Vermont Nursing Summit 2008

-Workforce Leadership, Research, Planning Development

Sponsored by Vermont Organization of Nurse Leaders (VONL)

The 2008 Nursing Summit will be held on April 11th, 2008

at the Grand Hotel in the Killington, Vermont area.

Call For Abstracts – Due date is December 1st, 2007

Summit Purpose: The purpose of the Nursing Summit is to develop leadership skills and showcase health care related leadership initiatives in all nursing workplaces and settings.

Call for abstracts– You are invited to submit an abstract for a concurrent session or poster presentation for the 2008 Vermont Nursing Summit. The conference planning committee welcomes abstracts from nurse administrators, educators, managers, staff nurses, and direct care providers that detail innovative approaches and solutions used in a challenging and dynamic healthcare environment.

Abstracts for concurrent presentations are invited that focus on leadership approaches/ strategies in the following areas: Education, human resource management, nursing management, protocols, standards of practice, competency development/assessment, evidence-based practice, instructional design, communication, precepting, mentoring, secession planning, conflict management, quality improvement, research, work environment, legislative issues, labor interactions and workforce planning.

Concurrent sessions of 45 minutes duration for each selected presentation will be offered that pertain to specific content tracks.

Abstracts for poster presentations are also invited for display in the specified poster area of the Summit

Please submit abstracts by e-mail attachment to Abstracts should be no longer than one typed single-spaced page with 1 inch margins.

Along with your abstract, please submit a cover letter or e-mail note

with contact info and e-mail address(es) of presenter(s).

The planning committee will complete blind reviews of abstracts and score them based on the criteria of:

-pertinent and timely topic and/or challenge related to leadership issues

-clarity of description of the content

-applicability of content to a variety of settings

Please submit your abstract as soon as possible. Abstract deadline is December 1st. Notification of selection will occur by December 28th, 2007.

  • Concurrent session paper presenters will receive complimentary registration for the Summit. Only one complimentary registration will be awarded per concurrent session.
  • Poster presenters will receive half-price registration. Only one half-price registration will be awarded per poster presentation.
  • All presenters must register for the conference.

Vermont Nursing Summit 2008
Cover Page - Call for Presentations

April 11th, 2008

Name: Credentials


Preferred mailing address

City, State, Zip Code

Work Phone: Home


Title of Presentation.

This abstract is submitted for: Either

__ Concurrent Session Presentation (45 minutes) __ Poster Presentation

Teaching methods:

Level of intended audience - ____ Novice ____Advanced beginner ____Competent ____Proficient ____Expert

List additional authors/presenters e-mail address

If selected, I agree to present a poster or concurrent session at the Vermont Nursing Summit 2008, and I give permission for duplication of my abstract for inclusion in the Nursing Summit Program Book and the VT Nurse Connection publication.



Please submit cover page and abstract via e-mail attachment to:

VT Nurse Internship Project (VNIP) 289 County Road, Windsor, VT05089


Fax: 802-674-7155 - send c/o Susan Boyer, VNIP

C:\Documents and Settings\Susan A. Boyer\My Documents\Organizations\VONL\nursing summit\Nursing Summit2007Call.doc 10/tt/jjjj