before completing this application
Please read the Stormwater Management Fund Guide For Applicants. This can be viewed at
completing the application form
Complete all unshaded boxes and keep answers as precise as possible. Supporting documentation may be attached as appropriate.
completed applications should be sent to the stormwater management authority
General Manager
Stormwater Management Authority


Provide brief details of the project.Further details will be sought in later questions.


Applicant / Applicant name only – provide further details at question 1.
Project name
Project area / location / Attach a map of the project area showing relevant details where possible
Town or locality(s)
Local government area(s)
Specify the waterway and catchment involved.
Name of waterway
Funding sought / Summarise funding sought– elaborate at question 20.
Stormwater Management Fund / $
Applicant / $
Other / $
Total / $
is this application for completion of a total scheme? (If not, explain why)
is the proposed project in accordance with an approved stormwater management plan? (Provide details or explain why a stormwater management plan is not considered necessary)
has floodplain mapping been undertaken? (Provide details or explain why floodplain mapping is not considered necessary)

1. applicant details

Contact person
Telephone / Fax

2. stormwater problem

Describe the stormwater problem being addressed. Comment on the geographic location and topography of the project area. Outline the incidence and severity of past events (including damages and losses incurred) and their likely recurrence.

Nature of problem / Include the source of stormwater (eg. river, local creek, local runoff).
History of problem

3. stormwater use, water quality and environmental enhancement components

Describe the stormwater use, water quality and environmental enhancement components identified in an approved Stormwater Management Plan or otherwise proposed.

Component / Details

4. community impact

Provide details of the risk and impact of flooding on the community taking into account overall community and industry vulnerability (based on the project design standard – see question 8).

Population affected / Give the number of people directly at risk and indicate any particular issues (eg. elderly population, future population projections).
Specify the number of people at risk inthe project design standard and probable maximum flood.
Design standard / Probable maximum flood
Property at risk / Specify type and number affected, and degree of risk. Consider residential properties, commercial premises, factories, warehouses, rural dwellings, etc.
Infrastructure and essential services at risk / Specify type and number affected, and degree of risk. Consider access and supply links, electricity, gas, water, sewerage, telecommunications, etc.
Social impacts / Addressissues such as health and social welfare, effects of community disruption and isolation, personal and community distress.
Otherimpacts / Describe any other impacts.

5. previous studies undertaken

Give details of relevant studies or research previously undertaken into the flood hazard and proposed project. Provide the name of the report, author and year published. Explain how the outcomes of these studies support the proposed project.

6. existing measures

Give details of any existing works (including previous stages), measures or related activities that address the stormwater problem (eg.research activities, planning measures and controls,existing mitigation structures). Comment on their effectiveness taking into account issues such as capacity and limitations, age, state of repair.

Provide information about existing emergency management measures, where applicable.

7. project outline

Describe the proposed project and explain how it will help to resolve the stormwater problem (for studies and research projects, include the methodology to be adopted). Ifapplicable, advise if any other options were considered and why this particular option was chosen. Provide details of other complementary measures planned (eg. community education and awareness campaigns).

8. project design standard

Selection of an appropriate design standardis an important and fundamental decision that forms a basic foundation in the preparation of a comprehensive stormwater management plan and design of infrastructure works. The design standard is the storm event for which the project is attempting to help reduce the risk and extent of damage from flooding. It is usually a compromise between the level of protection that is affordable to the community and the risk the community is prepared to accept from larger storm events.

The annual exceedance probability (AEP) is the likelihood of occurrence of a flood of a given size or larger in any one year.

The 1% AEP flood event (1 in 100 years) hasgenerally been adopted as appropriate for South Australia. However, it is recommended that a range of flood events should be investigated and the appropriate level of risk selected.

Design flood / Specify the annual exceedance probability of the project design standard (% AEP). / % AEP
Basis for calculation and source / Indicate what formed the basis for the project design standard (eg. stormwater management plan). Provide the name of the report, author and year published.

9. project outputs and outcomes

List the expectedoutputs and outcomes of the project. Outputs are those items that will be produced by the project(eg.reports, brochures, stormwater management infrastructure). Outcomes are what the project aims to achieve (eg. identification of flood risks, improved community awareness, increased warning times, property protection).


10. project benefits

Provide details of expected benefits based on the project design standard(see question 8).

Property to benefit / Specify type and number expected to benefit from the project, and level of benefit.
Infrastructure and essential services to benefit / Specify type and number expected to benefit from the project, and level of benefit.
Expected reductions in future losses / Where applicable, indicate the savings that are expected to result from the project in a future storm event. Consider issues such as property damages, damage to goods and possessions, loss of income or services, response and recovery costs.
Social benefits / Address issues such as reduced demands on counselling, health and social welfare services, reduction in community isolation, improved social amenity.
Environmental benefits / Describe any environmental benefits that are expected to result from the project.
Other benefits / Describe any other benefits that may result from the project (eg. improvements to community safety and sustainability).

