- 4u.it



By Dr.Monica Promontorio

FOOD 4U is an awareness campaign promoted by the Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, which, under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the Italian Ministry of Education, as well as under the auspices of the most prestigious European Institutions such as the EU Parliament and the EU Commission, and international out-leading Teachers Associations, is aimed at offering young students of European secondary schools the possibility of exchanging experiences on the need and importance of being aware of a healthy nutrition and a correct diet.

Supported by the encouraging results achieved in previous years,MIPAAF has decided that theFOOD 4U campaign 2011,in its 7th edition, will continue to expand involving all the 27 EU Member States and Norway.

The Food 4U campaign’s target consists in European youngsters, between 14 and 19 of age, who are strategically important since they are not only in a position to affect their family's shopping choices but they also make their shopping choices on their own, also in consideration of their improved expenditure capacity if compared with the past. New generations (also called “born to buy” ), if adequately educated, may certainly have an impact on their family nutritional habits.

Recent research studies conducted in various European Countries have highlighted the presence also in our Continent of an increasing number of youngsters suffering from physical and psychological problems resulting from unhealthy dietary behaviours and lack of physical activity. These problems can be contained and corrected through intense communication between the teenagers, their families and their schools, at the same time creating networking opportunities for the young people.

Making young students aware of their food habits while highlighting the importance of a balanced diet to face the ever increasing problem of obesity is a topical issue in all Countries and getting youngsters involved in a direct and interactive way may certainly be the right answer.

In light of the role played by the school environment as a channel for the exchange of information and experiences between widely different cultures, habits and lifestyles, the initiative is also designed to stimulate the creativity of the future decision makers and opinion leaders, through the production of video spots on the campaign theme.

The aim of FOOD 4Uis right this one: to create awareness among youngsters on the importance of being conscious of proper nutritional habits and choices. Health, nutrition and physical activity are the core ingredients for a better quality of life.

In view of stimulating the widest possible participation, more than 50.000 secondary schools, for a total of more than 8 million students are invited to sign in the competition with the realization and production of a short video-spot and relevant backstage on “Youngsters and an aware diet” thus expressing their point of view on the importance of a healthy diet, accompanied by sport and physical activity for a better quality of life.

An international pre-selection Jury will select a short list of videos, at least 2 spots for each one of the 28 Countries involved in the initiative. The students and the teachers of these finalist school groups , authors of the selected video spots, are invited to participate in the Award stay in Italy which will take place in the next month of September 2011, in a location which can combine culture, environment, healthy nutrition and leisure activities. During their stay, more than 500 young European students will meet and exchange their experiences, attend an educational programme and take part to the video-festival 2011;i.e.the pre showing of the finalist video spots and relevant back-stages.

An international Jury made up of journalists, experts in communication and advertising techniques, nutritionists and institutional representatives will nominate the best European spot for the awarding of the FOOD 4U Award 2011, President of the Italian Republic Cup, during the campaign conclusive Ceremony.