Tulsa Oklahoma Business Relocation Data



Industrial Buildings 3

Office Buildings 3

Land 4

Retail Buildings 4

Utilities 5


Labor Force 7

Wage & Salary Employment 7

Employment by Sector 7

Unemployment Rates 8

Wage Rates 8

Union Information 9

Workers’ Compensation 9

Market Access

Air 11

Motor Freight 12

Rail 13

Waterway 13

Business Environment Contact Data

Largest Employers 15 Data Update Link 26

Incentives 15

Taxes 17 Tulsa Maps

Community Data 17 Area Maps 27

Business Announcements 18

Quality of Life denotes web link

Tulsa MSA Demographics 20

Cost of Living 21

Education 21

Healthcare 23

Local Entertainment 24

Climate 25

Other Facts 26

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Industrial Buildings

·  Market size – 59,701,174 sq. ft.

·  Available sq. ft. – 2,662,848 Vacancy 3.99%

·  Rental rates – $3.51 to $5.63 sq. ft. triple net

·  2008 city construction permits – 46 issued for 907,700 sq. ft. or $55.68 million

Industrial Market Summary

Bldg. Size
/ Sq. Footage / Sales Price $ / Lease Rate $ / Vacancy %
0 – 4,999 / 1,865,567 / 56.65 / 5.63 / 3.17
5,000 – 9,999 / 4,648,532 / 52.95 / 5.55 / 4.02
10,000 – 19,999 / 7,215,646 / 38.28 / 4.73 / 5.80
20,000 – 39,999 / 8,416,638 / 37.60 / 4.59 / 7.46
40,000 – 59,999 / 5,494,326 / 33.96 / 3.92 / 5.30
60,000 – 99,999 / 5,500,234 / 35.76 / 3.78 / 5.17
100,000 + / 26,560,231 / 22.65 / 3.51 / 9.43

CBRE Oklahoma Tulsa Industrial Mid-Year 2009 & Research Wizard City/County Library July 2009

Office Buildings

·  Market size – 21,174,506 sq. ft.

·  Available sq. ft. – 4,309,971 Vacancy 20.35%

·  Rental rate average $13.14

·  2008 city construction permits – 36 issued for 334,400 sq. ft. or $36.91 million

Office Market Summary

Sub market / Total Sq. Ft. / %Vacant / Available
Sq. Ft. / Weighted Avg. Rental Rate $


/ 8,275,352 / 22.74 / 1,882,135 / 12.56
East / 2,270,103 / 34.38 / 780,489 / 13.37
Midtown / 1,972,405 / 12.46 / 245,740 / 14.35
North Central / 714,871 / 12.82 / 91,647 / 13.43
Northeast / 920,000 / 7.18 / 66,085 / 12.41
South Central / 7,021,775 / 17.71 / 1,243,875 / 13.65
Market Total / 21,174,506 / 20.35 / 4,381,559 / 13.14

CBRE Oklahoma Office Mid-Year 2009 & Research Wizard, City/County Library July 2009

·  More than 30 developed industrial/business districts

·  Tulsa Port of Catoosa

·  Tulsa International Airport

·  Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport

Estimated Land Costs Per Square Foot

Industrial Park / Low Cost $ / High Cost $ / Median Cost $
One Acre / 1.50 / 4.00 / 2.75
1 – 5 Acres / 1.00 / 4.00 / 2.50
5 – 10 Acres / 0.75 / 3.00 / 1.75
10 – 20 Acres / 0.50 / 2.00 / 1.25
20 – 40 Acres / 0.35 / 1.00 / 0.60
Over 40 Acres / 0.25 / 0.75 / 0.40
Non Industrial Park / Low Cost $ / High Cost $ / Median Cost $
One Acre / 1.00 / 3.00 / 1.75
1 – 5 Acres / 0.75 / 2.50 / 1.25
5 – 10 Acres / 0.50 / 2.00 / 1.00
10 – 20 Acres / 0.25 / 1.50 / 0.75
20 – 40 Acres / 0.15 / 0.75 / 0.35
Over 40 Acres / 0.10 / 0.50 / 0.15
Retail / Low Cost $ / High Cost $ / Median Cost $
One Acre / 9.00 / 25.00 / 14.00
1 – 5 Acres / 6.00 / 15.00 / 9.00
5 – 10 Acres / 5.00 / 10.00 / 7.00
10 – 20 Acres / 4.50 / 6.00 / 5.00
20 – 40 Acres / 4.00 / 5.00 / 4.50
Over 40 Acres / 2.50 / 5.00 / 3.50

