Single Equality Scheme Rolling Action and Improvement Plan
February 2017
The aim of this plan is to ensure that the Hull College Group community understands, owns and actively implements all Equality and Diversity Policies. Progressing the Single Equality Scheme demonstrates the Group’s ethos and values underpinned by our commitment to equality and social justice.
This live document will be reviewed termly to monitor progressand achievements.
Single Equality Scheme – Action Plan
- To further develop how the Group collects and reports on information about the characteristics of our staff and students. This includes information on: age, gender, disability, race/ethnicity, religion/faith/belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy & maternity, and marriage & civil partnership. This will help us to understand the profile of our college community, identify potential support issues, gaps and set realistic targets.
1. Objective
Area for improvement / 2. Action to be taken and target for improvement / 3. Target date / 4. Person(s) responsible/co-ordinating / 5. Dates reviewed, progress made/action fully completed
1. Students: monitoring of the following protected characteristics (pcs): sexual orientation, religion/belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership (CP). / 1.Data (including ‘prefer not to say’ responses) to be available for 22% of students during 2016/17 and aim to increase percentage by a further 5% year on year.
2.Analyse return rates against individual PCs and review ways of removing barriers to disclosure. / 1.From Sept each year with annual review of data gaps in July each year.
July 2017 / 1.E&D Team in conjunction with Data Services and MIS
2. E&D Team / 1. A 11% return was achieved by end July 16 – target for year not met. Actions put in place to increase return for 17/18 academic year.
Report to Group Welfare Committee June 17.
2. Agenda item E&D Team meeting Spring term 2017
2. Staff: monitoring of the following PCs: sexual orientation, religion/belief, pregnancy & maternity, marriage and CP. / 1. Data (including ‘prefer not to say’ responses) to be available for 95% of new staff and 65% of current staff.
- X 2 termly message on portal reminding staff to update their data.
2. On-going
3. January 2016 / 1.Director of HR and OD
2.Director of HR and OD
3.Director of HR and OD / 1.Base line data capture reviewed & completed. On-going review to update recording mechanisms. Target achieved for all staff - completion is 70%.
2. Portal message posted, available to all colleagues to encourage participation, this is on-going
3.Ongoing for 2016/7
3. Staff: toset up systems which can produce more in depth equality information to meet Equality & Human Rights Commission’s (EHRC) expectations.
To establish a baseline and continue to monitor progress / 1. Race, disability, gender and age distribution of staff at different grades and whether they are full or part-time
2.Gender pay gap information
3.Grievance and dismissal information for people with relevant protected characteristics
4.Complaints about discrimination and other prohibited conduct from staff / 1.Jan 2018
2.Jan 2018
3.Jan 2018
4.Jan 2018 / 1.Director of HR & OD / 1 Data continues to be collected and updated. No significant figures have been identified.
2.Data reviewed and will be published in the annual Public Sector Equality Report and via website Jan 2018
3.&4. Data continues to be collected and updated. No significant figures have been identified. Ongoing.
6. Staff: Use of Key Performance Indicators (to support Strategic Plan as listed under target) to advance equality / 1.Applications to vacant posts with a declared disability at 5%+
2.To maintain staff in post with a declared disability at 60%
3.Applications to vacant posts by individuals who are BME at within 5% of the local population
4.Retain male:female gender balance within the range 40%:60% or 60%:40% / 1.In line with KPIs
2.On- going
4.May 2016 / 1- Director of HR & OD / 1.Measurement to recommence Easter 2017
2. Measurement to commence Easter 2017
3. Measurement to commence Easter 2017
4.Measurement ongoing, currently within range
7. Students: Monitor any achievement gaps by age, ALS, Disability/Learning Difficulty, Ethnicity, GenderStudents / 1. Reporting and analysis via on-going quality audit cycle / 1.Review
July 2017 / 1.Group Director of Quality, Standards & Student Experience / 1.For June 2016 see Annual Report 2017
- To continue to ensure that all decision-making, policies, procedures, plans etc. are appropriately assessed for the way they may impact on equality groups, through the process of Equality Analysis.
1. Objective
Area for improvement / 2. Action to be taken and target for improvement / 3. Target date / 4. Person(s) responsible/co-ordinating / 5. Dates reviewed, progress made/action fully completed
1.Monitor and follow-up Equality Analyses (EAs) as and when appropriate. / 1.EA’s now completed on selected policies, procedures, plans , etc / 1. Termly / 1.E&D Manager in conjunction with E&D Team / 1.Termly updates to Group Welfare Board
- To continue to develop a culture of respect across the Group where everyone feels valued and included.
