WHA board meeting February 4, 2013 at 6 PM
Members presents – Matt D, Rolf F, Kraig D, JaColby A, Jason M, Tony A, Melanie A, Priscilla W, Kip O
Non-Members present – Dawn Sankey
Meeting called to order by Pres Kip O
Secretary’s report approved – Kraig D motion, Tony A 2nd
Treaurers report –
- Tournament invoices – discussed paying ref bill after the tournament rather than before. WSOA would rather have us pay before.
- We need reimbursement from WSOA for cancelled games and missing ref due to inclement weather
- Discussed past due parent bills
- Dawn is putting together a spreadsheet for each tournament
- There is a balance at Rambow for the flags, asking to be returned to WHA
Melanie Ackerman is ready to be the new Webmaster. Need to get the new Handbook on the website.
Coaches –
- Discussed expectations for the coaches. Not well spelled out in the handbook.
- Do we pay coaches if they don’t participate in practices and commit fully?
- Need to define the pay for coaches, the time commitment and the guidelines for coaches
Fundraising –
- Raffle ends today
- Discussion on changing the day of the Smith Open from Sat to Fri
Thank yous for money donations were handed out to be completed.
Tournaments are running smoothly.
On-Ice –
- Option for indoor ice this summer
- If we get new boards for the Civic Center then we won’t have summer ice.
- Idea to partner with Community Ed & Rec to buy summer ice.
- WHA not doing summer ice, but plan this Spring for 2014 summer ice.
- Comm Ed willing to do summer floor hockey or roller hockey
- Lincoln is open to for outdoor shooting
Girl’s Coordinator Karen S
- Planning a Girls’ event
Question to board members – Any leaving this year? Any spots that need to be filled when we hold the Awards Banquet?
Planning a every team hockey picture – Lara working on it.
Next meeting March 4 2013 at 6 PM.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Motion by Lara D, 2nd by Kraig D.