Naomi Lopez Bauman
6658 Youree Drive, Suite 180, PMB 192Shreveport, LA 71105 / 318.422.0446
Career Profile
Highly motivated, results driven project manager. Outstanding communications and interpersonal skills. Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Utilize creative problem solving skills, research and analysis, and decision-making skills to maximize effectiveness and achieve goals. More than 15 years issues management & public policy experience.
Professional Experience
/Shreveport, LA
Self-employed / July 2001 – PresentEstablished and successfully operating public affairs consultancy. Developed and implemented national and state policy positions for research organizations and corporations; designed media and marketing strategies in the areas of tax & regulatory policy, demographic trends, health care, welfare, and retirement security; and secured third-party support for outreach efforts. Clients include public policy research organizations and advocacy groups in Washington, D.C., Texas, California, Florida, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma.
Selected Achievements:
· Examined how state-level tax and regulatory policy affected small business formation in Pennsylvania. Released findings through press conferences and state-wide media tour.
· Examined California’s managed care health-care market, employer and consumer cost trends and impact on the state’s Hispanic population. Designed and implemented media and legislative outreach activities, as well as secured national and state third-party advocacy support for outreach activities.
· Examined how changes in Florida's Medicaid preferred drug list might impact the state's budget and health outcomes. Developed, in conjunction with patient advocacy groups, legislative and media strategies to advance policy positions.
· Developed and promoted legislative recommendations for Texas lawmakers to promote "consumer-driven" health care and reduce the number of uninsured in the state. Recommendations focused on a variety of areas, including tort reform, insurance regulations, health insurance premium taxes, demonstration waivers, efforts to combat Medicaid fraud, and defined contribution health plans.
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/San Francisco, CA
Pacific Research Institute / April 1998 – July 2001Oversaw and managed $1 million-plus policy research department and staff. Developed and implemented national and state public policy, media, and marketing strategies in the areas of privatization, taxation, entrepreneurship, health care, welfare, and retirement security.
Selected Achievements:
· Published research and analysis in a wide variety of areas, including government health care in the United States and Canada, prescription drug policy, children's issues, welfare reform, California tax and budget issues, Internet taxation, women's labor issues, small business formation and expansion, Social Security reform, and corporate welfare.
· Developed strategic relationships with federal and state lawmakers, administration officials, and the media to effectively promote policy positions by serving as a credible information resource. For example, served as a Member of California Senate Bipartisan Task on Homelessness and Advisor to American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Health and Human Services Task Force (active).
· Authored numerous publications, policy analyses, and editorials appearing in major newspapers, such as Investor’s Business Daily, Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, and Los Angeles Daily Journal.
· Appeared on political news television and radio shows, including ABC’s Politically Incorrect and PBS; testifying before state legislatures on health care issues; and delivering public speeches to groups of more than 200.
· Managed team of policy analysts and support staff.
/ White Plains, NYInstitute for SocioEconomic Studies / April 1997 – April 1998
· Designed media and legislative outreach strategy for tax and welfare reform campaign that led to dramatically raising organization's profile in the nation's capitol and in the national media. Activities included image re-design, launching national public policy newsletter, producing a video news release, and hosting Capitol Hill press and lawmaker education events.
· Developed policy expertise by authoring numerous policy analyses and editorials in the areas of health care, welfare, and Social Security reform.
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ENTITLEMENTS POLICY ANALYST / Washington, D.C.Cato Institute, Health & Welfare Studies / May 1995 – April 1997
· Assisted in the initiation and launch of major Social Security reform project by coordinating national media campaign, expert advisory board, and legislative outreach activities.
· Promoted policy reform agenda by appearing on political news television and radio shows, including CNN, MSNBC, and Fox.
· Testified before state legislatures and delivered public speeches.
ANALYST / Alexandria, VAEAI Corporation / December 1992 – May 1995
Assisted commercial high tech and chemical industries in the implementation and compliance with regulatory requirements by monitoring regulatory developments in the executive branch, legislature, and international treaties.
SPECIAL POLICY ADVISOR / State of MichiganSecchia Commission / October 1994 – December 1994
Developed state government reform recommendations on state environmental reporting requirements, urban brownfield site re-development, and wetlands banking by interviewing government officials, inner-city leaders, and environmental officials.
THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY / Baltimore, MDM.A., Government / May 1997
B.A., Economics / May 1992