3.1: HW - pp 191-192 Hand in on Thur, Feb 16: Sec 3.1: #40, 42, 50, 52, 56

EC #62

Section 3.2: HW – p 197: Hand in on Fri, Feb 17: Sec 3.2: #4, 6, 8, 12, 14

W Feb 15: Section 3.2: HW – pp 197-198: Hand in on Fri, Feb 17: Sec 3.2: #24, 30, 34, 36, 42;

EC #62

R Feb 16: Section 3.3: HW – p 208-210: Hand in on Tue, Feb 21: Sec 3.3: #2, 6, 12, 14, 20, 24,

30, 34

F Feb 16: Section 3.4: HW – pp 216-217: Hand in on Thur, Feb 23: Sec 3.4: #2, 4, 6, 8, 14

M Feb 20: NO CLASS

T Feb 21: Section 3.4: HW – pp216-217 Hand in Thur, Feb 23: Sec 3.4: #24, 36, 38,42, 45c;

EC: #46, 47

Section 3.5: HW - pp 224-227: Hand in on Fri, Feb 24: Sec 3.5: #4, 6, 12, 16, 20

W Feb 22: Section 3.5: HW - pp 224-227: Hand in Fri, Feb 24: Sec 3.5: #36, 52, 56, 58, 66;

EC: #75

R Feb 23: Section 3.6: HW – pp 233-235: Hand in on Tue, Feb 28: Sec 3.6: #2, 8, 12, 18, 22

F Feb 24: Section 3.6: HW - pp 233-235: Hand in Tue, Feb 28: Sec 3.6: #26, 36, 44, 46, 48;

EC: #38, 54

M Feb 27: Section 3.7: HW - pp 240-242: Hand in Wed, Mar 1: Sec 3.7: #8, 10, 14, 20, 26, 28,

34, 44, 48, 56; EC: #66, 68

T Feb 28: Section 3.8: HW – pp 249: Hand in Thur, Mar 2: Sec 3.8: #4, 6, 8, 16, 22, 26, 30,

44, 46, 50; EC: #52

W Mar 1: Section 3.10: HW – pp 260-262: Hand in on Mon, Mar 6: Sec 3.10: #2, 4, 10, 18

R Mar 2: Section 3.10: HW – pp 260-262: Hand in Mon, Mar 6: Sec 3.10: #22, 26, 30

F Mar 3: Section 3.11: HW – pp 267-268: Hand in Tue, Mar 7: Sec 3.11: #4, 8, 10, 14, 18, 26,

42, 48


T Mar 7 Section 4.1: HW – pp 285-288: Hand in on Fri, Mar 10: Sec 4.1: #4, 6, 8,

10, 14

W Mar 8: Section 4.1: HW – pp 285-288: Hand in Fri, Mar 10 Sec 4.1: #32, 38,

48, 54, 75; EC: #76

R Mar 9: Section 4.2: HW – pp 295-296: Hand in Mon, Mar20 Sec 4.2: #4, 6, 10,

14, 18, 24, 26, 30, 34; EC: #22, 36

F Mar 10: Section 4.3: HW – pp 304-307: Hand in on Wed, Mar 22: Sec 4.3: #2, 6,

10, 14, 24

Mar 13– Mar 17: No Class

M Mar 20: Section 4.3: HW – pp 304-307: Hand in on Wed, Mar 22: Sec 4.3:

#32, 34, 46, 69;

EC # 66-68, 70c, 73, 76

T Mar 21: Section 4.4: HW – pp313-314: Hand in on Fri, Mar 24: #2, 10, 14, 18,

32, 38

W Mar 22: Section 4.4: HW – pp314-315: Hand in Fri, Mar 24: Sec 4.4: #42, 48,

58, 62 EC #67, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78

R Mar 23: Section 4.6: HW – pp 330-331: Sec 4.6: #6, 12, 14, 23, 26, 28, 29, 33

(These are to be handed in on Mar 30)

F Mar 24: Section 4.7: HW – pp 336-341: Hand in on Wed, Mar 29: Sec 4.7: #2, 8,

18, 22, 26

M Mar 27: Section 4.7: HW – pp 336-341: Hand in Wed, Mar 29: Sec 4.7: # 32,

38, 42, 56

T Mar 28: Section 4.10: HW – pp 358-360: Hand in on Fri, Mar 31: Sec 4.10: #4, 6,

16, 20, 24

W Mar 29: Section 4.10: HW – pp 358-360: Hand in Fri, Mar 31: Sec 4.10: #28,

36, 40, 46, 62; EC: #66, 67

R Mar 30: Section 9.4: HW – pp620-621: Hand in Mon, Apr 3: Sec 9.4: #6, 10, 14,

21; EC #22

F Mar 31: Review Look at pp362-364: #4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 35, 38,

45-59, 65-73, 75-79


W Apr 5: Section 5.1: HW – pp 378-380: Hand in on Mon, Apr 10: Sec 5.1: #6, 12, 14, 16

R Apr 6: Section 5.1: HW – pp 378-380: Hand In Mon. Apr 10: Sec 5.1: #18, 20, 22;

EC: #26

F Apr 7: Section 5.2: HW – pp 390-393: Hand in on Thur, Apr 13: Sec 5.2: #4, 10

M Apr 10: Section 5.2: HW – p390-393: Hand in on Thur, Apr 13: Sec 5.2: #18, 20, 28

T Apr 11: Section 5.2: HW – pp 390-393: Hand In Thur. Apr 13: Sec 5.2: #30, 38, 48, 62;

EC: #63-65, 69

W Apr 12: Section 5.3: HW – pp 402-404: Hand in on Mon, Apr 17: Sec 5.3: #2, 10, 18, 26, 30

R Apr 13: Section 5.3: HW – pp 402-404: Hand In Mon, Apr 17: Sec 5.3: #40, 52, 62, 66, 70

F Apr 14: Section 5.4: HW – pp 411-413: Hand In Tue Apr 18: Sec 5.4: #3, 6, 10, 28, 36, 48, 56,

60, 64; EC: #63

M Apr 17: Sec 5.5: HW – pp 420-422: Hand in on Thur, Apr 20: Sec 5.5: #6, 18, 24, 38, 44

T Apr 18: Sec 5.5: HW – pp 420-422: Hand In Thur Apr 20: Sec 5.5: #52, 56, 66, 70, 74;

EC: #81, 82, 83,84, 85

W Apr 19: Review Look at pp 431-433: #1-5, 7-59; EC #60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70


F Apr 21: Section 6.1: HW – pp 442-443: Hand in on Wed, Apr 26: Sec 6.1: #6, 12, 24, 30

M Apr 24: Section 6.1: HW – pp442-443: Hand In Wed Apr 26: Sec 6.1: #32, 34, 40, 44;

EC #46b

T Apr 25: Section 6.2: HW – pp452-455: Hand in on Fri, Apr 28: Sec 6.2: #4, 8, 12, 22, 30

W Apr 26: Section 6.2: HW – pp452-455: Hand In Fri Apr 28: Sec 6.2: #34, 44, 48, 54, 56

R Apr 27: Section 6.3: HW – pp458-459: Turn In to 223 REN Mon May 1: Sec 6.3: #4, 14, 18, 26,

28, 32, 40, 44; EC #46

F Apr 28: Review

? May ?: FINAL EXAM 8:00-12:30