Meeting Date / 02/02/17
Meeting Number / 1
Location / Nightingale Pub
Present / Robert Russell, Annie Zannetti, Andrew Ross, Lisa Leonce, Andrew Ross, Natasha Wainwright, Lisa Leonce, David Hart,Susie Harnett, David Hartt, Roz Kara
Apologies / Kim Morris, Rassi, Theressa O’Sullivan
Item / Description / Actioned
Who? When?
1 / Welcome, members present and apologies
- DH welcomed and thanked everyone for attending.
2 / Approval of minutes of the last meeting
- Previous minutesagreed.
3 / Spending
- Xmas Fayre ’16 raised approx. £4K
- SH spoke to Eddie regarding suggestions for spend, who suggested that perhaps and upgrade to the AV system in the school hall might be a good idea.
- There were no objections so SH/DH will start contacting AV co’s (Digital Village etc.) to create specification and get quotes.
4 / ST PATS – Fri 17thMarch @ OLOL
- Will need Costco run for sweets.
- DJ already booked.
- Glow sticks, Sharon Barnes sourced previously.
- Volunteers needed for bar and tuck shop.
- Tickets to be sold in advance. Would like to trial use online ticketing systems (AZ) has details. If successful could use for larger events.
- Book bag letter to go our advertising.
- Agreed that stick on Irish tattoos better than Face painting.
- Charge, suggested £8 family or £5 adult and £2 child.
- KM to apply for TENS
- Booked for 10th June
- Planning in progress.
- Need auction prizes “money can’t buy”.
- Charity status letter available.
- Trial of online ticketing system to be run at St Pats. An if successful used at Summer Ball.
6 / CIRCUS 8th July 2017
- Circus booked
- Eton Manor location booked.
- There are restrictions on what food and drink OLOL PTA can sell (no candy floss, popcorn, bar or BBQ).
- Marcie and Dan Parker doing program. The cover will be the designed by the children. There will be competition to judge winner, with all entries in centre spread.
- SH to inform children of competition at school on Peace day.
- No printers arranged for program (expected to be 32 pages), need to check with Marcie regarding timeline for design competition.
- Advertising currently being sold.
- Query on raffle tickets versus a ticket on the rear of program.
- Suggested that program ticket used for larger prize. With raffle tickets being used for smaller.
- Tickets printed. Will also trial online system for St Pats.
- Sweets
- Tombola
- Games: circus themed. Sponge throw, coconut shy,
- Premier sports
- Face painting
- Beat the goalie
- Large inflatable slides
- Fair ground rides
- Climbing tower
- Party bus
- Water slides if weather suitable.
- Tumblers – Roz to contact.
- External stalls to be charged £20 deposit.
- Ice cream van (suggested £100-150 contribution)
- Suggested that bookings are made soon so that the larger items inflatables and climbing tower can be sourced.
- Will have a cake competition, but due to logistics of getting cakes from school to Eton Manor, entries will need to brought to the Circus on the day.
- As ticketed event will need some ‘unofficial’ security presence
- Will require additional gazebos (Nightingale supplied some in past)
- A lot of items need to be moved (gazebos, tables etc. from OLOL). Suggested that a man and van is hired for this purpose. Anja Z to provide details.
- Will need to ensure manpower provided for load/unloading.
- Suggested that contingency provisioned in the event of poor weather
- Discussion on timing of other events. When circus is on, there is not a lot going on elsewhere. Do we host OLOL events and stalls before or after?
- 0800-1000 Circus setup
- 1100-1130 Circus setup completed
- 1300 Circus gates open
- 1330 big top opens
- 1400-1445 PART 1
- 1445-1515 INTERMISSION
- 1515-1600 PART 2
- 2030 Circus Pull down
- Suggested that due to size of location, event can go on later. Possibly the provision of music.
- Suggested that the OLOL portion of the Circus opens earlier at 1100 or 1200 for the pre-circus events (stalls and inflatables). But will get suggestions from the vendors who provide.
7 / AOB