Weatherly HOA Annual Meeting 2016|MINUTES

3/12/2016 10:30 AM | Weatherly Pool House

Meeting called by

/ Weatherly Board of Directors /

Type of meeting

/ Substitute Annual Meeting /


/ Lisa Thayer/Jeffrey Eddy /

Note taker

/ Lisa Thayer/Jeffrey Eddy /


/ Lisa Thayer
/ Attendees
Jeffrey Eddy; Lisa Thayer; Charlie Thayer; Theo Wilkins; Jason Poplawski; Amy Gallant; Jessica Cuda; Tom Donahue; Betty Reardon.
Directors Present – Lisa Thayer; Jeffrey Eddy.

Agenda topics

Agenda topic Past Due Accounts | Presenter Lisa Thayer; Jeffrey Eddy

Discussion: There are currently 8 past due accounts. Four of the Eight past due accounts are $500 or more behind. Some of these people have not paid for an entire year. There is one account that has not paid since the purchase of home. These people have been contacted in the form of additional invoices, statements and emails. Payment options have even been offered and only one person of the eight is progressively trying to catch up their account. In past years, there have not been any extra steps taken to try and recover the past due money. We are to a point now where past due balances are no longer acceptable and if necessary, more aggressive measures will be taken to collect these debts. In addition to new collection procedures, anyone who is not current on their HOA dues or who is not actively putting fourth an effort to pay on them, will be denied use of the pool this summer.

Conclusion : We will be consulting with and retaining an attorney for collections of money owed.

Action items


Person responsible



Meet with Attorney to discuss next steps. / Jeffrey Eddy /

Agenda topic Funds in Accounts | Presenter Lisa Thayer

Discussion : We currently have a little more than $17,000.00 in our checking account. We also have $5,100.00 in our savings account. Bills are currently being paid and deposits being made by Lisa Thayer until new positions between the board of directors is decided. A payment will be made every month to the savings account, just as if it were a bill, in an effort to increase the funds in the savings.

Conclusion: N/A

Action items


Person responsible



Continue making deposits and payments until roles have been decided. / Lisa Thayer / N/A

Agenda topic Pool Repairs | Presenter Lisa Thayer; Jason Poplawski

Discussion : Repairs need to be done to the pool. There are some tiles that need to be replaced and cracks that need to be sealed. This could prove to be a large expense. The pool repairs will most likely begin after the closing of this pool season. So that we can cover these repairs, we are considering adding a special assessment per home/property owner in the subdivision. This money, should it be approved, will go into a special “pool fund account” and will only be used for pool repairs. The pool is about 10 years old now and there have been no repairs made to it during this time. It is imperative that these repairs be done this year if possible.

Conclusion : A meeting will be held to discuss the “special assessment” that is being considered for pool repairs. Until that time, we will obtain an estimate to see what kind of money will be involved with the repairs.

Action items


Person responsible



Hold A Meeting to Discuss Special Assessments / Board / TBA /
Obtain Estimate for Pool Repairs / Jason Poplawski / As Soon as Possible /

Agenda topic Use of Pool | Presenter Jason Poplawski; Lisa Thayer; Jeffrey Eddy

Discussion : There was some misuse of the pool and pool house last year that will not be tolerated this year. Feces was found in the middle of the bathroom floor, teenagers were caught with the pool furniture actually inside the pool, a strong smell of marijuana in and about the pool area and condoms found in the bathrooms. We realize that some of these things could have been done by people outside of Weatherly climbing over the fence. However, some that were caught with the actual furniture in the pool do live here. I am sure we will all agree that these behaviors are totally unacceptable. Please have a conversation with your children as well as any guests that you bring with you to the pool. We ask that you make them aware of the rules. If we discover that these types of things are still happening, and we know who is responsible, they will be responsible for any damages, as well as a clean-up fee. We are looking into putting cameras up at the pool, adding a lock that will accept a code to unlock the door, rather than a key and making a rotation schedule for checking the pool area in the evenings. We hope that everyone will volunteer a little time for this project. It should only take a few minutes a night and if everyone will chip in, at won’t be very often that you will be responsible for the nightly check. Also, we need to make sure that the lights are being turned off during the day and in the evenings when we leave the pool. There should not be anyone in the pool area once the pool is closed for the day.

Pool Parties: Please remember, all pool parties that will include 10 or more people, need to be scheduled and approved by the HOA board prior to the party. If you would like to have a party, you may send your request to or contact one of the board members for scheduling. Please remember to be considerate of others and make sure you get these parties “on the calendar”. We are also considering requesting a $25 refundable deposit for these parties. You will pay the fee when scheduling the event and after the party we will inspect the area and if everything has been cleaned, your money will be returned at that time.

Conclusion : We will install cameras, a key pad lock and come up with a rotation schedule for pool check. Property owners will be responsible for their guests and children and the damages that they may cause. There will be a clean-up fee as well as a fee with the damages to property should someone within Weatherly abuse their privileges at the pool. There will be a refundable deposit fee when the pools are used for parties. The money will be returned after the party provided the pool area is clean (clean of party decorations, wrapping paper etc.).

Action items


Person responsible



Obtain Estimate for camera, door key pad. / TBA / TBA
Request Volunteers for pool check/create schedule.
Create Calendar for Pool Parties / TBA / TBA /

Agenda topic Pool Phone | Presenter Lisa Thayer, Jason Poplawski

Discussion : Pool phone should not be so expensive. Is there another alternative?

Conclusion : We will look at other options for phone service at the pool area. Phone is required for purposes of calling 911 in an event of an emergency. However, is there not a more cost wise solution?

