Consultation on an Application for Chellaston Village to become an Agreed Area for Neighbourhood Planning
What is this consultation about?
Through the Localism Act the Government aims to give more power to local communities giving local people more control over housing and planning decisions to help them shape their local areas.
We have received an application for Chellaston Village to become an agreed area for Neighbourhood Planning. You can view a description of this proposed area as well as a plan showing the area at the end of this document and on our website at
This is the first stage of consultation that we must undertake in the Neighbourhood Planning process. A summary of this process is shown in the diagram below.

We would like your feedback on whether you support, oppose or have any amendments or comments about the area being proposed for Neighbourhood Planning.
If the proposed area becomes agreed as a result of this consultation a separate consultation will take place about the suitability of the group who apply to write the Neighbourhood Plan for this area.
Your feedback is important in helping to shape the future of your local area. All of the information you provide will be treated in confidence. Please complete all of the questions you are comfortable answering and return your completed questionnaire by midnight on Monday 18 January 2016. If you have any questions about this consultation please contact Dave Brown, Spatial Planning and Climate Change, Derby City Council on 01332 642120 or email
Your feedback on the proposed area
1. / Do you support, oppose or have amendments to the proposal for Chellaston Village to become an agreed area for Neighbourhood Planning? Please select one option.
 / I support the proposed area /  / I oppose the proposed area /  / I have an amendment/s to the proposed area /  / Don't know
Please outline your amendment/s to the proposed area or give any comments that you have about the application for Chellaston Village to become an agreed area for Neighbourhood Planning.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
About you
We want to make sure that we hear everyone’s views, whatever your age or background.
This will help us to understand how representative the response we receive is of people living locally as well as the views of different groups of people.
2. / Are you a … Please select all that apply
 / resident of the proposed area? /  / developer / agent?
 / a resident living outside of the proposed area? /  / representative of a public sector organisation?
 / regular visitor to the proposed area? /  / representative of a private sector organisation?
 / business working within the proposed area? /  / representative of a community / voluntary organisation?
 / landowner with land within the proposed area? /  / other?
Other, please say
3. / If you are completing this questionnaire as a representative of an organisation, please tell us the name of the organisation.
4. / What is your role / job title within the organisation?
5. / What is your postcode?
6. / Are you... Please select one option
 / Male /  / Female
7. / What was your age on your last birthday? Please tell us your age in years.
8. / Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person? Please select one option.
 / Yes /  / No
9. / To which group do you consider you belong? Please select one option.
 / Asian or Asian British - Indian /  / Dual Heritage - White and Black African
 / Asian or Asian British - Pakistani /  / Dual Heritage - White and Asian
 / Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi /  / Any other Dual Heritage background
 / Asian or Asian British - Chinese /  / White - English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
 / Any other Asian background /  / White - Irish
 / Black or Black British - African /  / White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller
 / Black or Black British - Caribbean /  / Any other White background
 / Any other Black background /  / Other ethnic group - Arab
 / Dual Heritage - White and Black Caribbean /  / Any other ethnic group
If you have selected one of the 'Any other background' options, please give further details.
Keeping you informed
10. / Would you like us to let you know about... Please select one option for each.
Yes / No
the outcome of this consultation? /  / 
details of any further consultation being undertaken by Derby City Council relating to Neighbourhood Planning for this area? /  / 
11. / Would you be happy for us to contact you if we need to clarify any of the comments you have made? Please select one option
 / Yes /  / No
All information provided will be treated in confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We will only use this information to keep you informed about the progress of Neighbourhood Planning for the Chellaston Village area and / or to clarify any comments you have made, depending on your answers to questions 10 and 11. The views you have given will help us to assess the application for Chellaston Village to become an agreed area for Neighbourhood Planning, they will not be linked to your name when we report on the results of this consultation.
We will only pass personal details to other Council departments or other Public Service organisations with your explicit consent. It may also be shared for the purposes of preventing fraud, misuse of public funds and any legal or statutory requirement such as Safeguarding children and adults.
If you have selected 'Yes' to question 10 and / or 11, please tell us your name and contact details.
12. / Name
13. / Address*
14. / Postcode*
15. / Telephone number*
16. / e-mail address*
* We only need this information if you are happy for us to contact you in this way.
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this feedback form.
Please return your completed feedback form in the Freepost reply envelope provided by midnight on Monday 18 January 2016, you don't need a stamp. You can also return your completed form to us using your own envelope addressed to:
Spatial Planning and Climate Change
Derby City Council
We can give you this information in any other way, style or
language that will help you access it. Please contact us on
01332 642120 Minicom 01332 640666

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