Cells and Reproduction Webquest

(You will need a writing utensil and your notebook to complete this webquest.)

A. Go to the Genetic Science Learning Center website by clicking on the following link:

(Hold the control key and click on the link)

B. Navigate to Amazing Cells then Cells in Perspective then Cell Size and Scale. Read through the information, then answer the following questions, using complete sentences, in your notebook.

1- What is the largest thing on the page?

2- How big is it? (in the largest dimension)

3- How big is a red blood cell?

4- Which is larger, a mitochondrion or a lysosome?

5- Which is smaller, the HIV virus or Hepatitus virus?

6- Which is larger, E coli bacteria or Measles virus?

7- Which has more atoms, a glucose molecule or a water molecule?

8- What is the smallest thing shown?

9- What is the difference between an atom and a molecule?

C.Now go to Sci-Ber Text at the Utah State Office of Education Science Homepage.

(control-click on the link below or link through the blogroll on the blog.)

D. Next, on the left side, click on the activity titled “Asexual or Sexual that is the Question”. Look at the photos, read the information, then complete the Analysis Questions at the end. (Write questions and answers in notebook)

10-12Draw a Venn diagram comparing sexual and asexual reproduction

Write the three analysis questions and answer them in your notebook.

13- What advantages are there to sexual reproduction?

14- What advantages are there to asexual reproduction?

15- What would you say is the most important difference between the two types of reproduction?

E. Click the back arrow then go to the activity titled “To Double or Not to Double, That is the Question.” Read through the text and study the pictures. Write the organism names below in your notebook, then identify them as sexual or asexual reproducers.

16- Cutting from a house plant

17- Jackrabbit

18- Salmon

19- Yeast

20- Mosquito