Eco Center Latinovac from Croatia is organizing Camp “Livadak” 2012. and we have 13 open volunteering positions:

Group / Number of volunteer(s)4 / Service start date
(dd/mm/yy) / Service end date
(dd/mm/yy) / Service duration
A / 3 / 01/06/2012 / 01/09/2012 / 3 months Preperation and Camp
B / 7 / 01/07/2012 / 01/09/2012 / 2 months just Camp
C / 3 / 01/07/2012 / 01/10/2012 / 3 months Camp, closing and evaluation

All young people from program and partner countries age 18 to 30 are welcome.
No experience or special skills are required.
You have to:
- know basic english
- be open minded, tolerant and flexible
- be ready to live, work, eat, learn and have fun with 13 other people in the very modest and simple furnished accommodation
- be outdoortype or wish to become one
- be OK with living in a very small rural community
- be ready to share knowledge, experiences and ideas
- have some interest in intercultural learning, enviromental protection, sustainable rural communty development and peace building, tolerance and personal development
Eco Center Latinovac is also open to hosting volunteers with fewer opportunities; young people who are discriminated on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion, youth who are in precarious situations, have a low standard of living, unemployed youth, young immigrants and descendants of immigrants, refugees or descendants of refugees and members of national, ethnic or religious minorities, young people from remote rural areas or in troubled urban environments. Unfortunately, due to the architectural barriers and lack of appropriate infrastructure we are not in position to host volunteers in a wheelchair or with heavy mental disability. However, volunteers not depending on wheel chairs are welcome. We are also not able to host underage volunteers, since we do not have enough staff for their supervision nor volunteers that may have serious health problems and need daily health assistance since Center is not close to any medical institution (in around 20 km).
Volunteers will be selected in accordance with their expressed interest and motivation for the work of Eco Center, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, education or economic status.
In the process of selection of volunteers we will involve representatives of Eco Center, supervisory board and experts from Volunteer Center Osijek.
Volunteers would have one task before arriving, and that is to prepare two presentations. One about themselves and culture that they are coming from, and another one, maybe together with the help of sending organization, about ecology and/or any community organizing and development in their country, region or locally. Also they should bring traditional and modern music from their country.
The role and tasks of the volunteer(s)
“Preparation and camp” includes:
- preparing facilities for the volunteer camp (cleaning, minor painting and decorating, restoration)
- gardening, planting fruit trees, planting vegetables and flowers
- the preparation of materials and updating them on website
- assistance in coordinating the arrival of volunteers to volunteer Camp
- participating in camp “Livadak”
“Camp Livadak 2012”
(we are still working on project so, some activities might change)
Activities in community
1. Cleaning of the community center that will be used for activities of volunteers and villagers, celebrations, talent show…
2. Tiding up and fixing the school, that is no longer in use. It has been given for usage to Eco Center Latinovac and is a great place for having workshops.
3. Marking of the cycle tracks and walking routs to the woods and to the fish pond, and making of wooden info signs
4. Assistance to senior citizens in gardening, trimming and cleaning of front yards and trimming of public uncared for properties such as historical monuments.
5. Splitting of wood for winter time for senior citizens
6. Cleaning and restoring of old church
7. Photo and video recording of all activities and processes in camp
8. Creating, organizing and implementing of volunteer initiative
9. Presentation of volunteers in the community
10. Preparing a cultural workshop for school kids in nearby village

