AGC Minutes

Multi-Purpose Room, SCC

September 13, 2016

3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Meeting Start Time: 3:03 pm

Facilitator: Nan Schichtel


Oscar Neal, Mathematics

Lori Cook, Enrollment Center

Proxy: AGC Members:

Sophia Brewer Vacant Library Director

Dave Selmon Dan Clark

Ann Alexander Felix Pereiro

Mursalata Muhammad Tony VanderArk

John Doneth Chad Lodenstein

Amy Kudrna Tom Neils

Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2016: Nan Schichtel

A motion was made by Raynard Ross to accept the minutes from 4/16/2016 and Mike Light seconded.

Vote: YES 96%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 4%, passed

Message from ExecAGC: Nick Antonakis

Unfortunately President Ender was unavailable to attend the meeting today. He will address AGC next month.

Introductions of New AGC Members:

·  Tim Hoving, Biological Sciences

·  Jennifer Gables, Nursing

·  Erin Busscher, Counseling and Career Center

·  Werner Absenger, Culinary Education

·  Mike Merchant, Mechanical and Architectural Design

·  Valerie Butterfield, Student Records

·  Chris Johnston, Arts and Sciences

·  Mary Lucas, Language and Thought

·  Gayle Beals, Job Training

·  Susan Williams, Social Sciences

·  Sheila Jones, Instructional Support

·  Pam Miller, Workforce Development

·  Sara Rose, Counseling and Career Center

·  William Firn, Ford Fieldhouse

·  Domingo Hernandez-Gomez, College Success Center, Non-voting Member

·  Sophia Brewer, Library and Learning Commons, Non-voting Member

Review of AGC work from last year:

·  Policies/Practices adopted

o  Graduation Requirements

o  Course Substitutions and Course Waivers

o  Common Syllabus Components – Policy 7.16

o  Medical/Hardship Withdrawal Policy

o  ACT to SAT Transition

o  Mandatory Placement for English as a Second Language Courses

o  Maximum Student Credit Hour Load per Semester – Policy 8.22

o  Transfer Course Credit Policy – Policy 8.29

o  Prior Learning Assessment – Policy 7.15

o  Industry Recognized Credentials/Test Credit Policy

Considerations for 2016-17

·  Audiovisual Captioning

·  Textbooks

·  Faculty Ethics

·  Curriculum Model and Program Development

·  Dual Enrollment

·  Course Credit Hour Definition

·  Seminar Course Definition

·  Admission Application Cut-Off Date

·  Blocking Late Enrollment

·  No Show Notation

·  College-Generated Graduation

·  Mandatory First Year Experience

·  ACT Cut Scores

ACG 2015-16 Evaluation Results and Actions Taken:

·  Most of the survey results were 90%-100% agreed.

·  The lower rated questions were:

o  If you used the AGC website, the information was useful: 44% agreed, 3% disagreed, 53% abstained.

o  The quality of discussion in AGC meetings advanced the work: 79% agreed, 10% disagreed, 10% abstained.

o  AGC made effective decisions this year: 89% agreed, 2% disagreed, 11% abstained.

o  The decisions made by AGC had a positive impact on the college as a whole: 81% agreed, 4% disagreed, 15% abstained.

Summary of Open Comments:

·  Some strengths:

o  Good time management

o  Effective communication

o  Useful feedback to presenters

o  Change in Bylaws

·  Areas for improvement:

o  Implement two vs. three presentations

o  Present more data at first presentation

o  Have more substantive discussions during second presentation

o  Improve AGC website

o  Provide more information about implementation

Issues for Academic Year 2016-17

·  Early Alert

·  CLS 100 outcomes

·  Course repeating

·  Streamlining curriculum process

·  Mandatory gradebook use in Blackboard

·  Records retention policy

·  Middle College policies

·  Revisit the seminar policy

·  Revision of exam schedule – not an academic policy

·  Class meeting patterns – not an academic policy

·  Student section transfers – not an academic policy

Teams to Explore Issues for Academic Year 2016-17: If you are interested in being part of a team, please contact ExecAGC.

