Please take the time to carefully consider your answers to the following questions. To a large extent, your level of success will depend upon how accurately you assess and articulate your true goals, and how well you formulate a deliberate plan for accomplishing each step toward your goals, anticipating any challenges that you may encounter along the way, leveraging your personal strengths to achieve optimum performance, and actively utilizing all of the resources at your disposal to help you achieve your ultimate goals.

1.  Professional Goals Upon Graduation:

a.  What are your professional goal(s) upon graduation from law school?

b.  What specific quantifiable/measurable steps will you take to achieve your goals?

c.  What is your timeline for accomplishing each of the steps you have established as necessary in accomplishing your goal(s)?

d.  What are your greatest challenges/obstacles in accomplishing each step toward your stated goal(s)?

e.  What personal strengths can you leverage to help you achieve each step toward your stated goal(s)?

f.  What additional knowledge/abilities/resources/assistance would help you achieve each step toward your stated goal(s)?

g.  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, what overall level of confidence do you have that you can accomplish each of the necessary steps to reach your stated goal(s)?

h.  What is the single greatest issue that, if addressed, would raise or bolster your confidence level in accomplishing each of the necessary steps to reach your stated goal(s)?

2.  Academic Goals for Remainder of Law School:

a.  What are your academic goal(s) for the remainder of law school?

b.  What specific quantifiable/measurable steps will you take to achieve your goals?

c.  What is your timeline for accomplishing each of the steps you have established as necessary in accomplishing your goal(s)?

d.  What are your greatest challenges/obstacles in accomplishing each step toward your stated goal(s)?

e.  What personal strengths can you leverage to help you achieve each step toward your stated goal(s)?

f.  What additional knowledge/abilities/resources/assistance would help you achieve each step toward your stated goal(s)?

g.  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, what overall level of confidence do you have that you can accomplish each of the necessary steps to reach your stated goal(s)?

h.  What is the single greatest issue that, if addressed, would raise or bolster your confidence level in accomplishing each of the necessary steps to reach your stated goal(s)?

3.  Academic Goals for This Semester:

a.  What are your academic goal(s) for this semester?

b.  What specific quantifiable/measurable steps will you take to achieve your goals?

c.  What is your timeline for accomplishing each of the steps you have established as necessary in accomplishing your goal(s)?

d.  What are your greatest challenges/obstacles in accomplishing each step toward your stated goal(s)?

e.  What personal strengths can you leverage to help you achieve each step toward your stated goal(s)?

f.  What additional knowledge/abilities/resources/assistance would help you achieve each step toward your stated goal(s)?

g.  On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, what overall level of confidence do you have that you can accomplish each of the necessary steps to reach your stated goal(s)?

h.  What is the single greatest issue that, if addressed, would raise or bolster your confidence level in accomplishing each of the necessary steps to reach your stated goal(s)?

4.  What additional notes, thoughts, or comments do you have regarding your personal action plan and your ability to follow through with your plan to achieve your goals?