Questions for final module control
Semantic module 1
1.Visual analyzer, his value in cognition of the outer world.
2.Absolute, professional and public blindness. Main reasons of blindness. Adults and children prophylaxis of blindness.
4.Forming of visualization. A role of cortex in the act of sight. Theories of sight.
5.Cornea. It's structure, blood supply,functions.
6.Iris. It's structure, blood supply, functions.
7.Ciliary body and choroidea, their structure, functions.
8.Muscles of iris and ciliary body.
9.Retina, its structure, functions of rods and cones.
10.Lens. It's structure, blood supply, functions.
11.Blood supply of the eyeball.
12.Structure of orbit.
13.Oculomotor muscles. Their function and innervation.
14.Structure of conjunctiva.
15.Anatomy of tear organs. Methods of examination of tear pathways.
16.Visual aquity. Formula of calculation. Tables for checking the visual aquity.
17.Peripheral sight. Visual field test.
18.Color perception. Changes in color perception, methods of examination.
19.Basic elements of the optical system of eye. Diopters.
20.Types of clinical refraction. A role of external environment in forming of refraction.
21.Methods of refractometry (objective and subjective).
22.Correction of ametropy.
23.Optical ocular glasses and their applications. Contact lenses and their applications.
24.Volume and length of accommodation, its connection with refraction. Farthest and nearest points of clear view.
25.Accommodation, changes with age. Presbyopia.
26.Hypermetropia, clinics, diagnostics and correction.
27.Myopia: clinics, reasons of development.
28.Complication of myopia. Prophylaxis of progression.
29.Astigmatism, his kinds and correction.
30.Anomalies of eyelids position. Clinics, methods of treatment.
31.Inflammatory diseases of eyelids, barley, chalasion. Clinics, treatment.
32.Blepharitis, their clinic and treatment
33.Chronic dacryocystitis, his etiology, clinic, treatment.
34.Phlegmonous dacryocystitis, clinic and treatment.
35.Dacryocystitis of newborns, clinic and treatment.
36.Inflammatory diseases of orbit (phlegmon of orbit, thrombosis of cavernous sinus), clinic and treatment.
37.Methods of examination of front segment of the eye (focal, bifocal illumination, biomicroscopy).
38.Methods of examination of optical environments of eye.
39.Clinical manifestation, etiology and methods of treatment of chronic conjunctivitis.
40.Gonoblenoreya of babies and adults. Prophylaxis.
41.Adenoviral conjunctivitises. Their clinic and treatment.
42.Diphtheria of eye, its clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
43.Differential diagnostics of follicle lesions of conjunctiva (trachoma, folliculosis, follicle conjunctivitis).
44.General principles of treatment of trachoma.
45.Stages of trachoma, their clinic. Public and personal prophylaxis of trachoma.
46.Complication of trachoma (from the side of eyelids and cornea).
47.Classification of keratitis. General principles of their treatment.
48.Ulcers of cornea, clinic and treatment.
49.Herpetic keratitis. Their diagnostics and treatment.
Semantic module 2
50.Iridocyclitis. Clinical features, diagnostics, treatment.
51.Complication and consequences of iridocyclitiss.
52.Treatment of iridocyclitiss. Myotics and midriatics.
53.Outflow pathways of intraocular fluid.
54.Dynamic classification of glaucoma.
55.Methods of early diagnostics of glaucoma.
56.Clinical forms of primary glaucoma, treatment.
57.Differential diagnostics of primary glaucoma and cataract.
58.Acute glaucoma attack. Differential diagnostics with the iridocyclitis.
59.Rapid treatment of acute attack of glaucoma.
60.Secondary glaucoma: reasons, clinic, treatment.
61.Congenital glaucoma: reasons, clinic and treatment.
62.Anomalies of lens position in the eye, diagnostics, complications, treatment.
63.Congenital cataract. Clinic, diagnostics, methods of treatment.
64.Stages of development of senile cataract. Diagnostics and treatment.
65.Diagnostics and conservative treatment of the initial stage of senile cataract.
66.Traumatic cataract. Features of its motion, complications, surgical treatment.
67.Secondary cataract, clinic, reasons of origin, surgical treatment.
68.Aphakia, its signs, correction.
Semantic module 3
69.Strabismus, its forms, diagnostics.
70.Principles of treatment of strabismus..
71.Paralytic strabismus, his signs, differential diagnostics, methods of treatment.
72.Signs of penetratibe wounds of eyeball. The first aid.
73.Penetrative wounds of eyes, complicated with the presence of the foreign body. Methods of localization of foreign body in the eye.
74.Principles of removing of intraocular foreign bodies.
75.Complications of penetrative wounds.
76.Contusions of eyeball, clinic and treatments.
77.Superficial foreign bodies of cornea, first aid.
78.Electro-ophthalmia. First aid.
79.Endophthalmitis and panophthalmitis. Their clinic, reasons, treatments.
80.Chemical burns of eyes, clinic, first aid.
81.Thermal burns of eyes, clinic, first aid.
82.Intraocular tumours, clinic, treatment.
83.Neuritis of optic nerve. Reasons, differential diagnostics.
84.Changes of the retina at arterial hypertension
85.Changes of the retina at diabetes mellitus.
86.Changes of the retina at diseases of the blood.
87.Changes of the retina at AIDS.
88.Acute changes of blood circulation in retina. Reasons, clinic, treatment.