Approval of Standing Committees and Chairs: Nan Schichtel

Distance Learning Faculty Advisory Board

Vote: YES 98%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 2%, passed

IIPD Committee

A motion was made by John Cowles for the IIPD Committee and Mike Vargo seconded.

Vote: YES 98%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 2%, passed

Grade Appeal Committee

A motion was made by Donna Kragt for the Grade Appeal Committee and Ann Alexander seconded.

Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passed

Excellence in Education Committee

A motion was made by Marty Hillard for the Excellence in Education Committee and Nikki Banks seconded.

Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passed

Sabbatical Committee

A motion was made by Raynard Ross for the Sabbatical Committee and Dave Selmon seconded.

Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passed

General Education Committee

A motion was made by Lynnae Selberg for the General Education Committee and Sarah Krajewski seconded.

Vote: YES 98%, NO 2%, ABSTAINED 0%, passed

Curriculum Approval Committee

A motion was made by Erin Busscher for the Curriculum Approval Committee and Dave Selmon seconded.

Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passed

Approval of Non-voting Members: Nan Schichtel

A motion was made by Raynard Ross for the approval of non-voting members and John Cowles seconded.

Vote: YES 100%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 0%, passed

Issue Paper: Repeat Courses: Sheila Jones/Valerie Butterfield

Information: Currently there is not a policy for students who want to repeat courses. Students need to be aware of the implications of repeating courses. There are possible grading issues and Financial Aid issues for students who repeat courses.

A motion was made by Frank Conner for the Repeat Courses Issue Paper and Lynnae Selberg seconded.

Vote: YES 98%, NO 0%, ABSTAINED 2%, passed

ALEKS Update (1/1): Oscar Neal/Lori Cook/Dana Sammons


·  Team members. Lori stated there are several team members, but there are also three subteams.

·  Timeline:

o  ALEKS went live for Winter 2017 applications on July 1, 2016. There were 12 applications that went live on that date. There were 246 applicants and 3 students have taken ALEKS.

·  New Math Placement Policy:

o  Beginning in Winter 2017, all student must have a prerequisite score or a placement score to register or a math course.

o  ALEKS Placement scores are valid 8 months from enrollment. Current math Accuplacer scores will be valid for 8 months.

o  Returning (current) students are not proctored but will take the ALEKS PPL if they do not meet the course prerequisite.

o  New students are proctored if ACT/SAT math sub-score does not meet admissions requirements.

o  ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (PPL) is a web-based application for math placement and course preparedness. We are changing our communication to students to match the Placement, Preparation and Learning instead of remediation.

o  ALEKS PPL is valid for 1 year.

o  There are 5 hours of PPL between assessments.

o  There are 30 questions on the assessment and each assessment is individualized.

·  Work Completed:

o  Peoplesoft was updated with Service Indicators and language was changed to read ALEKS instead of Accuplacer.

o  Created a process to load scores into Peoplesoft.

o  Created a link inside the Online Student Center for ALEKS testing.

o  Added ALEKS to the student checklist completion process.

o  Setup temporary space for testing in 106 Cook.

o  Signed a contract.

·  Ongoing Work:

o  ALEKS PPPL is ADA compliant.

o  Currently using human readers for students with learning disabilities, but that is not a long term solution.

o  Setting up Placement Testing in the High Schools.

o  Health Programs using math placement.

o  Continued communication to students letting them know about ALEKS PPL.

·  Data Analysis:

o  Research shows increased chances of college level placement, increase success rates in college level courses, increase semester to semester retention.

o  Examples of proposed data collection are ALEKS PPL usage, distribution of placements, and success rates by placement.

ACT to SAT Transition (1/1): Eric Mullen


·  Team members

·  Update:

o  In April, AGC approved the formation of a team to set the SAT cut score. The team met over the summer three times.

o  The team looked into the College Board and other regional colleges which provided data regarding their SAT scores in order to establish a new cut score for GRCC.

