The aim of this orientation pack is to provide for students new to the nephrology service, information regarding the service and expectations for the placement period. It provides guidance for both the mentor and mentee.


Introduced to Mentor ¨

Orientated to Tayside Renal Service:

·  Ward 22 ¨

·  Renal Dialysis Units (Ninewells Hospital, Perth Royal Infirmary, Arbroath Royal Infirmary) ¨

·  Peritoneal Dialysis Unit ¨

·  Renal Out Patient Clinics ¨

·  Medical Physics workshop ¨


·  Fire Procedure ¨

·  Emergency Equipment ¨

·  Emergency Telephone Procedures ¨

·  Hospital Paging System ¨

·  Nurse Call System (Emergency / Non emergency) ¨

·  IR1 Reporting of Accidents / Incidents ¨

·  Off Duty Folder & Requests ¨

·  Local infection Control Procedures ¨

·  Sickness/ absence procedure ¨


·  Personal Objectives ¨

·  Set dates for Midway and Final assessment ¨

·  Modes of access to local & National policies, procedures and guidelines ¨

·  Moving and Handling Equipment ¨

·  Dress code/ uniform policy ¨

·  Dining Facilities/ Staff room ¨

·  Start/Shift times ¨

Available Learning Opportunities:

·  Renal Clinics across all 3 sites

·  Anaemia team

·  Transplant coordinator

·  Dietetics team

·  Vascular access Nurse

Staffing List
Consultant Nephrologists
Dr Maureen Lafferty / Dr Vinod Sanu / Dr Alison Severn / Dr Graham Stewart / Dr Samira Bell / Dr Drew Henderson
Dr Samina Hussain Associate Consultant
Head of Nursing
Sean McArtney
Specialist Nurses
Susan McGeorge
(Renal Clinical Educator) / Gillian Wood
(Specialist Nephrology Nurse) / Irene Russell
(Transplant Coordinator) / Ashley Wilkie
(Anaemia Nurse) / Claire Moir (Vascular Access Nurse)
Maggie McMahon
(Chronic Kidney Disease Coordinator) / Paula Kent (Infection Control Surveillance Nurse) / Sarah Cathcart
(Renal Supportive Care Nurse)
Senior Charge Nurses
Shona Borrett
(Anaemia Coordinator) (Ninewells Hospital Home Therapies) / Lesley Sheach
(Ninewells Hospital Renal Dialysis Unit) / Jennifer Dempsey
Satellite Dialysis Unit
(Arbroath Infirmary & PRI) / Nicola McKee (Ninewells Hospital Ward 22 Acute Renal Ward)
Charge Nurses
RDU Ninewells
Laura Thomson
Cath Jamieson / RDU Arbroath
Julie Sim / RDU PRI
Ruth Wright / Ward 22 Ninewells
Nicola Livie
Pam Barr
Lynn Mitchell
Registered Nurse
Assistant Practitioners & Renal Care Assistants
Ward Assistants
What to expect

You Mentor will be active on the local Mentorship database and have completed an NMC recognised Mentorship course.

Your Mentor will comply with the NES Standards for practice placements (2008) as stated:

The National Standards


Prior to placements, institutions should ensure that students are made aware of their responsibilities and rights

Students can expect to:
·  Have a placement appropriate to their learning needs
·  Have access to information about the placement and the learning opportunities available
·  Have support from a named individual who is prepared for the role of supporting students
·  Have access to Quality standards for Practice Placements(NES)
·  An opportunity to discuss learning needs early in the placement(within 48 hours)
·  An environment which is welcoming, supportive of their learning and in which they feel part of the team
·  Access to a range of teaching and learning resources
·  A team approach to their support
·  Feedback of their performance and progress from individuals supporting their learning
·  Fair, timely and objective assessment
·  Access to support from the Education Institution when required
Students have a responsibility to:
·  Ensure they are prepared for the practice placement by accessing pre placement information
·  Contribute as a partner in the achievement of their learning outcomes
·  Raise any concerns about the practice placement experience
·  Evaluate their practice placement experience / ·  Evidence of a joint approach to the preparation, audit and allocation of practice placements
·  Pre placement information is available and accessible(written,verbal,electronic)
·  A relevant named individual is available to the student
·  Quality standards for practice are available
·  Placement learning outcomes and how they will be achieved are discussed and recorded/documented early in the placement
·  Evidence exists that learning and learners are welcomed, valued and have a positive learning experience
·  Evidence of learning opportunities exists which meet students’ learning needs eg practice placement profile
·  Experience gained as part of a multiprofessional team takes place where it supports the students learning outcomes
·  Feedback and review of achievement of learning outcomes is documented
·  Assessment documentation is completed in line with education institution requirements
·  Lines of communication between the education institution and student during practice placement are clear
·  Students access pre placement information
·  Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning
·  Systems exist for supporting and addressing students concerns about the placement
·  Joint education institutions/ service quality process exists and includes student evaluation


Institutions should ensure that students are provided with appropriate guidance and support in preparation for, during and after their placements

Standards / Indicators
Prior to Placement
Mentors/Assessors can expect:
·  A support network inclusive of clinical colleagues, education colleagues, managers and peers
·  The support of their clinical teams, support/supervision of their manager
·  To be prepared prior to the student’s placement
·  The student to be fully prepared for the placement and committed to the achievement of their learning outcomes / ·  Adequate and timely information prior to students arrival
·  Adequate preparation time prior to student arrival
·  Time on day 1 for student induction
·  Knowledge of the students learning needs
·  Achievement of the staff governance standard in relation to training*
During Practice Placement
Mentors/Assessors can expect to:
·  Provide support, teaching, supervision and assessment activities
·  Have allocated time to assess the students developing competence/achievement of learning outcomes
·  Provide ongoing guidance and feedback to the student
·  Conduct a fair and objective assessment of student performance / ·  A team mentoring approach
·  A range of clinical colleagues who input to the learning experience of the student
·  The freedom/authority to plan and deliver learning opportunities to meet learning outcomes
After Practice Placement
Mentors/Assessors have a responsibility to:
·  Contribute to ongoing evaluation of the learning environment and the student experience / ·  Clear accessible systems/protocols on guidance and feedback
·  Clear accessible systems for dealing with student issues
·  Effective joint HEI/service provider evaluation
·  Clear systems which link mentor/supervisor evaluation into the quality enhancement agenda