School Games Inter School Wheelchair Basketball / New Age Kurling Competition

DATE: Friday 3rd February 2012

Y7/8/9 Wheelchair Basketball - 10.30 am – 12.00pm

Y7/8/9/10 New Age Kurling - 12.30pm – 2.00pm.

VENUE: The Louisa Centre, Stanley, DH9 OTE.

This event is to provide a competitive experience of sports hall based inclusive activities, for disabled pupils from both mainstream and special schools. All events will be adapted to suit individual needs at each activity station.

Eligible pupils:

All Secondary schools within the Derwentside, DurhamCity and Chester-le-street partnerships are eligible to attend adhering to the following guidelines:

  • Students have a physical disability
  • Students with Severe Learning Disabilities that are working at or below NC level 2 at KS3/4 or less than IQ of 75

To assist in the organisation of this event we would appreciate if staff could indicate on the entry form the nature of each child’s disability ie; ambulant, Learning Disability, Manual Wheelchair user or Electric Wheelchair user.


Ambulant: Athletes with a confirmed visual or hearing impairment. This also includes athletes with a physical disability eg cerebral palsy, amputee, or achondroplasia (dwarf). Athletes with a physical disability in this category will have reduced motor or functional ability of their legs, arms or both. These athletes will be able to jog or run, but with difficulty

Learning Disability: This category is for athletes whose educational attainments do not exceed NC level 1 in the core subjects at KS2. Athletes should have a confirmed IQ test score of 75 or below to be eligible, however if an IQ test score is not available please use the KS2 guideline.

Manual Wheelchair Users: These athletes will have a confirmed physical disability and will use a wheelchair for sport.

Electric Wheelchair User: Competitors will have greatly reduced function in most or all of their limbs necessitating the use of an electric wheelchair.

School Entry forms to be returned by : Friday 13th Jan 2012.

Leanne Weatherburn – DCSSP
House of Sport,

Elvet Hill House,

Elvet Hill Road,


Wheelchair Basketball / New AgeKurlingSchool Games Competition 2012- School Entry Form

School ______Contact Teacher______

Telephone Number______Teacher e mail address______

Pupil Name / School Year / (please tick a category) / Events to compete in (please tick)
Ambulant / Learning Disability / Manual Wheelchair User / Electric Wheelchair User / WB / NAK



Contract Address
The Louisa Centre
Front Street / Work Activity to be Assessed
Level 2 School Games wheelchair basketball, new age kurling Competition, Friday 3rd February 2012, The Louisa Leisure Centre Sports Hall, Stanley / Name of Assessor
Nicola Noble
DH9 0TE / Date of Assessment
14th November 2011 / Position
School Sport teacher Release
Activity/Process occupation / What are the risks and who is affected / Precautions already taken / Risk level achieved
(H, M or L) / Are additional measures necessary? NOTE: This section must be completed if risk level is high
Level 2 School Games competition with pupils from various schools across Derwentside, DurhamCity and Chester-le-Street in attendance. Taking part in either wheelchair basketball or New Age Kurling. /
  1. Trips, Slips, Falls
  1. Misuse of Equipment
  1. Misuse of wheelchairs
  1. Halls and changing area to be checked prior to event and cleared of hazards. General Inspection carried out before commencement of event
  1. Appropriately qualified and number of coaches to supervise participants use of hall and equipment
  1. Induction by coaching staff
  1. Low
  1. Low
  1. Low
/ n/a
Please refer to Louisa Centre Sports hall Risk Assessments for General Facility Risks
Are any special groups at
Risk? YES/NO / If yes who are they and how many

REMEMBER Risk Assessment is a continuous process – significant changes in the working environment requires a re-assessment of the work.

H. M. L. – High/Medium/Low