Note to all Parents/Kids who want to go to New York:
If you are receiving this note then you have signed up to go to New York City with The Maine Dance Academy during July of 2016.
1)You will need to have a $300 deposit paid to The Maine Dance Academy by August 1, 2015.
2)A $300 deposit is needed for both the chaperone and student going on this trip; $600 total.
3)This is a non-refundable deposit. You will only receive your deposit back if for some reason we cannot take you with us to NYC. This will only happen if by chance you are one of the younger students going …we will have to take the oldest students first who have paid their deposit on time by the 1st of August. If a younger student has paid their deposit on time then they will go ahead of an older student who did not pay on time. We will not under any other circumstance return your deposit to you.
4)All students going on the NYC trip MUST be accompanied by a parent or has received the approval of another chaperone to be in charge of your child the full time he/she is NYC. TMDA must receive this letter with your $300 deposit.
5)Our tentative dates of our NYC trip are July 23-26th, 2016.
6)All fund raising will help defray the costs of some meals, clothing we travel with and all extras provided for this trip. Total cost of last year’s trip was approximately $775.00 per person.
We absolutely need your help in taking care of the fundraisers at recital that directly benefit you. I need someone to chair the following booths:
Concessions, 50-50 tickets and flower: These fundraisers are the only things we do for our NYC trip so please…ALL OF YOU NEED TO HELP. As of right now the lists for people helping with these booths are slim to none. We all need to do our parts. The concession stand has to be run by all of you with your donations to the booth as well as manning it. The Mini-Troupe kids will sell the 50-50 tickets but we will need your help to organize and count the money in a timely manner each recital. The flower stand must be run by us…Kelly McHatten, can we use the same place to order the flowers from? And can we do that ASAP?
I will need to have you all sign up when we return to dance on the 28th. I will definitely need three of you to step up and commit to chairing these fundraisers. If we all help then it really is not a lot of work and the benefits of these fundraisers are grand. Just ask those of us who have benefitted from these amazing fundraisers on our past trips!
Thanks for your help in advance and I look forward to working with all of you and for having another amazing trip to NYC!