CBRE Oklahoma & Research Wizard, Tulsa City/County Library July 2009

Retail Buildings

·  Market size – 18,740,157 sq. ft.

·  Available sq. ft. (Class A-D) – 2,827,907 Vacancy 15.09%

·  2008 city construction permits – 66 issued for 797,700 sq. ft. or $46.95 million

·  Weighted average rental rate (Class A-D) – $14.24

Retail Market Summary

Bldg. Class
/ Sq. Footage / Vacant Sq. Ft. / % Vacant / Avg. Rate $
A / 7,572,373 / 805,152 / 10.63 / 23.87
B / 4,235,570 / 721,769 / 17.04 / 13.68
C / 5,510,157 / 970,915 / 17.62 / 9.42
D / 1,422,057 / 330,071 / 23.21 / 6.13
Total / 18,740,157 / 2,827,907 / 15.09 / 14.24

CBRE Oklahoma Tulsa Retail Mid-Year 2009 & Research Wizard, City/County Library July 2009



·  Provider – Public Service Co. of Oklahoma

Electricity Costs

Commercial Service – Typical Monthly Bill
kW Bill Demand / 3 / 6 / 12 / 30 / 50 / 100 / 500
Kilowatt Hours / 375 / 750 / 1,500 / 6,000 / 12,500 / 30,000 / 150,000
Cost $ / 53 / 72 / 108 / 320 / 783 / 1,782 / 8,689
Industrial Service – Typical Monthly Bill
kW Bill Demand / 150 / 300 / 500 / 1,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 / --
Megawatt Hours / 30 / 60 / 125 / 350 / 1,800 / 3,500 / --
Cost $ / 1,828 / 3,601 / 7,327 / 10,763 / 54,021 / 105,055 / --

Tulsa City-County Library/Public Service Company of Oklahoma, Oct. 2009

Natural Gas

·  Provider – Oklahoma Natural Gas Company

Natural Gas Costs

Commercial & Industrial Service – Typical Monthly Bill*
Dth/MMBtu** per month / 50 / 100 / 500 / 1,000 / 5,000 / 10,000
Monthly cost $ / 495 / 517 / 2,147 / 4,235 / 19,677 / 38,800

Tulsa City-County Library/Oklahoma Natural Gas, Oct. 2009

*Large customers should contact ONG for specific costs. Costs for 100 Dth or higher apply to transportation customers who purchase gas from a third party supplier, with ONG transporting it for them.

**One Dekatherm (Dth) of natural gas is equal to one million British thermal units (Btu) dry.

Water & Sewer

·  Provider – City of Tulsa (two city-owned lakes)

·  Capacity/Usage (Mgd) – Water: 200+/100 Sewer: 100+/52

Water & Sewer Costs

Commercial Service – Cost per Thousand Gallons*
Water / Inside City / $2.03
Outside City / $2.97
Sewer / Inside City / $3.56
Outside City / $5.89
Industrial Service – Cost per Thousand Gallons*
Water / Inside City / $1.47
Outside City / $2.11
Sewer / Inside City / $2.23
Outside City / $3.41

*Does not reflect monthly meter charge

Tulsa City-County Library/City of Tulsa, Oct. 2009


·  Local service providers include AT&T, Verizon, Cox Business Services, TW Telecom, EasyTEL Communications and Windstream