Activities in Eco Center Latinovac:
1. Rearranging barn into a storage
2. Preparing materials for the web page, maintenance of the web, keeping on line diary
3. Gardening and upkeep of orchard, planting of vegetables and flowers, trimming
4. Preparing of the breakfasts and dinners, and cleaning of kitchen and dishes
5. Making of “green roof”
6. Making of paths on the property Livadak
7. Splitting of wood for winter time
8. Smaller construction work on the roof and facilities (painting, decorating etc.)
9. Maintenance of the camp and its facilities
We are also very open to any ideas that may come from sending organizations and volunteers especially regarding the local community actions.
“Camp, closing and evaluation” includes:
- participating in camp “Livadak”
- when the Camp is over helping with closing and cleaning facilities
- writing volunteers summaries and updating them on website
- assistance in coordinating the departure of volunteers from Livadak
- helping with evaluation and other post camp activities
- helping with summarizing the experience for the report
The learning dimension; competences (i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes) which might be acquired by the volunteer(s) in your project
(we are still working on project so, some activities might change)
1. Workshop on permaculture and/or gardening.
2. Workshop “connecting your potentials”.
3. Non violent communication workshop
4. Volunteers teaching each other and Eco Center Latinovac (workshops that volunteers will prepare depending on their skills and interests)
5. Learning Croatian language
6. Dance workshop (traditional and modern dance)
7. Handcrafts workshop (candles, soups, etc.)
8. Weekly cooking classes (traditional Croatian food, sweets, jams, pasta etc.)
1. Learning by doing, restoration of furniture workshop
2 Field trips at least two times per month; Learning and exploring Croatia
- tour around local natural and cultural tourist destinations

- maybe there is a possibility of going to the seaside for seven days, but only if volunteers will be able to cover some of their travel cost

- dance performance of local folklore group
3. Experiencing and learning about cultures and countries where volunteers are coming from by presenting your country and culture thru food, music, power point presentations, stories, legends, etc.
Fun and relaxation:
- table tennis
- outdoor volleyball
- walk in the nature or cycling
- tour around vineyards and vine sellers
- meditations
- planting of seedlings of peace
- making of photo and video diary
-“talent show”
- film projections for volunteers and villagers
A typical day for the volunteer would look like:
8.00 - 9.00 am A common breakfast,
9.00 - 9.30 am morning briefing
9.30 am– 12.30 pmactivity hours (e.g. cleaning of community center or permaculture workshop)
1.00 – 3.30 pm h lunch, rest, free time
3.30 – 6.30h pm activity hours (e.g. continuation of cleaning of community center or permaculture workshop or Croatian lessons)
7.00 – 8.00 pm h dinner
8.00 - pm… free time, socializing, sleeping

