Fun Marine Writing Group Activity
Interesting Fact about Gray Whales Migrating
- The whale that migrates the longest is the Gray Whale, which migrates about 12,500 miles.
1st, Choose amarine animal from this animal migration listbelow and then give your marine animal a name.
List of Marine Animals that Migrate:
- American Golden Plover: The American Golden Plover is a medium-sized shorebird.
- Arctic Tern: A small bird that flies from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back again each year.
- Basking Shark: A huge filter feeder and the second largest fish.
- Beluga Whale: A small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, Arctic waters.
- Blue Shark: A sleek, fast-swimming shark with blue skin.
- Bowhead Whale: A baleen whale rich in blubber.
- Bull Shark: A blunt-nosed, dangerous, gray shark can that live in fresh water rivers and lakes.
- Crab: A crab is an animal with a shell. Many crabs migrate to reproduce.
- Dogfish Shark: A small, very common, relatively harmless shark found worldwide.
- Dolphin: A dolphin is a small, toothed whale, a marine mammal.
- Hammerhead Shark: Large predators with a hammer-shaped head.
- Gray Whale: A baleen whale that is a bottom feeder; it migrates long distances.
- Great White Shark: An enormous, ferocious predator found worldwide.
- Greenland Shark: A large, slow-swimming shark with glow-in-the-dark eyes.
- Hammerhead Shark: Large predators with a hammer-shaped head.
- Humpback Whale: A long-flippered baleen whale that sings and frolics in the water.
- Mako Shark: Large predators that are the fastest swimming fish!
- Mallard Duck: The Mallard is a common wild duck that is the ancestor of most domestic ducks.
- Manatee: Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals.
- Salmon: Salmon are fish that live in the sea and spawn in fresh water.
- Sea Turtle: Sea turtles are large marine turtles.
- Swordfish: The swordfish is a large fish with a long, sharp bill.
- Tiger Shark: Large predators found worldwide in warm seas.
- Tuna: A large, bony fish that migrates thousands of miles across the oceans.
2nd, Decide among group members who will write which of each section below:
- The introduction paragraph which states the name, family beginning, location, and where you plan to migrate. Also, describe why your are migrating (food, reproducing, etc.).
- Describe the beginning of the migration journey mentioning on which ocean currents you may travel, how difficult/fun/easy the trip may be. Don’t forget to mention what you eat along the way and what might be your predator trying to eat you.
- Describe the second phase of your migration journey mentioning, again, which ocean currents you may travel, how difficult/fun/easy the trip may be. Don’t forget to mention what you eat along the way and what might be your predator trying to eat you.
- Describe the end of the migration journey mentioning, again, which ocean currents you may travel, how difficult/fun/easy the trip may be. Don’t forget to mention what you eat along the way and what might be your predator trying to eat you.
- Finally, conclude your writing by recapping your journey’s locations and describing your final destination and why your migration was necessary.
3rd, Pass your writings around to each group member to edit/proof your writing. Make corrections and then rewrite your sections. Staple them together in order from the introduction paragraph through to the concluding paragraph. NOTE: Everyone needs to take part in the editing process!!! This is what gives your paper the strength and credibility earning a high score.
4th, make a model or draw a picture of your migrating marine species.