The award is presented to the collection system that has demonstrated compliance and excellence in the programs and procedures of wastewater collection. Three awards are presented for these categories: Small (0-249 miles), Medium (250-500 miles) and Large (>500 miles). The nominee must also meet these requirements:

1.  Nominee must be a current member of SARBS for the calendar year. Email or fax (949) 888-8914 inquiry to Tricia Butler to confirm Membership.

2.  Nominees will be interviewed and facilities inspected with evaluation on items such as (but not limited to): regulatory compliance; accomplishments during the past year; preventive and corrective maintenance programs; safety program and records; training program; emergency and administrative procedures.

3.  Information submitted for evaluation must apply to the previous three (3) calendar years.

4.  SARBS winners are candidates for nomination to the CWEA Awards. The contact person of the nominated collection system must become a CWEA member to be eligible for the state award. It is desired to have the agency staff also become members of CWEA.

5.  SARBS winners will be required to complete the CWEA Award Application forms to compete for the CWEA level award.


1.  The Awards Chair must receive all application materials no later than August 9, 2002. Regular mail or hand-delivery of application materials only, no electronic applications or facsimiles will be accepted.

2.  Answer all questions on the nomination form as provided. Additional comments can be attached.

3.  Submit an organizational chart, indicating the collection system staff within the organizational structure.

4.  Provide a map to your collections system's "end point" or main offices from the major thoroughfares. Include the exact place to meet for an interview with the contact person¾the reception area, the administration building, etc. Also identify any special safety equipment needed.

5.  Provide the contact person's work schedule for the months of August, September and October, showing which shift, start and stop times, and days off.

6.  Send the above underlined items before the deadline to help the committee in their efforts for interviews and evaluations.

7.  Submitted materials will not be returned to sender.