·  The Tulsa area offers the latest in telecommunications technology including 100 percent fiber and digital switching networks with near instantaneous self-healing capabilities

·  Five area Points of Presence


Labor Force

Area Labor Force

Tulsa County / Tulsa MSA / State
Dec. 2009 / 300,302 / 452,724 / 1,767,533
Dec. 2008 / 291,037 / 438,241 / 1,754,514

Oklahoma Employment Security Commission

Wage & Salary Employment

Wage & Salary Employment Data

Tulsa MSA / State
Dec. 2009 / 429,200 / 1,567,700
Dec. 2008 / 439,800 / 1,604,400

Oklahoma Employment Security Commission

Employment by Sector

Employment Breakout Tulsa MSA

Dec. 2009 / Dec. 2008 / Change
Total Non-Farm / 429,200 / 439,800 / (10,600)
Natural Resources & Mining / 7,100 / 7,300 / (200)
Construction / 23,600 / 22,900 / 700
Manufacturing / 47,000 / 53,300 / (6,300)
Trade (Wholesale & Retail) / 64,000 / 66,200 / (2,200)
Transportation, Warehousing & Utilities / 21,300 / 22,400 / (1,100)
Financial Activities / 24,000 / 24,400 / (400)
Information / 9,000 / 9,500 / (500)
Professional & Business Services / 60,300 / 63,300 / (3,000)
Education & Health Services / 60,100 / 58,900 / 1,200
Leisure & Hospitality / 36,700 / 37,100 / (400)
Other Services / 18,900 / 18,500 / 400
Government / 57,200 / 56,000 / 1,200

Oklahoma Employment Security Commission

Unemployment Rates

Area Unemployment Rates

Period / County % / MSA % / State %
Dec. 2009 / 6.8 / 7.1 / 6.5
2008 Avg. / 3.7 / 3.8 / 3.8
2007 Avg. / 3.8 / 3.9 / 4.1
2006 Avg. / 3.9 / 4.0 / 4.1
2005 Avg. / 4.2 / 4.4 / 4.5

Oklahoma Employment Security Commission

Wage Rates

2009 Tulsa OK Estimate of Median Base Salaries

Position / Salary $ / Position / Salary $
Accountant / 43,151 / Accounting Clerk / 27,580
Administrative Assistant / 33,608 / Aircraft Mechanic / 45,261
Bank Teller / 21,339 / Benefits Analyst / 41,150
Bookkeeper / 27,276 / Chemical Engineer / 68,022
Chemical Technician / 36,576 / Chemist / 48,641
Computer Operator / 30,690 / Computer Programmer / 56,595
Computer Programmer, Lead / 71,564 / Construction Worker / 27,208
Controller, Top Corporate / 131,518 / Data Entry Operator / 23,045
Electrical Engineer / 62,978 / Electrician, Certified / 40,747
Electronics Assembler / 22,226 / Electronics Technician / 40,281
Engineering Technician / 37,161 / Executive Secretary / 30,965
File Clerk / 22,254 / Fork Lift Operator / 22,085
General Clerk / 27,405 / Heavy Truck Driver / 31,327
Internal Auditor / 50,702 / Janitor / 19,943
Light Truck Driver / 29,111 / Machine Tool Operator / 30,119
Machinery Mechanic / 28,357 / Machinist General / 40,350
Maintenance Helper / 20,214 / Maintenance Worker / 25,540
Market Research Analyst / 47,558 / Material Handler / 24,827
Mechanical Engineer / 60,812 / Medical Lab Technician / 31,146
Office Manager / 44,855 / Payroll Clerk / 31,899
PC Specialist / 42,049 / Personnel Analyst / 43,885
Personnel Clerk / 28,309 / Plumber / 38,999
Production Supervisor / 52,336 / Receptionist / 22,345
Secretary / 26,699 / Shipping Clerk / 26,474
Stationary Engineer / 39,566 / Systems Analyst / 53,019
Systems Analyst, Lead / 72,587 / Tool & Die Maker / 40,248
Warehouse Worker / 23,549 / Welder / 32,935

Economic Research Institute, Feb. 2009

Union Information

Union Membership

2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004
Employment / 447,459 / 391,588 / 391,041 / 396,742 / 348,632
Union Members / 24,548 / 20,410 / 18,719 / 14,006 / 23,843
Percent Unionized / 5.5% / 5.2% / 4.8% / 3.5% / 6.8%

Union Membership and Coverage Database (UnionStats.com), Jul. 2009. Membership includes both private & public sectors.

