Year 10 Health Program


Term 1
Week / Lesson Objectives / WAC / Resources / Assessment and feedback
1 / Introduction
2 / Being health, safe and active
Cyber Bulling
-Recognizing risks and exploring scenarios
-Reflecting on issues / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 alcohol and other drugs
 body image
 fast food
 road safety
 relationships / Year 10 Health Workbooks
-Page 2-5
3 / Being health, safe and active
Cyber Bullying
-Group research
-Learning online
Your Digital Reputation
-Film analysis
-Google it
-Applying learning / The impact of societal and cultural influences on personal identity and health behaviour, such as:
 how diversity and gender are represented in the media / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 5-7
4 / Being health, safe and active
-Legal issues
-Under pressure
-Safety tips / External influences on sexuality and sexual health behaviours, including the impact decisions and actions have on their own and others’ health and wellbeing / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 9-12
5 / Being health, safe and active
Sexual Predators
-Online sexual predators, exploring scenarios
Online Security
-E security
-Protecting yourself / External influences on sexuality and sexual health behaviours, including the impact decisions and actions have on their own and others’ health and wellbeing / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 12-13
6 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
Life and death in Aus
-Comparing life expectancies
-External causes / Social, economic and environmental factors that influence health, such as:
 level of education
 income/employment
 social networks and supports (family, friends and community attachment)
 housing
 access to services
Critical health literacy skills and strategies:
 evaluating health services in the community
 examining policies and processes for ensuring safer behaviours / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 20-23
7 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
Life and death in Aus.
-Cardiovascular disease
-Cancer / Critical health literacy skills and strategies:
 evaluating health services in the community
 examining policies and processes for ensuring safer behaviours / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 23-26
8 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing
Personal and community actions that affect health
-Smoking / Critical health literacy skills and strategies:
 evaluating health services in the community
 examining policies and processes for ensuring safer behaviours / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 26-29
9 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Promoting Health
-Health initiatives in the media
-National Drug campaign / Health campaigns and/or community-based activities designed to raise awareness, influence attitudes, promote healthy behaviours and increase connection to the community / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 29 - 32 / Term 1 Topic Test
10 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Promoting Health
-National health priority areas
-Medicare / Critical health literacy skills and strategies:
 evaluating health services in the community
 examining policies and processes for ensuring safer behaviours / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 32-34
Term 2
Week / Lesson Objectives / WAC / Resources / Assessment and feedback
1 / Being healthy, safe and active
Reality Bites (DVD)
How to get a driver’s license (1.2)
What do I think? (1.1)
Road Map (1.9) – students teach each other rules at T-Junctions
Behind the wheel Task 1 (at home) & 1st quiz
Students pick up their own DriveSafe book at a Licensing center / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 1.1, 1.2.and 1.9
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journals are to be completed each week and journal to be completed by Week 8
2 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Swap Stats (2.2)
Road Crash Effects (2.3)
Road Map (1.9) – students teach each other rules at roundabouts
Behind the wheel Task 2 and 3 (at home) & 2nd and 3rd quiz
Unit 1 Assessment activity / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 2.2, 2.3, 1.9
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal Task 2 and 3
3 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Driving Triangle (3.1)
Responsibilities and consequences (1.7)
Three (DVD)
-Behind the wheel Task 4 and 5 (at home) & 4th and 5thquiz
- / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 3.1, 1.7
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal Task 4 and 5
4 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Driving Risks (3.2)
Alcohol and Other Drugs (3.4)
What’s the Plan? DVD
Road Map (1.9) – students teach each other rules at intersections
Behind the wheel Task 6 (at home) & 6th quiz / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 alcohol and other drugs
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 3.2, 3.4
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal Task 6
5 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Driving is a Complex Activity (3.11)
Before Other Help Arrives (5.14)
Fatigue (3.5)
Road Map (1.9) – students teach each other rules at intersections
Behind the wheel Task 7 and 8 (at home) & 7thand 8th quiz / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 3.11, 5.14, 3.5
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal Task 7 and 8
6 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Six: Ben DVD
Why Practice? (4.1)
Road Map (1.9) – students teach each other road signs
Speed and Stopping Distances (3.7)
Behind the wheel Task 9 (at home) & 9th quiz / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 4.1, 3.7
