To be completed by Patient

Client Questionnaire

Client(s) Name: ______SSN#: ______- ______- ______

Name of Person Completing Form: ______Relationship to Patient: ______

(if other than client)

Marital Status of Client Race/Ethnic Origin of Client (Optional) Sex of Client Custody

Never Married Divorced White American Indian Male (if client is dependent)

Married Separated African American Asian Female Mother:

Cohabitating Widowed Hispanic Bi-Racial Father:

Other Joint:


Present Living Arrangement: Alone Family Friends Foster Care

Guardian Other (please describe: ______

Employment Status: Full-time (35 or more hrs/week) Retired

Part-time (less than 35 hr/week) Homemaker

Employed, not working due to extended illness Full-time student

Unemployed Seasonal worker

Other (please describe): ______

Occupation: ______

Education: High School/G.E.D. Yes No Special Training: ______

Last Grade completed: ______Highest Degree: ______

Currently attending school/grade: ______

Briefly explain why you are seeking help at this time: ______


Are you currently suicidal? Are you currently engaged in aggressive/violent behavior?

Suicidal thoughts only? Do you have aggressive/violent thoughts?

Previous suicide attempt at any time? Have you had aggressive/violent behavior or thoughts?

Please check off any of the following that apply:

Depressed mood Fear of dying or going crazy

Daily irritability Excessive fear of persons, places, animals,

Recurrent and persistent, objects, situations

thoughts/behaviors Difficulty controlling anger/bad temper in

Lack of interest or pleasure activities

Increase in appetite Loss of appetite

Increased need to sleep Decreased need for sleep

Physical abuse Psychological abuse

Recurrent distressing dreams Sexual abuse

Restlessness or inability Distressing memories that recur or intrude

to concentrate Difficulty making decisions

Fatigue or loss of energy Delusions (unreasonable thoughts or beliefs)

Do you hear or see things that others don’t?

Feelings or worthlessness or guilt Not able to control impulse to steal?

Feeling of hopelessness Preoccupation with/or frequent gambling?

Recurrent thoughts of death Distractibility

Racing thoughts or ideas Sense of reliving traumatic events

Rapid mood swings Intense reactions to certain events or anniversaries

Shortness of breath/dizziness

Periods of time which you cannot remember Detachment from feelings, people and places

Avoidance of thoughts or feelings of trauma Sweating/feeling flushed

Accelerated heart rate or chest pains Bingeing/compulsive overeating

Intentional vomiting

Diuretics or laxative misuse

Trembling or shaking Excessive dieting

Choking Physical pain

Nausea or abdominal stress Other

Feeling unreal

Numbness or tingling sensations

Compulsive exercising

Self injury


A.  What medical problems or concerns, if any, are you currently having? ______


Are those problems being treated? Yes No By Whom? ______

B.  Are you experiencing any physical pain, either constantly or occasionally? Yes No

How much does the pain interrupt your daily living/working? 1 2 3 4

Not At All Severely

Are these problems being treated? Yes No By Whom? ______

C.  Last medical examination (date): ______Primary care doctor: ______

Phone Number: ______

What prescription or non-prescription drugs are you currently taking or have taken in the last six months?

1.  ______4. ______

2.  ______5. ______

3.  ______6. ______

ALLERGIES: Drug, food, other (list) Type of reaction:




List past hospitalizations (including psychiatric), operations, or serious illnesses:

Type of Illnesses/Operations Year Hospital or Doctor

1.  ______

2.  ______

3.  ______

Are you currently pregnant? Yes No N/A

Is your menstrual period regular? Yes No N/A

What was the date of your last menstrual period? ______

Check any of the following that apply:

Tuberculosis Liver Disease Heart Disease

Chronic Bronchitis Ulcer (Stomach) or Duodenus Stroke

Emphysema Sexually Transmitted Disease Jaundice

Rheumatic Fever Kidney Disorder Hepatitis

Thyroid Disorder High Blood Pressure Asthma

Diabetes Pancreatitis Anemia


Epilepsy (Convulsions) Other: ______


Family History of serious illnesses, familial disease, including mental disorders and substance abuse: ______



Please give as much detail as you can for either yourself or other as you complete this nutrition screen.

1.  Has there been any recent change in your appetite? Yes No

Excellent Good Fair Poor

2.  What is your Height ______Current Weight ______Usual Weight ______

3.  Have you gained or lost weight in the past year? Yes No

If so, how much? Gained ______pounds OR Lost ______pounds

4.  Do you omit any foods because of health reasons? Yes No

If yes, what are they? ______

5.  Do you omit any foods because of religious reasons? Yes No

If yes, what are they? ______

6.  Do you include any foods because of health benefits? Yes No

If yes, what are they? ______

7.  Do you have any difficulty with: Swallowing Chewing Diarrhea Constipation

Vomiting Indigestion Heartburn

8.  Do you use any purging methods? Laxatives Diuretics Diet Pills Vomiting

9.  What type of exercise do you do? ______

10.  Do you take vitamins or supplements? Yes No

11.  Do you have any food allergies? Yes No

12.  How often do you eat meals with family/significant others? ______

13.  How often do you eat out? ______Which meals do you eat out most often? ______


1.  Do you believe you have a substance abuse problem? Yes No Yes No

2.  Does someone else in your life believe you have an alcohol or substance abuse problem? Yes No Yes No

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, please describe: ______


Alcohol frequency/amount? ______


Drug use frequency/amount? ______


Daily tobacco usage: ______Caffeine daily usage: ______

Client’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Provider’s Signature: ______Date: ______