2008 regional percentage of union membership

Union Membership and Coverage Database (UnionStats.com), July 2009

Economic Development 800-624-6822 www.GrowMetroTulsa.com - Denotes Online Web Link

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·  Tulsa – 5.5%

·  National average – 12.4%

·  Albuquerque, NM – 8.9%

·  Denver, CO – 8.1%

·  Kansas City, MO – 8.8%

·  Little Rock, AR – 5.6%

·  Louisville, KY – 13.3%

·  St. Louis, MO – 14.9%

Economic Development 800-624-6822 www.GrowMetroTulsa.com - Denotes Online Web Link

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2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / 2004
Petitions / 5 / 0 / 5 / 4 / 5
Wins / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 1
Losses / 3 / 0 / 3 / 3 / 4
Percent of Losses / 60% / 0% / 60% / 75% / 80%

National Labor Relations Board, July 2009

Workers’ Compensation

Jan. 2010

Rates are only quoted by job code. Oklahoma offers three options for insurance:

Private carrier (for list of private carriers) Self insurance

Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner’s Office Okla. Worker’s Compensation Court

Property & Casualty Rates Division Insurance Department

(405)521-3681 or www.ok.gov/oid (405)522-8680

CompSource OK

State Underwriting

(405)232-7663 or (800)347-3863

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Market Access

Air (Tulsa Airport Authority, Jan. 2010)

Tulsa International

·  Located on 4,000+ acres – 700+ acres available for development

·  Ten minutes from most points in the city including downtown and Port of Catoosa

·  22 gates and three runways – 10,000, 7,700 and 6,100 feet in length

·  Approximately seven million people served annually

·  Non-stop service to 15 cities with an average 63 departures per day

·  Six freight carriers; 2009 air freight – 60,000+ tons

·  Fixed base operators, 30 hangars and general aviation services

·  U.S. Customs offices

·  12,000+ people employed – American Airlines, HP Enterprise Services, Spirit AeroSystems, Lufthansa and others

·  Daily flights on five major airlines

·  Current flight information can be found here: Tulsa Airport Authority

Richard Lloyd Jones Jr.

·  700-acre facility with three runways – 5,100, 4,200 and 2,800 feet in length

·  Two fixed-base operators with six hangars for 70 aircraft

·  211 commercial and private hangars with room for expansion

·  Spartan School of Aeronautics and three other flight schools

·  Tulsa Technology Center’s aviation campus

·  Ten minutes south of downtown

·  Home to 500 aircraft and 350+ employees

Motor Freight

·  Central location for major distribution centers

·  Access to I-44, I-40 & I-35

·  One-to-two day delivery time to major cities in West South Central region

·  Numerous carriers including FedEx, UPS, Melton, Yellow, and others

Road Distance to Major Markets

City / Miles / Kilometers
Atlanta / 772 / 1,242
Boston / 1,537 / 2,473
Charlotte / 990 / 1,593
Chicago / 683 / 1,099
Cleveland / 925 / 1,488
Dallas / 263 / 423
Denver / 681 / 1,096
Detroit / 909 / 1,463
Houston / 478 / 769
Kansas City / 248 / 399
Los Angeles / 1,452 / 2,336
Memphis / 401 / 645
New Orleans / 647 / 1,041
New York / 1,344 / 2,162
Oklahoma City / 105 / 169
St. Louis / 396 / 637
Seattle / 1,982 / 3,189
San Francisco / 1,760 / 2,832