Sometimes the whole day will be filled with activities, and sometime days will be a lot more relaxed, depending on the type of daily job that is being done.
Volunteers will also have free days and they will be able to use them as they wish, they can go alone or together with other volunteers and explore everything that surrounds them.
Generally, a volunteer would work not more than 6 hours per day (work + workshops), 30 hours a week. Sometimes weekends would be free and sometimes Monday and Tuesdays would be free if there was a “working weekend organized” or a “weekend workshop organized”.
Additional Info
Project environment:
The project will take place in the Eco Center Latinovac which is situated in the village Latinovac which is located in the municipality Caglin in Pozega-Slavonia County. The closest towns are Kutjevo, Pozega, Našice, Slavonski Brod, and they are approximately 20-30 km away.
Eco Center is a place of intergenerational and intercultural understanding, teaching non-violent communication, tolerance and coexistence with nature. The village has about 80 inhabitants. It is in the middle of the Valis Aurea (Golden Valley), and it is surrounded by wheat and corn fields, meadows, groves, vineyards and hills covered with forests. There is no heavy industry or pollutants. In only 15 km distance is internationally recognized Nature and geo park “Papuk”. Village is populated with mostly Serbian population (biggest ethnic minority in Croatia) and it is surrounded by villages with predominantly Croatian population. They have a long history of living in good and neighborly relations. It is written how local Orthodox Church was protected from damage during the Second World War as well as during the recent war in Croatia by Croat neighbors.
The village is small, but its people are already accustomed to international volunteers, camps and live events at the Eco Center. Occasionally they participate in our events. In the village there are people of Croatian and Serbian nationality, and since the time of the war, eco-center has served as a source of reconciliation and mediation. Today the situation is stabilized and satisfactory, so center is now a lot more dedicated to ecology, rural and sustainable community development and living in peace with nature, ourselves and others. During the camp volunteers will meet local residents and experience nearby towns with their culture of life and nearby nature.
The village does not offer any modern forms of entertainment or infrastructure such as theatres and clubs, nor it has big store, ambulance etc. For all that is needed, it is necessary to go to the nearby village Caglin (5km) or to some of the surrounding towns or wait for the mobile bus/store which on daily basis come in front of the Center. However, you can get in Latinovac, typical household products from village people, such as season fruit and vegetables, flower, milk, cheese, eggs, nuts, meat products, jams etc. Caglin has a store, post office, gas station, primary school, basic medical ambulance and dentist. After the train on relation Nasice – Pleternica stopped driving because of the bad railway (and consequently a train station in Latinovac as well), buses are the main local public transportation from and to Latinovac. The inhabitants are engaged mainly in farming and agriculture, but they live on very low income. There is no industry nearby so natural beauty is preserved. There are six small towns with interesting historical sites and buildings located relatively close to the village, and one day excursions can be organized for volunteers.
Eco Center includes several buildings / properties that are very closely located within the village. Two central building are Livadak and Zen house. There is an old school (larger hall) that is given at disposal to the Eco Center for the period of 30 years. Conditions in this major facility are very modest and simple, and the rest of the Eco Center requires smaller and/or larger reconstruction (cleaning, painting, renovation, restoration ...). Electricity, water and toilet exist in all buildings except the old school building (no water or toilets). Office with computers, printers and internet access is located in the main house (Livadak). Volunteers will be located in different buildings in the Eco-center, but also there is a possibility of camping in tents if somebody wants.
There is a kitchen where meals would be prepared during the camp for everyone for breakfast and dinners, so if you have any special dietary needs please inform us. Lunches will be ordered from restaurant. Personally we prefer vegetarian meals, but meet will be cooked and volunteers can choose what they like. There is a TV on Livadak, but reception is not always excellent, so we suggest DVD player. We will try to find projector by the time Camp starts so we could have“cinema” nights. There is a washing machine at the Center. Bedrooms have from two to six beds, so please have in mind that you will be sharing a room with other people.
After the Camp “Livadak” 2012 we will continue to develop, build and reconstruct the Center, so it will always be open for local, national and international volunteers. Our plan is to open a smaller part of the Center to tourists, travellers, hikers, nature lovers, NGOs and others. Further, Center can be open for primary school children, especially for pupils from town schools to enjoy a country side for one day visits.
Also Center was and will be used for family and community gatherings or weekend celebrations as well. For many years already we organize once a year workshops/ seminars on non-violence and Zen Buddhist meditation workshops which we would like to continue with. If facilities are better arranged we may explore options to organize more often various seminars.
Every Saturday during the year, except in harsh winter months, is (Re)Creative day, when local people/volunteers gather and do some season work such as making jam or tomato juice or collecting walnuts, or house work, or have some small workshop, learn from each other, mingle, socialize, have fun, cook and have lunch together. It is open for everyone with a small participation in covering costs, if any. Villagers can also use the office, computers and internet, if needed. One part of the Center is created as public place; it is next to the road, just behind the bus stop, it has no fence and under a big nut tree there is table with benches, swings for the kids, water-well and solar street light for the night. It is a nice place for travelers, visitors, neighbors and everyone to enjoy it.
Risk prevention, protection and safety:
At the Eco Center Latinovac there will always be a car that can be used for emergency transport to the nearest health station.
All the work that volunteers are doing will be under the supervision and direction of professional staff, especially if it involves tools or machinery.
As we stated, we do not have infrastructure adapted for volunteers in a wheelchair since there is a lot of architectural barriers. We are also not able to host underage volunteers, since we do not have enough staff for their supervision nor volunteers that may have serious health problems and need daily health assistance since Center is not close to any medical institution.
We are also planning to have weekly mandatory meetings / gatherings of volunteers with their mentors as risk prevention.

There are no dangerous animals or bugs nearby, occasionally there are mosquitoes, but not too many. In August and September there is a lot of ambrosia, and so we would recommend for people who have allergies to take their medicine with them. There are no land mines or any dangerous explosives from the war period. Just in case, before the Camp starts we refresh our knowledge of first aid with help from our friends from Osijek Red Cross who have their premises in nearby town of Orahovica as well.