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal Task 9
7 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Communicating Effectively (4.4)
Negotiating Supervised Driving Lessons (4.5)
Road Map (1.9) – students teach each other turning rules and changing lanes
Behind the wheel Task 10 (at home) / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 4.4, 4.5
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal Task 10
8 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Attitudes About Speeding (3.8)
Trip Planning (5.13)
Review road rules as a whole class from 3 of the Behind the Wheel quizzes
Behind the wheel Task catch up (at home) / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Keys for Life Activity booklet 3.8, 5.13
Drive Safe book
Behind the Wheel Journal / Behind the Wheel Journal hand in
9 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Conduct the learners permit test / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Test booklets
Test answer sheets / Learners Permit Test
10 / Contributing to healthy and active communities
Conduct learners permit test (second chance)
Towards Zero DVD and What do I think? (1.1) / Skills and strategies to manage situations where risk is encouraged by others
Analysis of images and messages in the media related to:
 road safety / Test booklets
Test answer sheets / Learners Permit Test
Term 3
Week / Lesson Objectives / WAC / Resources / Assessment and feedback
1 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
UN Rights and responsibilities / Skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships, such as:
 appropriate emotional responses in a variety of situations
 taking action if a relationship is not respectful
 appropriate bystander behaviour in physical and online interactions / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 5.1
-Case Study 5.1
2 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
-Positive, respectful relationships
-Building respectful relationships / Skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships, such as:
 appropriate emotional responses in a variety of situations
 taking action if a relationship is not respectful
 appropriate bystander behaviour in physical and online interactions / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 5.2/5.3
3 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
-Balance of power
-Take a Stand
-Help and support
-Gender roles
-Attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes / Skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships, such as:
 appropriate emotional responses in a variety of situations
 taking action if a relationship is not respectful
 appropriate bystander behaviour in physical and online interactions / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 5.4/5.5
4 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
-Acknowledging others’ rights
-Making ethical decisions / Skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships, such as:
 appropriate emotional responses in a variety of situations
 taking action if a relationship is not respectful
 appropriate bystander behaviour in physical and online interactions / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 5.6
-Review questions p111-112
5 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
-Emotional responses and resolving conflict
-Strategies to manage anger
- / Effects of emotional responses on relationships, such as:
 extreme emotions impacting on situations or relationships
 the consequences of not recognising emotions of others / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 6.1
6 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
-Family situations
-Social and online environments / Effects of emotional responses on relationships, such as:
 extreme emotions impacting on situations or relationships
 the consequences of not recognising emotions of others / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 6.2
7 / Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing:
-Detecting sensitive emotions
-Recognising and responding to emotions / Effects of emotional responses on relationships, such as:
 extreme emotions impacting on situations or relationships
 the consequences of not recognising emotions of others / Cambridge: Health and Physical Education 9 & 10
-Activities 6.3
-Case Study 6.1
-Review questions p129
8 / Diversity in Sport Assessment Task
-Task outline
-Presentation in pairs
-Research / The impact of societal and cultural influences on personal identity and health behaviour / Year 10 Health Workbooks
P53 / Diversity in Sport Assessment Task
9 / Diversity in Sport Assessment Task
-Task outline
-Presentation in pairs
-Research / The impact of societal and cultural influences on personal identity and health behaviour / Year 10 Health Workbooks
P53 / Diversity in Sport Assessment Task
10 / Presentations / The impact of societal and cultural influences on personal identity and health behavior / Year 10 Health Workbooks
P53 / Diversity in Sport Assessment Task
Term 4
Week / Lesson Objectives / WAC / Resources / Assessment and feedback
1 / STRESS (2-3)
-Stress management
-Dealing with stress / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 56-57
2 / Strategies to manage and reduce stress (3-5)
-Have a go
-Get focused
- / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 57-59
3 / Putting it into perspective (5-6)
-Need a hand / Year 10 Health Workbooks
Page 59-60
Assessment task
-Stress and young people / Assessment Task / SPEAK UP
Assessment task
-Stress and young people
Assessment task
-Stress and young people / Assessment Task / SPEAK UP
Assessment task
-Stress and young people
Assessment task
-Stress and young people / Assessment Task / SPEAK UP
Assessment task
-Stress and young people