2100 E. Walt Williams Drive

TUESDAY – 6:00 P.M.
June 24, 2014


Town Board:

Bill Dolan

Dr. Tom Waters

Robert Adams

Amy Riches


Harley Kulkin


Susan Holecheck, Town Manager

Tracy Difillippo, Legal Counsel

Scott Lewis, Fire Chief

Michael Sullivan, Financial Director

Matt Luis, Buildings & Grounds Manager

Stephanie Massimino, Executive Assistant

Alexandra Crow, Business License Tech

1.  Call to Order

Mr. Dolan called the meeting to order. He also announced that Mr. Kulkin was unable to attend due to illness.

2.  Invocation by Pastor Keith Walker and Pledge of Allegiance.

Pastor Keith Walker led the invocation.

Dr. Waters led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.  Consideration to Move the Order of or Deleting an Agenda Item(s).

Mr. Adams stated he would like to make a comment on consent agenda item 7b.

4.  Public Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).

Public comment was heard.

5.  Board and Staff Comments: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. NRS 241.020(2)(c )(3).

Dr. Waters stated that there is a petition going around town to re-establish the Elected Town Board and with enough signatures would have the question placed back on the ballot in November. He stated several people had contacted him, saying they had been confused by the question at the first vote. Dr. Waters continued by saying he felt that a local government was very important to the Town.

Mr. Adams and Mrs. Riches thanked Butch Harper for his work in the community and thanked Pastor Walker for his invocation.

Mr. Dolan welcomed everyone.

Ms. Holecheck stated that Mr. Dolan had asked her to make sure the Events Board was for large events only or small and large events in Pahrump, and after she looked into it the Events Advisory Board is for the all events; small or large. She stated at the latest meeting the board did keep that in mind while crafting the by-laws. Ms. Holecheck then mentioned that at the last County meeting the Board of County Commissioners implemented fees for a marijuana license, she therefore felt the Town Marijuana Business License ordinance would need to be brought back on a Town Board Agenda for discussion.

Mr. Dolan agreed that he felt that the Marijuana Business License fees should be re-discussed.

6.  Announcements

Announcements were read by Dr. Waters. He also announced a community discussion would be in the Board of County Commissioners Chamber June 26th at 6:00 pm.

Mr. Dolan stated that Friday in the BOCC chambers the Commissioners will be discussing taxes issues regarding Nye County and raising of property taxes.

7.  Consideration to adopt Consent agenda items:

a.  Action – Approval of Town Vouchers.

b.  Action – Approval of Town Board meeting minutes for June 10, 2014.

c.  Action – Approval of Resignation of Elizabeth Weikel from Public Lands Advisory Board.

Mr. Adams commented that the minutes did not reflect the reason fees were waived. He stated 50% percent refund was awarded because a new policy was initiated before the Art Show had a chance to ask for the waiver.

Dr. Waters motioned to approve consent agenda items 7a-7c.

Mrs. Riches seconded.

Motion carried 4-0.

8.  Advisory Board Reports from Advisory Board Chairpersons and/or Town Board Liaisons on the Status of Advisory Boards.

Dr. Waters reminded everyone that the Youth Board would be having meeting tomorrow and asked everyone to please come out and support them.

Mr. Dolan stated the Nevada League of Cities board met last week and the board received a report on the Public Lands being returned to BLM. He stated he would like to have Commissioner Wichman to do a presentation since she is the County’s representative. He then stated that Secretary of State Ross Miller made a presentation on Sliver Flume regarding the business portal.

9.  Presentation by John Pawlak (Nuclear Waste Advisory Board) regarding Climate Change

Mr. John Pawlak gave a presentation to the Town Board regarding Climate Change.

Dr. Waters and Mr. Adams both thanked Mr. Pawlak for his presentation.

Mr. Dolan stated that Mr. Pawlak’s information was very informative and well presented. He informed everyone that Spring Mountain Raceway has also dug to basins to save rain water as well.

10.  Presentation by Town Manager concerning revisions to Pahrump Personnel Policies

Ms. Susan Holecheck gave a presentation to the Town Board regarding a portion of the Pahrump Staff Personal Policy changes.

Dr. Waters and Mr. Adams stated they were in favor of the changes so far.

Mrs. Riches stated she was not in favor of being able to dock a staff member’s pay for discipline. She did understand if staff infected their computer with a virus by their visit to dangerous websites, and that if it was reoccurring then that website should be banned but that she was concerned about charging the employee.

Mr. Dolan stated he had questions and concerns but would be emailing and/or setting up a meeting.

11.  Consideration to approve funding for the installation of a fiber optic cable in an amount not to exceed $15,000

Mr. Luis stated that buildings and grounds wanted to run fiber optic cables from the fire department building to the pool and annex. He explained the pool was using the wireless internet to check the weather regularly and the pool chemicals were also monitored though the internet and due to weather and other connection speeds there have been issues. He stated that Ms Arlette Ledbetter uses the internet for work and her biggest issues has been the amount of time used to back up her emails, which is why they would also be running the cable to the annex. Mr. Luis stated he had some local contractors come out and estimate the cost, which they thought not to exceed the $15,000. Once all the contractors’ quotes have been submitted Mr. Luis would bring the quotes back to the Board at a later date.

Mr. Dolan asked which account the funds would be coming from.

Ms. Holecheck stated the general fund, pool fund, and the tourism fund would all be splitting the cost.

Mrs. Riches motioned to approve funding for the installation of the fiber optic cable in an amount not to exceed $15,000.

Dr. Waters seconded.

Motion carried, 4-0.

12.  Closed Session(s).

Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session, to receive information and advice from the Town Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation pursuant to NRS 241.015(2)(b)(2).

There was no closed session.

13.  Future Meetings/Workshops: Date, Time and Location: regular meeting July 8, 2014.

14.  Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).

Public comment was heard.

Dr. Waters reminded everyone to please drop off the reinstatement signatures to the Town Office and if there are enough signatures then they will turn them into the clerk and if not then thank you for your support.

15.  Adjournment.

Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.

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