·  Benchmark Results on average for reading was 24.57, for writing 25.40, and for math 25.10.

·  New Cut Score:

o  Students who score 24 or below will be required to take the proctored corresponding placement test.

o  Students who score 25 or higher will be required to take ALEKS prior to enrolling in a math course.

·  Next Steps:

o  All communications will need to be changed to reflect the new cut score.

o  The team will continue to meet and will expand to include Advising and Institutional Research.

o  Collect and evaluate institutional research on student test scores, high school GPAs related to college level outcomes, and benchmark date for direct placement.

Seminar Policy (1/3): Katie Daniels


·  Team members

·  Stated Reason for the Policy: to ensure the quality of the College curricula and the means to offer courses in special topics.

·  Current Policy:

o  Curriculum—

A seminar course focuses on a topic that is not included and/or studied in depth in the discipline’s regular course offerings. In a seminar course, a group of students work with a faculty member to study this special topic. A seminar course topic is not intended to become a regular course in a curriculum. The purpose is to provide a unique opportunity for a group of students and a faculty member to explore a special or new topic. The topics of seminar courses in a discipline will typically not be routinely repeated.

Policy on Numbering of Seminar Courses: Seminar courses are designated by the following numbers: 291 (one credit hour seminar), 292 (two credit hour seminar), 293 (three credit hour seminar), 294 (four credit hour seminar). The particular topic of the Seminar must be included in the Seminar title.

o  Student—

Policy on Limits for Students: Students may not use more than twelve (12) credits of a combination of Seminar and Independent Study courses toward the fulfillment of the requirements for any associate’s degree. Further, no more than two (2) credits of the twelve may be in Independent Study courses. Students also should be aware that Seminar and Independent Study courses may not be accepted by a transfer college.

·  History and Issues/Concerns:

o  Original Policy was approved in January 2012

o  Issues/concerns address independent study and seminar courses. The policy lists the number of times a student can take both seminar and independent study courses. It also states the specific course numbers. The language needs to be updated.

·  Solution:

o  Remove course numbering, information about independent studies, and how many times a student can take/receive credit.

o  Update language.

o  Propose a new policy on repeating courses for credit.

·  Proposed Policy Statement:

Seminar courses employinstructional methods that work best among a small group of learners, such as, but not limited to, intensive discussion, reading primary literature, individual or group presentations, and/or learning special laboratory-based skills. Seminar coursesarevariable credit offerings. The credit hour allocation for each seminar topic is established by theinstructor in the seminar topic proposal. Given the nature of seminars, the minimum class size is one student and the maximum class size is 15 students. Professors may grant permission for class size to be increased above the 15 student limit.

A seminar focuses on aspecific area of enrichment and/or curricular interest and need that is not regularly offered by a department. Seminar proposals are submitted by the instructor to the Department Head and Associate Dean for approval. After a specific seminar has run three times, itis benchmarked and reviewed in tandem by the faculty member, department head and associate dean in order to evaluate if it should be developed as a regular course offering or remain as a seminar. Seminars that are not developed as a new course may continue to be offered as a seminar, and are subject to evaluation on the same schedule.


·  Ann Alexander asked if there will be a different policy for independent studies. Curriculum holds the definition on how many times a student can take it. This will be addressed in the repeat courses policy.

·  Raynard Ross asked if the policy currently limits the students with 1, 2, 3 credits. Also, does this limit the student on taking it more than one time per semester. No, currently it does not. A student can take more than one course with the same course number in the same semester.

Table discussion.

Feedback from Departments to Katie Daniels () by Oct. 3.

A motion was made by John Cowles to adjourn the meeting and Shelly Richter seconded.

Meeting adjourned: 4:28 pm

Orientation for New AGC Members: Ann Alexander/Amy Koning

Information & Dialogue.

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 / 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. / MPR-SCC

Members’ Next Steps: Share information regarding today’s topics with department/program