PATHWAY: Career Development

COURSE: Career Awareness (6th Grade)

UNIT 3: MS_CA_6-3_Positive Self-Esteem and Concept


A great personality can make a lasting impression on whomever you come in contact. In this unit, students will learn about how one’s positive self- esteem and concept can affect one’s personality. Students will learn how to acquire these positive traits and how to continue to build and maintain an optimistic outlook. Students will discuss the process, as well as the outcomes, of making the right decision. Hands on activities and self discovery activities will be used in this unit.


6th Grade


5 Hours


Helen Hawver

Students with Disabilities:

For students with disabilities, the instructor should refer to the student's IEP to be sure that the accommodations specified are being provided appropriately. Instructors should also familiarize themselves with the provisions of Behavior Intervention Plans that may be part of a student's IEP. Frequent consultation with a student's special education instructor will be beneficial in providing appropriate differentiation. Many students (both with and without disabilities) who struggle with reading may benefit from the use of text reading software or other technological aids to provide access to printed materials. Many of these are available at little or no cost on the internet.

GPS Focus Standards:

MSCA6-2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to build and maintain a positive self-concept and a positive self-esteem.

a) Understand personality traits of a positive self-concept.

b) Compare and contrast positive and negative self-esteem characteristics and how these influence our choices.

c) Understand how successful decision-making affects self-concept and self-esteem.

d) Label and explain the elements of a decision-making process.

e) Utilize a decision-making process to help make quality choices in their daily lives.

GPS Academic Standards:

ELA6LSV1 The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student, and group interactions.

ELA6LSV2 The student listens to and views various forms of text and media in order to gather and share information, persuade others, and express and understand ideas. The students will select and critically analyze messages using rubrics as assessment tools.

National / Local Standards / Industry / ISTE:

PS1.K5 Describe aspects of your self-concept.

PS1.R6 Evaluate the affect of your behaviors and experiences on building and maintaining a positive self-concept.

PS1.A7 Give personal examples of specific situations, attitudes, and behaviors of others that affected your self-concept.

PS1.K8 Recognize that your behaviors and attitudes affect the self-concept of others.

PS1.R9 Assess how your self-concept affects your educational achievement (performance) and/or success at work.

PS1.K10 Recognize that educational achievement (performance) and/or success at work can affect your self-concept.

PS1.K3 Identify your positive personal characteristics (e.g., honesty, dependability, responsibility, integrity, and loyalty).

CM2.K1 Describe your decision- making style (e.g., risk taker, cautious).

CM2.A2 Demonstrate the use of a decision-making model.

CM2.A4 Show how exploring options affected a decision you made.

Enduring Understandings:

A positive self-concept affects a person’s personality. Poor self-concepts can lead to personality and social issues. Self-concept and self-esteem are interrelated and effected by everyday choices and decisions. These decision making processes are very important and provide opportunity to properly use and apply positive self-concepts in everyday life

Essential Questions:

·  How do self-concepts and self-esteem affect our everyday lives?

·  How is your personality affected by your self esteem and concept?

·  How does the decision making process work and how does it benefit your self esteem and concept?

Knowledge from this Unit:

Students will be able to:

·  Explain the impact of one’s self esteem and concept (both positive and negative) on personality.

·  Recall the proper way to use the decision making process.

·  Recognize the importance of the decision making process in everyday life.

·  Describe and distinguish between a self-concept and self-esteem?

Skills from this Unit:

Students will:

·  Utilize the decision making process in everyday life

·  Differentiate between a positive and negative self esteem and concept

·  Apply the traits of a positive self esteem and concept to their own personality

Assessment Method Type:

X / Objective assessment - multiple-choice, true- false, etc.
_X_ Quizzes/Tests
_ _ Unit test
Group project
X / Individual project
X / Self-assessment - May include practice quizzes, games, simulations, checklists, etc.
__ Self-check rubrics
__ Self-check during writing/planning process
_X_ Journal reflections on concepts, personal experiences and impact on one’s life
__ Reflect on evaluations of work from teachers, business partners, and competition judges
__ Academic prompts
__ Practice quizzes/tests
X / Subjective assessment/Informal observations
__ Essay tests
__ Observe students working with partners
_X_ Observe students role playing
__ Peer editing & commentary of products/projects/presentations using rubrics
__ Peer editing and/or critiquing
X / Dialogue and Discussion
__ Student/teacher conferences
_X_ Partner and small group discussions
_X_ Whole group discussions
_X_ Interaction with/feedback from community members/speakers and business partners
Constructed Responses
__ Chart good reading/writing/listening/speaking habits
__ Application of skills to real-life situations/scenarios

Assessment Attachments and / or Directions:



1. MSCA6-2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to build and maintain a positive self-concept and a positive self-esteem.

a.  Understand personality traits of a positive self-concept.

b.  Compare and contrast positive and negative self-esteem characteristics and how these influence our choices.

c.  Understand how successful decision-making affects self-concept and self-esteem.

d.  Label and explain the elements of a decision-making process.

e.  Utilize a decision-making process to help make quality choices in their daily lives.

2. Review essential questions. Post essential questions in the classroom.

• How do self-concepts and self-esteem affect our everyday lives?

• How is your personality affected by your self-esteem and concept?

3. Identify and review the unit vocabulary. Terms may be posted on word wall. Use the Self-Esteem and Concept Vocabulary Definitions Teacher Notes.