1. Objective
Area for improvement / 2. Action to be taken and target for improvement / 3. Target date / 4. Person(s) responsible/co-ordinating / 5. Dates reviewed, progress made/action fully completed
1.To strengthen the Group’s internal Equality and Diversity brand through the production of posters, leaflets and promotional literature to advance equality and foster good relations / 1.Produce specific material to promote E&D
2.Review general promotional
material to ensure these reflect
commitment to E&D e.g. prospectuses, promotional leaflets & flyers and promotional emails.
3.Review accessibility with external developers & establish resource implications alongside on-going web development in order to establish best practice.
4.Qualitative measure of progress through analysis of feedback from annual surveys e.g. National Student Survey (NSS), Student Perception of College survey (SPOC),
Parent Perception of College (PPOC), Employer Perception of College EPOC) / 1.Beg of each
Group year – annual planning
4 Surveys are carried out at estab-lished points in the year / 1. E&D Manager, Team & Head of Marketing & Comms
2. E&D Team & Head of Marketing & Comms
3. External web agent/Head of Marketing & Comms.
4. E&D Manager / 1. Significant increase in promotional materials focussing on E & D (i.e. LGBT, mental health, etc) and British Values, including use via electronic media
2.All marketing materials (e.g. prospectus and leaflets etc.) are measured to ensure these reflect Group commitment to E&D. Materials available in a variety of formats e.g. Braille. Ongoing
3. Websites meet statutory requirements & include accessibility guidance. Review to be continued alongside web development.
4. Following annual surveys the data is recorded in the Annual Report
2. To continue to strengthen the embedding of equality and diversity and British values in teaching, learning and assessment. / 1..Monitoring equality and diversity in all School teaching and learning observations (annually) and Service Area observations (every 18 months).
Target: range of key strengths for teaching & learning for E&D in observations.
3.Learning Walks and work audit – will look for planning of differentiated needs for students and for appropriate challenge of breaches of inclusive practice and the way students are supported
4.Training package for embedding E&D in T&L rolled out to all staff to be disseminated via cross college staff development and on Moodle best practice page.
5.Signposting in SoW for E&D theme in Study Programmes
Good practice examples put on Portal
6.Also measure by feedback from annual surveys (NUS, Student Perception of College, Parent Perception of College, Employer Perception of College
Schools and Service Area British Values Noticeboard competition launched across the Group / 1.As per observation cycle
2.As per audit cycle
Spring half-term / 2.Group Head of Teaching & Learning
3.TLAMs & School Managers in conjunction with E&D Team
4. TLAMs & School Managers in conjunction with E&D Team
5. TLAMs & School Managers and SJLs for BVs/E&D
6.Group Safeguarding, Stuent Welfare and E & D Manager with E&D Team
7. Group Safeguarding, Stuent Welfare and E & D Manager / 1. Observation and Performance Assessment cycle started for 16/17 to complete June 2017
3.Under review
4. Sessions completed. Resources added to Moodle. Continuing with programme of work 2016/17.
5. Continuing work in progress
Actions to support above:
Check appropriate E&D information is included in curriculum docs, induction and PDP materials. / May2016 / E&D SJL,Group Safeguarding, Stuent Welfare and E & D Manager / Review of Induction
E&D Analysis
PDP – Prevent and E&D
for 2016/17
- To ensure that all staff, students and potential members of the college community can understand and support the Group’s commitment to treating everyone equally and valuing their differences as set out in its Single Equality Scheme and Action Plan.
1. Objective
Area for improvement / 2. Action to be taken and target for improvement / 3. Target date / 4. Person(s) responsible/co-ordinating / 5. Dates reviewed, progress made/action fully completed
1.To review and update references to the Single Equality Scheme and equality and diversity in student and staff information sources. / 1.Review and update E&D references in staff and student handbooks, staff and student induction, PDPs, staff and student policies and procedures
2.Continue to promote E&D through Key Themes. Impact to be measured by feedback & monitoring of activities.
3.Progress to be measured through monitoring of praise, complaints, grievances, disciplinaries and information collated for annual E&D Report. / 1.Annually at the end of each academic year.
2.June 2017
3.June 2017 / 1. E&D Team
2. BVs SJLs/E&D Team & Key Themes steering groups / 1.Corporate E&D references complete. HR/OD part complete, remainder in progress.