Action items


Person responsible



Look into Alternate Phone Solutions / TBA / TBA /

Agenda topic Fence Repair, Landscape, Pool House, Flags | Presenter Jeffrey Eddy, Lisa Thayer

Discussion: Fence Repair – We are currently accepting bids for repairing the fence at both entrances of Weatherly. We are getting estimates for both wood and aluminum fencing. We had contemplated trying to repair the fence. However, we have since discovered that the fence is beyond repair and will need to be replaced. Once we have estimates, we will decide the best route to take for replacement.

Landscaping – We will be accepting estimates/quotes for landscaping services. We currently only pay for the lawn to be mowed every other week, leaves to be removed as needed and bushes trimmed once per year. This is not sufficient if you want to maintain a better appearance for the property. We are asking that the landscaper provide a quote that will allow for mowing the lawn every 10 days, trimming the bushes twice per year, removing the leaves, aerating and seeding once per year and fertilizing three times per year.

Roof Repairs – There appears to be a leak on the pool house roof. It is probably something minor…maybe shingle(s) blown up from the storm that we had recently. We will have someone take a look at the roof, identify and repair the problem.

Flags on Poles – The “W” flags have come loose from the poles. We are not sure if they can be reattached and reused…most likely not…so, we will get an estimate for replacing them and depending on the price, decide if that is something we will do now. In any event, the old flags will be removed.

Construction Sign – The “construction sign this entrance” will be removed as soon as time allows to take it down and haul it away.

Conclusion: Fences will be repaired at entrance. We will allow more money for landscaping, Roof to be repaired where there is a leak, flags on poles to be removed and construction sign taken down.

Action items


Person responsible



Obtain Estimates for Fencing; Landscaping and Roof RepairsLisa Thayer

Flags on Poles and Construction sign to be removed on clean-up day.

Other Items Discussed at Meeting:

Budget to be set/determined and voted on as soon as new directors have had an opportunity to plan and approve.

Ways to stay updated – Please make sure the HOA has your contact information. There are always updates on the Facebook pages and the Weatherly website. Please check those periodically. Email “blasts” will be sent about important information that we feel homeowners will need to know. If you don’t want to be included in this list, please let us know and we will remove your name. However, if your name is removed, please keep in mind that you may miss something important. If you prefer another method of contact, please let us know.

We discussed the current expenditures which will also be included in the budget. If you would like any information about those or the present finances before the budget is presented, you can always request that we send you that information.

Weatherly seal – need to locate and if there is not one, order one.

Weatherly taxes to be completed.

While speaking with the attorney in regards to collections, we will also need to have paperwork updated with new board members/directors.

There were concerns about the appearance of the neighborhood. We hope to start making updates, repairs and changes asap.

Pay Pal account – it was brought to our attention that some people will not pay on line because of the additional $5 expense and that maybe we could look into a pay pal account. Pay Pal also charges, however, their fee’s may be less and this is something we can certainly check.

Any homeowners that are behind on their dues can avoid any collections procedures by setting up a payment plan. If they choose to not set up a payment plan, or default on that plan, we will have to proceed to the next step. If anyone is interested in enrolling in one of those payment plans, they can send an email to and one of the directors will get in contact with them…or they can always call one of the officers directly. We know everyone falls on hard times and we are willing to work with you. What we can’t do is just accept the fact that the dues are not being paid and requests for some kind of a payment/payment plan are being ignored.


**We will be planning a Weatherly “workday” for anyone that would like to volunteer for the various projects that we will have going.

We also plan on having a “meet your neighbor” party in the very near future.

Agenda topic Voting for New Directors/HOA Officers

Our previous HOA board members have resigned. Two members were already appointed prior to their resignation as allowed by the Weatherly bylaws. Those two members were Jeffrey Eddy and Lisa Thayer. We requested nominations for new board members for most of the month of February, mailed notices of the meeting(s) and in those notices provided proxies for those that could not attend the meeting that allowed them to vote. When the ballots were distributed at the meeting, the nominees were listed on the ballot and there was also a “write in” spot listed on the ballot for those that wanted to choose someone other than the ones that had been nominated. A list of eligible voters was made available both online several days prior to the meeting and at the meeting. Upon collection of the ballots and proxies, it was verified that all voters were eligible to vote. The members chosen to be on the board were Hannah Cherry, Amy Gallant and Jessica Cuda.

New Board Members/Directors:

Jeffrey Eddy – 252-915-4586

Lisa Thayer – 919-793-7573

Jessica Cuda – 919-671-4135

Hannah Cherry – 919-703-9455

Amy Grant – 908-705-4479

Our original meeting was to be held in February, because of an unexpected storm, we decided it would be in everyone’s best interest to cancel that meeting. Because we were already behind in holding the meeting, we scheduled a “special annual meeting” on this Saturday, March 12th, 2016 @ 10:30 and it was held at the Weatherly Pool. Notices were sent out prior to the meeting as was a notice posted on both Facebook pages and Weatherly website. In addition, those that were not able to attend, were given the opportunity to vote via proxy and to email any concerns they would like addressed at the meeting. There were enough people at the meeting to meet the qualifications for a quorum.

The meeting was scheduled at 10:30. We began at 10:35 as to allow enough time for those that may have been running late and we concluded at approximately 11:45.

There was a sign in sheet provided at the meeting and before the start of the meeting, it was verified that every person there had indeed signed in…this will be held and placed with all documents pertaining to this meeting and is available for review.

Meeting Adjourned: 11:45.


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