
A fully qualified NVQ3 Supervisor is responsible for the day to day management of the Club supported by threefully qualified assistants.

A First Aider will always be available. Staff will take children to schools in the morning and collect them from school in the afternoon


Before attending the Club a completed registration form should have been received by the Club Supervisor. This represents acceptance of the Club rules which are issued as part of the registration form.

Complaints Procedure:

A Complaints Procedure exists, and in the first instance any complaint should be made to the Club Supervisor, Mrs Vicky Rothwell at Angels Lane Before and After School Club, Thomas Whitehead Primary School, Angels Lane, Houghton Regis LU5 5HH in writing or in any other suitable media stating the name of the people involved, the relevant dates and the nature of the complaint. Further details regarding the policy can be found in the Complaints Policy.

Sickness & Accident

If a child becomes ill during a Club session, every attempt will be made to contact one of the people listed on the Registration Form, to arrange collection of the sick child. The child will be cared for until collected.

In case of a minor accident, basic First Aid will be administered. In case of an accident requiring more that basic First Aid, every attempt will be made to contact the parent/carer to advise or discuss with him/her the course of action to be taken. An accident book will be maintained.

The Angels Lane Before and After School Club

(Ofsted registration No EY332141)

Meets at


Angels Lane, Houghton Regis


Meets Daily in Term Time 7.30 – 8.45 a.m.

and 3.15-5.30pm

Contact Phone No. 01582 865466 or 01582 867487

(for further information)

Bookings should be made by calling 07960364040
(this is also the Emergency Contact Number)

Open to all children aged 3-9 attending ThomasWhiteheadPrimary School or HoughtonRegisPrimary School.

The Angels Lane Before and After School Club provides good quality childcare in a relaxed friendly environment, within ThomasWhiteheadPrimarySchool. It is jointly managed by the two schools which it serves througha Committee of Management and is regulated by Ofsted Early Years Directorate, operating under the Children Act.

The Angels Lane BAS is committed to offering an equally accessible service to all families which respects the race, gender, religion and culture of each person using the service, and will endeavour to do the best of its ability to cater for any special need or disability, in line with the Equal Opportunities Policy which operates in the Club.

A range of policy and procedure statements covering such areas as accident and sickness procedures, health & safety and behaviour management, fire and child protection are available to be viewed at the Club, during Club hours.

Any children attending either Thomas Whitehead or Houghton Regis Primary schools and in school years Nursery to 4 (aged 3-9 years) are eligible to attend the Club. (For more detailed information see the Admissions Policy).

Children will be supervised at all times by Club staff until they are collected by their parents or a named substitute. The Club works on a ratio of 1 member of staff for every 8 children. All staff have been subject to Criminal Record checks.


Before School:Arrival7.30-8.45£3.50


After School£3.00 per hour or part thereof


(There is a cancellation fee of £3.00 if less than 24 hours notice has been given.)

Late Collection Charge (i.e. collection after 5.30pm) £2.50 per 15 minutes. We have to make this charge as members of staff have to be paid overtime.

Routine & Activities:

Upon arrival in the morning children will be given a drink and a light breakfast, after school they will be given a piece of fruit or a light snack and a drink. Following this a range of activities will be available, and the children can make a free choice as to what they wish to do. Some of the activities will have been planned and laid out, and others the children can access as they wish from the entire selection available. Examples of the sorts of activities are:

Craft e.g. mask making, papier-mâché, painting, Board Games & Puzzles, Dressing Up and other role play activities, Construction e.g. Lego, K’nex, Circle Games and Sports, Outdoor activities in appropriate weather may take place on Thomas Whitehead sports field. There may sometimes be access to computers in the school. There is be quiet area available for children who may wish to read or do homework.