Modules in Using Technology in Career Exploration

0Introduction – Introduction to the course and two processes
(1) overview of information literacy and career development processes;
(2) note taking skills, summarizing, organizing and synthesizing information

  1. Technology Concepts– Technology-related concepts and terms, use of application software, and application of a database
    (1) impact of technology and globalization
    (2)Internet use andways to communicate;responsible and safe technology and Internet use - collaboratively research, share and write about issues and practices related to acceptable, responsible and safe Internet use / persuasive essay
    (3) terms - use accurate technology terminology to complete a crossword puzzle; create, populate and query a database for specific criteria and create, modify and print a report
  2. Who Am I?– Career-related terms, informal self-assessment of interests and personality type, Michigan’s six Career Pathways
    (1) define and record unfamiliar career-related terms;
    (2) complete an informal self-assessment of interests, skills, preferences, and values on an electronic graphic organizer;
    (3) identify personality type;
    (4) complete a work environment survey;
    (5) explore Michigan’s six career pathways
  1. Self-Awarenessusing Matchmaker (or a similar software program); Telecommunicate & explore Pathways – Self-assessment of interests and creating an EDP through Career Cruising computer software, interview an adult through telecommunications
    (1) complete an electronic self-assessment of interests (Your Likes & Dislikes) and skills (My Skills) using Career Cruising; career pathways and specific careers within those pathways are matched to assessment results; choose desired levels of education; review suggestions;
    (2) use telecommunications to interview an adult in your career pathway and work with other students to describe the pathway

  1. Four careers suitable for you?– Select and explore four careers from suggested career options using Career Cruising (or a similar software program), then narrow the options to two careers to further investigate, justify your decisions
    (1) choose four careers from the career options presented by Career Cruising; compare each career using information in the “Suitable for You?”, “Job Description”, and “Working Conditions” sections of Career Cruising; record and format notes on an electronic chart;
    (2) decide if each career is a fit for you; then, select two careers to further investigate; and
    (3) explain and justify the decisions
  1. Career explorationfor each of two careers using Career Cruising (or a similar software program) – More indepth look at two careers
    (1) gather additional career information for each of the two careers;
    (2) organize and record notes
  1. Lifestyle decisions: salary projections and an expense budget – Use a graph to determine which career has better earning potential over time, use a spreadsheet and budget to calculate how much things cost
    (1) graph salary projections in a line graph for the two careers using annual Michigan wages;
    (2) use a spreadsheet to create a budget of monthly cost-of-living expenses, calculate annual expenses with taxes; consider whether minimum wage would cover expenses;
    (3) create a pie chart of the expenses in six areas;
    (4) interpret the budget data and graphs and draw conclusions about the desired lifestyle, what type of entry level salary would be needed to support that lifestyle, and which of the two career salaries would best cover costs of the lifestyle;
    (5) extension:

(a) compare cost-of-living and potential salary between different metro areas - would you relocate?
(b) research data, compile in a database, and compare costs of vacations
(c) research data, compile in a database, and compare costs of after-high school training and education (including colleges)

  1. Justification paper – Essay explaining which career to research further
    select one of the two careers to research further with print & electronic resources other than Career Cruising and write a paper explaining the choice (justification of decision should be based on data)

  1. Research one career using a variety of resources – Apply information literacy skills to conduct additional research on one career using Web-based sites and print material
    (1) use a subject directory to find relevant sites and identify types and domains of possible sources;
    (2) construct a search using keywords and Boolean operators;
    (3) implement a search using at least two search engines and one online subscription database (e.g., MeL), to identify different types of Web sites;
    (4) use criteria to evaluate appropriate and valid sites;
    (5) take notes and cite the sources;
    (6) extension: additional research ideas
  1. Product to communicate career information – Design, create and present a multimedia product about your career
    (1) design and create an informative publication, presentation, video, or website about the career that has been researched and
    (2) share with others
  1. EDP Update; ACT Explore career suggestions– Complete at least minimum Education Development Plan standards
    (1) select and record career pathway(s) and career(s) of interest in the EDP;
    (2) identify short-term and long-term goals;
    (3) develop an annual education plan of high school classes;
    (4) record ACT Explore scores and analyze career results
  2. Final written reflections – Reflection essays
    (1) “is this a good career choice for me?”- a decision based on self-assessment, data collected, research;
    (2) the role and purpose of technology- the hardware and software you have used in your studies;
    (3) how technology shapes careers, is used in careers, and can be used to study careers

Using Technology in Career Exploration1Oakland Schools