Ongoing (June 2017)
2. Events to take place through the year. Events completed across all 3 sites. (June 2017)
3. Jan 17 report was published January 2017
2. Monitoring of the take up of mandatory staff online E&D and Safeguarding training / 1.Increase take up of mandatory staff online E&D and Safeguarding training to 95% (increased from 85%)
2. Managers will continue to be reminded to chase non compliance. / 1.Jan 2018
2. On-going / 1.Director of HR & OD, Heads of Schools/
Service Areas / 1.Target met throughout 2015/16. Monitoring ongoing.
- New staff completing training as required.
- To provide college sites and services that are accessible to all.
1. Objective
Area for improvement / 2. Action to be taken and target for improvement / 3. Target date / 4. Person(s) responsible/co-ordinating / 5. Dates reviewed, progress made/action fully completed
1.College to continually improve the physical environment through planning and design to increase the extent to which disabled building users are able to take full advantage of the facilities and services offered. / 1.Ensure accessibility and equality are always a key part of building and service design, in accordance with all regulatory and sector standards, best practice, and the needs of current and future students/staff as determined by a continual process of feedback and consultation.
2.Disclosed disability data and feedback from staff and students will be integrated into the timetabling process to pro-actively aim to cater to students’ requirements. / 1. Annual review at post occup-ancy review of estate works in Nov/Dec 2016 / Director of Infra-structure and Facilities / 1.DG & JS were consulted on disability access for the Harrogate new build plans. JS & SW ‘walked’ the building to check the accuracy and sufficiency of the planned requirements.
These requirements have been completed on plan and will be checked as the building progresses.
2.Accessibility to continue to be assessed as a high priority category for consideration of capital investments.
4. Park Street closed and provision moved to Queens Gardens.
- To ensure the curriculum remains inclusive and reflects the Group’s commitment to equality and diversity, and meets the needs of our communities.
1. Objective
Area for improvement / 2. Action to be taken and target for improvement / 3. Target date / 4. Person(s) responsible/co-ordinating / 5. Dates reviewed, progress made/action fully completed
1.Incorporate E&D within annual curriculum and business planning. / 1.Curriculum planning to reflect the needs of the local community and specifically embed E&D.
Termly showcase for each School includes E&D sub heading. All replaced by E&D sub-qips / 1.Annual curriculum planning process (Jan) & Termly Business Reviews / 1.Principals, Dir HE, HoSs / 1.In SoW, termly showcase and Curriculum Planning doc
Reviewed at end of year.
Ongoing review of E & D termly within SubQip
2.Ensure that Schemes of Work and Session Plans embed E&D / 1. Monthly OTL Reviews take place; also regular Learning Walks done by TLAMs and audit activities managed locally in the Schools (audits of SoW, marked work, etc.).
2.Measured through School and Group Self Assessment Reports, Schemes of Work, Session Plans, lesson observations, student feedback, Continuous Professional Development
3.Continued development of Student Journey Leads (SJLs) with E&D, British Values and Safeguarding support remit to support colleagues to embed E&D in curriculum.
4. Two key E&D priorities agreed for each School/Faculty
5.Establish embedding E&D good practice/resources area on Portal/Moodle / 1.Sept 2017
2.As per SAR & lesson obs schedules.
CLs and HoS
4.By end Term 1
5. On-going / 1.Principals, Dir HE, HoSs, TLAMs
2.College Principals,
Dir HE,
HoSs, CLs
3. Group Safeguarding, Stuent Welfare and E & D Manager
4. SJLs with HoSs, Dir HE
- Group Safeguarding, Stuent Welfare and E & D Manager & SJLs in liaison with
2. New SoW & session plan introduced July 14.
Ongoing revieww of E&D within sub QIP.
3.On-going. SJLs job descriptor updated – May 2016
Meetings continue to take place twice termly to review progress
4. In progress via Sub Qips
5.Resources updated & on-going.
Dec 2017
Appendix 1
Key to Abbreviations:
ALS: Additional Learning SupportBME: Black and Minority Ethnic
CL: Curriculum Leader
CP: Civil Partnership
EA: Equality Analysis
E&D: Equality and Diversity
EHRC: Equality and Human Rights Commission
HoS: Head of School
HR: Human Resources
JCC: Joint Consultative Committee
MIS: Management Information System
OD: Organisational Development / PDP: Personal Development Plan
PCs: Protected Characteristics
QL: College database system
QIP: Quality Improvement Plan
SD: Staff Development
SJL: Student Journey Lead
SoW: Scheme of Work
T & L: Teaching and Learning
TLA: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
TLC: Teaching and Learning Coach
TLAM: Teaching, Learning and Assessment Manager
WMG: Wider Management Group