11. adverse impacts

Are there any adverse impacts that may result from the project? If so, give details and explain how these impacts will be addressed.

Environment / Address impact on the environment (eg effect on threatened species and rare habitat).
Cultural heritage / Address impact on cultural heritage values (eg natural, historic or Indigenous places of significance).
Risk transfer / Address the possible transfer of risk to other areas and increased impact in more extreme storm events.
Other impacts / Describe any other adverse impacts that may result.

12. timeframe and work plan

Provide a timeframe and work plan for the project showing major stages and tasks. Indicate expected commencement and completion dates for the different tasks together with anticipated milestones.

Project stage or task / Commencement date / Completion date / Milestones
List major project stages or activities (egsurvey, environmental impact, modelling, design, construction). / List major milestones (eg. consultant appointed 01/04/13, design approval 15/07/13, tenders called 12/08/13, construction commenced 30/09/13).

13. consultation and collaboration

Describe the level of community consultation undertaken or proposed for the project (eg. public comment sought, community meeting held, community representation on working group). Is there general community support for the proposed project?

Does the stormwater problem extend to surrounding regions (eg. flooding in a larger or adjacent catchment)? If so, has the project been developed in consultation with relevant councils, agencies and interested parties? Provide details.

14. project management and maintenance

Explain how the project will be undertaken and managed. Indicate who will manage the project (eg. staff, contractor, consultant). How will the project form part of a long-term plan for stormwater management in the area? Who will be responsible for future maintenance and upkeep?

15. evaluation

How will the project be evaluated (eg. peer review, community survey) and what will determine whether it was a success? What measures will be used to determine whether the project achieved its expected outcomes?

16. readiness to proceed

Projects should be ready to proceed in accordance with the timeframe and work plan referred to in question 12as soon as funding is approved. Advise if the project is included in the applicant’s funded plan of management or capital works programme.

17. cost

Provide the cost of the project itemising the different cost elements (eg. community consultation, mapping, design, land acquisition, construction, project management). Provide as much detail as possible. Do NOT include GST. Give an annual breakdown if the project is to be carried out over more than one financial year.

Component / Financial Year / Total
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
Totals / $ / $ / $ / $

18. average annual damage

Average annual damage (AAD) is the average cost of damage per year to the affected area caused by the flood hazard over a long period of time. It is an indication of the size of the problem facing the community and can be used, through its reduction, to measure the benefits of the project.

Advise the average annual damage. Optional if the total cost of the project is less than $1,000,000.

Average annual damage / Calculated AAD before project undertaken / $ / Calculated AAD after project complete / $
Basis for calculation / Describe the type of analysis that was undertaken to calculate the AAD – indicative, simplified (eg. average property damages, extrapolation of historical data) or comprehensive analysis (eg. ANUFLOOD model).
Source / Specify the source of the AAD (eg. stormwater management plan). Provide the name of the report, author and year published.

19. benefit cost ratio

The benefit cost ratio (BCR) is the result of an economic appraisal of the proposed project.In addition to project costs and benefits, the appraisal should include social, environmental and equity costs and benefits as far as these can be quantified.

Advise the project’s benefit cost ratio. Optional if the total cost of the project is less than $1,000,000.

Benefit cost ratio
Basis for calculation / Specify the discount rate and project life used to calculate the BCR.
Discount rate (%) / % / Project life (years) / years
Source / Specify the source of the BCR (eg. stormwater management plan). Provide the name of the report, author and year published.

20. budget

Answer this question on the basis that the Stormwater Management Authority will contribute up to one half of approved project costs.

Provide the level of funding sought. Do NOT include GST. Give an annual breakdown if the project is to be carried out over more than one financial year.

Financial Year / Totals
Stormwater Management Fund / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Applicant / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Other / $ / $ / $ / $ / $
Totals / $ / $ / $ / $ / $

Specify the source and nature of any funding received under ‘Other’.

Provide details of work activities included in any inkind contributions.

Give details if funding has also been sought from any other source (eg. Natural Resources Management Board, Natural Disaster Mitigation Program etc).

21. other comments

Provide details of any other relevant information.

22. attachments

List any attachments (including number of pages) submitted with this application.


I declare that all information provided is complete and correct.
I confirm that anyapplicant and othercontributions shown at question 20 havebeen committed or approved.
I consent to the release of information in this application (excluding personal details) for non-commercial public information purposes.
I confirm that technical approval of proposed infrastructure projects will be obtained from the Authority prior to commencement of construction.
Name of Authorised Officer