Self Concept / Self Esteem / Personality
Decision Making Process / Potential / Personal Growth

4. Just For Fun…

·  Ask students what they think of when they hear the word, “personality”. Record these answers on the board. For a change of pace, you can create a “Graffiti Wall” by having students write their responses on the board or on a large piece of bulletin board paper. Discuss responses with students. Mention that there are many ways to describe personality and many thoughts that come to mind with the word personality.

·  Ask students if they have ever heard of, “Personality Tests”. Inform students that there are personality tests that have been written by professionals and are administered by professionals (psychologists/psychiatrists). However, there are also personality tests or indicators that can be found online. Hold a discussion asking if these are a reliable way to identify one’s personality.

o  If time permits a psychologist/psychiatrist could be invited in to talk to the students about personalities and personality traits, as well as how a personality test is administered and how the results are used.

·  Take students to this website:

o  Follow the directions listed

o  After students have chosen a picture, scroll down and read the results. (There may be vocabulary words used that students are unfamiliar with, so make certain to explain the meanings of the words)

o  Ask students if they feel it is an accurate reading and/or if they feel it defines them. It is also interesting to have classmates make positive comments on if they feel a classmates reading is accurate. You might want to ask students the following:

§  What makes this an unreliable personality test?

§  What would it need to be reliable?

5. Personality PowerPoint slides 4-7

·  Discuss the contents of the slides with students

·  It should be an extension of the class discussion from earlier

·  Remind students that there are many different factors to one’s personality

6. Personality Activities

·  Visit the Utah Education Network at this web address:

o  There are two activities that are excellent to help students identify a few of their personality traits:

§  Personal Description

·  Have students fill this chart out according to directions.

·  An addition to this activity that you will not find in the directions is to divide the room into the three parts indicated on the chart. Call out the answers and have students move to the area they chose.

o  Some students may be sensitive to their answers, so it might be best to get an idea if the class would like to participate

§  You Are Unique

·  Have students fill out this activity according to directions

·  Hold a class discussion. Remember to be sensitive to students’ answers and respect their right to privacy of some answers.

·  Personality Billboards

o  Students will decorate a poster board with pictures, words, drawings, etc. that represent their personality. This activity can be presented that students are “advertising” themselves to the world on a billboard. If this were the case, how would they present, or describe their personality?

§  It is suggested that students complete one of the activities above so that they will have an idea of personality traits to list on the poster. Other ideas to help students define their personality traits include:

·  Peer Brainstorming: Have students partner up and describe each other’s personality

·  A-Z Traits: Have students list a word that describes their personality using each letter of the alphabet

·  Personality “Names”: Students will write their name vertically on a piece of paper. They must list a personality trait using each letter of their name

o  Gather supplies such as glitter, magazines, construction paper, scrapbook paper, scrapbook supplies (punches, stickers, etc) that students can use to decorate their posters.

o  Students should be guided to be creative with this assignment. For example, finding pictures in magazines that represent words is a creative way to express that personality trait.

o  For grading purposes, students can either be assessed based on creativity and effort to receive participation grades or graded based on the Personality Billboard Poster Rubric.

·  Personality Masquerade Ball

o  Students will make masks that represent their personality. The masks will then be hung on the wall in a “Parade of Personalities”. (Of course after being worn a few minutes for fun!)

§  Have students find a mask template they prefer to work with. Several templates can be found on the internet. This website offers templates and directions:

§  Students will decorate the mask so that the colors, etc represent their personality. Students should also write several personality trait descriptors on the mask.

§  As a wrap up for this assignment, have students reflect on the “Parade of Personalities”:

·  This parade is of varied personalities. How is it that they all get along?

·  Is it likely that people with the same personalities will walk together in the parade? Who would you “parade around with”?

7. Personality PowerPoint slides 7-8

·  Discuss the information found on the slides with students. After reviewing the information, have students answer the following questions:

o  How would someone behave if they had a positive self concept?

o  What personality traits would a person with a positive self concept possess?

o  Initiate class discussion. Ask for examples of positive personality traits and write list on the board. Then have students discuss the opposite of each trait (the negative). Comment on how someone with these negative traits would behave. What types of choices would they make?

§  Students can answer these questions as an individual assignment, but the class should bring their answers together for a discussion. It is suggested to write down behaviors and traits on the board so students can see other’s ideas and thoughts. This is also a great way for students to see a compare/contrast of the positive and negative traits.

8. Guidance Counselor

·  Invite the guidance counselor to talk to the class about a positive self esteem and concept.

o  He/she may also want to inform students that a counselor is also available to discuss any problems that one may have concerning self esteem and concept.

9. Review unit vocabulary. Distribute the Self-Esteem and Concept Word Splash Worksheet and have students fill in the blanks. Students keep the handout as notes.


1. Review Essential Questions. Post Essential Questions in the classroom.

·  How does the decision making process work and how does it benefit your self esteem and concept?

2.  Survival Game

·  Survival games are fun for students to “solve” and it helps them to think critically. Survival games also help students to see the importance of the decision making process.

o  Choose a survival game from the list below, or search for your own. After students have played the game, have them discuss the process they used to decide how to survive. Since this starter activity is intended for students to inadvertently use the decision making process, be certain to question them with “why”. Have them give their belief or reasoning behind their choices. This questioning process will help later when the actual process is learned and discussed.

o  Desert Survival


o  Kitchen Survival

§  You are stranded on a island with only three things you would find in a kitchen. What three things do you have and how would you use them to survive?

o  Island Survival

3. Personality PowerPoint slides 9-11

·  Discuss the information on the slides with the students. While discussing the information, students will create a “foldable” book to help them organize and remember the decision making process.