Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Topic / All about me
Local History / Ancient civilisations: The Greeks / Significant British historical figures
Phonics / Daily structured phonics (Letters & Sounds, Bug Club) + extra practice for target pupils
Reading Comprehension / Simple guided reading x 2 per week to develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read and increase understanding
Daily class book time: to hear, share & discuss a wide range of poetry, stories & non-fiction
1:1 reading with an adult at least x 1 per week, x 2 for target pupils
Writing / Stories with familiar settings (3)
Poetry/Art Week 1 (1)
Information text: Labels, lists captions (2)
Science week (1) / Recount (2)
Stories from a range of cultures/stories
with predictable language (3)
Poetry (1) All about me
Science week (1)
RE Week (Nativity) (1) / Poetry/Art Week 2: (1)
Traditional stories and Fairy tales (including plays) (2)
Science Week (1)
Non-chronological report 3 / Traditional stories and Fairy tales (including plays) (2)
Science Week (1)
RE Week (1) / Preparation for SATS (3)
Science Week (1)
Preparation for SATS (3) / Preparation for SATs (1)
Testing (2)
Science Week (1)
RE Week (1)
Final Week (10
G & P / Capital letters & full stops/question mark/exclamation mark, commas in lists, apostrophes for contracted form. Sentences with different forms (statement, question, order). Noun phrases. Subordination (if, that, because) & co-ordination (or, but, and). Grammar of word structure & grammatical terminology in Appendix 2 of new framework
Spelling / Segmenting words into phonemes. Common homophones. Suffixes: _ment, _less, _ful & _ness. Spellings ain Appendix 1 of new framework
Handwriting / Form lower case letters the correct size. Write capital letters and digits of correct size (to lower case). Use spaces between words. Start to use diagonal/horizontal strokes to join letters & understand when to leave letters unjoined
Maths / Numbers to at least 100
Comparing & ordering Addition
Recognise the inverse
Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s
2D shapes (names & properties)
Length/height (estimate measure, read scales)
One step problems / Numbers to 100
Sorting & ordering Addition
Counting in 2s
Concept of sharing
2D shapes (symmetry)
Weight (estimate measure, read scales)
Position (3/4 turn, clockwise/anti)
Time (1/4 past, ½ past, ¼ to)
Problem solving
Tally charts/block graphs *linked to science forces / Numbers to 100
Place value
Addition Subtraction
Counting in 10s Doubling & halving
3D shapes (names & properties)
Capacity (estimate measure, read scales)
Problem solving / Numbers to 100
Place value
Addition Subtraction
Counting in 5s
Concept of sharing
Revise & draw 2D & 3D shapes
Time (to 5 mins)
Fractions (1/3, ¼, 2/4, ¾)
Revise data handling
Problem solving
Simple pictograms / Fractions (2/4 = ½, counting on in fractions up to 10)
Position (right angles)
AfL to close the gap
Problem solving/
using & applying / Revision
Temperature (estimate measure, read scales)
Data Handling
Time (intervals)
Open-ended maths investigations
*Post test maths linked to geography
weeks / Scientific Enquiry
Ask simple questions, observe closely using simple equipment, perform simple tests, identify & classify, use observations & ideas to suggest answers to questions, gather & record data to help answer questions
Living Things & their Habitats
Explore/compare differences between things living/dead/never been alive
Identify most living things live in habitats to which they are suited. Describe how habitats provide for basic needs & how they depend on each other.
Identify & name variety of plants & animals in their habitats incl. micr-habitats.
Simple food chains.
Identify & name different sources of food / Use of Everyday Everyday Materials
Identify & compare everyday materials & their uses
Find out the shapes of some materials can be changed by stretching, squashing, twisting & bending. / Animals including Humans
Animals have offspring that grow into adults (lifecycles)
Describe the basic needs of animals (incl. humans)
The importance of exercise, diet & hygiene for humans. / Plants (incl trees)
Observe how seeds & bulbs grow into mature plants.
A comparative test to show that plants need light, water & a suitable temperature to grow healthily.
Differences between boys/girls
Main body parts
Plants: Pupils should use the local environment (local park, playground planters, classroom plants) throughout the year to observe how plants grow & mature
History / Understand & use simple vocabulary relating to the passing of time
Study significant historical events, people & places in own locality / The concept of a nation and a nation’s history
Concepts such as civilisation, monarchy, parliament, democracy, and war and peace that are essential to understanding history / The lives of significant individuals in Britain’s past who have contributed to our nations achievements
Geography / Name, locate & identify characteristics of the 4 countries & capital cities of the UK & its surrounding seas
Name & locate the world’s continents & oceans
Use simple fieldwork & observational skills to study the geography of the school’s surrounding environment / Understand geographical similarities & differences between Leicester and a location in Greece / Weather
Identify weather patterns in the UK & locations on the Equator
Use world maps, atlases, globes & aerial photos to identify the UK & countries studied
Use basic geographical vocabulary to describe key physical features (coast, hill, valley) & key human features (city, factory, office block, canal)
Computing / Common Uses of IT/e-safety / Can use IT to create, organise, store, edit & retrieve digital content (using Word & PPT) / Algorithms / Can use IT to create, organise, store, edit & retrieve digital content (using Word, PPT & i-pad apps)
Art & Design/
D & T / Use drawing and painting to share their ideas, experiences and imagination, developing techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape and form / The principles of balanced eating, where food comes from & cooking recipes from different cultures / Developing techniques using clay and printing to a large scale and in 3D / Design and make products using a range of materials
Record the development of their designs / Learn about the work of a range of artists, craftsmen and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines and making links to their own work.
Music / Harvest songs
Long & short sounds / Christmas songs
Pulse & Rhythm / Symbols & instruments / Descriptive sounds / Pitch & melody / Tempo, timbre, dynamics, Composition
P.E. / Gymnastics (Movement) / Dance / SWIMMING / SAQ – Speed, agility, quickness
Games / Fundamental skills-based, across a range of net & ball activities: SAQ, benchball, netball / Skills-based, across a range of invasion games, such as football, hockey / Skills-based, across a range of striking & fielding activities: rounders, kwik cricket/athletics
KS1 Alternate years
2017/18 / Celebrations
Why are they important?
Christianity (Christmas)
+ Islam (Eid) / What do people believe about God, humanity and the natural world?
Different words and art that represent God, how people pray & meditate, religious views create a caring attitude, the cycle of life, places of worship
Main 4 religions as per Leicester SACRE
KS1 Visit to Hindu temple / Inspirational Leaders
Significant figures from Christianity and Hinduism from whom believers find inspiration
2016/17 / Celebrations
Why are they important?
Christianity (Christmas) + Sikh Vaisakhi
Hindu Diwali / Why are some stories sacred and important in religions?
Sacred stories from Christianity/Islam/Sikhism/
Hinduism / Symbols
How they express religious meaning
Cultural days / School Ethos/Core values
School rules
Rights & responsibilities
New Beginnings
Skills & Talents
Charity / School Ethos/Core values
Keeping Safe/ Stranger Danger / School Ethos/Core values
Looking after ourselves:
Healthy Lifestyles
Disappointment & hope
Doing our best
Individual liberty / School ethos
Individual liberty
World Book Week
Charity (Sport Relief)
Easter / School ethos
Diversity (Vaisakhi)
Our skills & talents
Looking after school property
Resolving issues / Preparing for change
Skills & talents
Slater’s Got Talent
Moving On
Yom Kappur / Diwali
Christmas / Chinese New Year
(Year of the Rooster) / Easter / Vaisakhi / Caribbean Day