FY 2007 Grant Application to Prevent Underage and High Risk Drinking
Municipalities/Law Enforcement
Community Organizations/School Districts
For over 80 years, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) has discouraged alcohol abuse through its responsible retail operations, comprehensive licensing requirements and leadership in the field of alcohol education and alcohol abuse prevention. In 1994, the Bureau of Alcohol Education (Bureau) was established within the PLCB and has since been a leader in education and prevention addressing the inappropriate use of alcohol, drunk driving, underage drinking, fetal alcohol syndrome/effect, alcohol addiction and dangerous college drinking.
The PLCB recognizes that environmental change can be an especially effective strategy in preventing underage and high-risk drinking on college campuses and in municipalities and communities throughout the Commonwealth. The Bureau has placed an emphasis on environmental and cultural changes to reduce the occurrences of inappropriate use of alcohol and related behavior that is unacceptable. Facilitating partnerships and coalitions between educational institutions and community groups to comprehensively address the issues and make the most effective use of existing resources has done this.
Building coalitions between educational institutions and the surrounding community is a vital component when addressing the issues of underage and high-risk drinking. Coalitions serve to bring together key stakeholders from schools and the community to create an environment that supports alcohol abuse prevention efforts. This can have a significant impact on drinking by affecting such factors as access to alcohol, responsible promotions and advertising and increased enforcement activity. Even the most comprehensive prevention strategy cannot succeed without total community involvement.
The PLCB has a significant stake in communities throughout Pennsylvania because of its responsibility for the licensing of retail beverage alcohol outlets. In its continuing efforts to fulfill its public trust, the PLCB works with local community groups, schools, colleges and universities to reduce the deaths, injuries, health risks and property losses caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. As a part of these continuing efforts, the PLCB is continuing its grant funding for those institutions, municipalities and organizations that want to develop and maintain effective and promising practices with the purpose of preventing underage and high-risk drinking.
Assessment is a key component of preventing high-risk and underage drinking. In order to utilize proper strategies and activities, assessment must be either a component of the grant or it must have occurred prior to the grant application. The grant is to be utilized for initiating proven and effective strategies and activities to reduce and prevent high-risk and underage drinking. Assessments demonstrate where strengths, weaknesses and gaps exist in communities and on college campuses. By utilizing a comprehensive assessment, an organization strengthens its status for future grant applications.
Law enforcement agencies (local police forces, college police forces, etc) are usually the first responders to situations involving underage and high-risk drinking. This Grant application will assist these law enforcement agencies in providing consistent enforcement of the local, state and national laws regarding alcohol usage.
Likewise, consortiums of similar organizations (colleges, neighboring communities and school districts) have proven that sharing of resources and personnel and involvement in regional environmental strategies reduces high-risk college student drinking.
The Grant period is for a maximum of one (1) year and will extend from the effective date through June 30, 2008 (6/30/08). The Grant will be funded for up to eleven thousand five hundred dollars ($11,500.00). Up to a maximum of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) of this Grant must be spent on evaluation of the Grant activities (see page 13). The Grant is a cost-reimbursable grant. No funds will be advanced to Grantee.This Grant will begin after submission and award by the Bureau, and when all legal requirements have been met, and all required signatures have been obtained. Notification will be made to the Grantee by the Bureau informing Grantee of official start date of the Grant.
Only one (1) grant per organization, school district, municipality or institution of higher education will be awarded. Coordination between departments within an entity is strongly encouraged.
This Grant will be awarded on a competitive basis, subject to availability of funds. The Bureau has sole discretion to determine the award of the grant. The Bureau will serve as the central point for the receipt of applications. Upon receipt, the Bureau staff, along with a committee of the applicants’ peers, will screen all applications for completeness and compliance with instructions for submission. The Grant is a cost-reimbursable grant. No funds will be advanced to Grantee. This Grant will be evaluated for:
Initiating and maintaining Environmental Management Strategies as recognized by the:
- Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
- U. S. Department of Education
- Center for College Health and Safety
- National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Report of April 2002
(See Pages 8- 9 for more information on above bullets.)
Purpose of the Grant: To reduce underage and/or high-risk drinking activities.
The following pages are information regarding payment and other application functions.
Frequently Asked Questions ------5 - 6
Logic Model of PLCB Grant Program ------7
Three in one NIAAA Framework ------8
Five areas of Environmental Management ------9
Allowable and Unallowable Expenses ------10 - 12
Evaluation Information ------13
NOTE: Please make a copy of your completed grant application for your records. Upon acceptance and all signatures being secured, a copy of the Completed Application for Funding/Invoice Page and the Grant Signature Page only will be faxed to the Project Director.
Frequently Asked Questions About the PLCB Grant Application
1. What is the time period of the Grant?
The grant is a one (1) year grant effective from approximately July 1of the current year thru June 30 of the following year. Upon official approval of the Grant the Grantee will be notified of the official start date of the Grant. Grantee will be notified by the PLCB’S Bureau of Alcohol Education (“Bureau”).
2. What is the Vendor # and GL code?
The vendor number is an individualized code number for any entity or person receiving funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If you were a previous PLCB Grantee, you have a Vendor Number and this number should be used. Your vendor number was listed on your application for funding/invoice page of your previous grant. You must have this code number on the application where indicated (page 3). For information about the number, contact the Alcohol Education Bureau at (717)-705-7333.
The GL code is a fiscal coding number supplied by the PLCB.
3. Why must there be a signed commitment letter?
Research has shown that the most successful prevention programs have senior administrative support. This form demonstrates that your most senior administrator (president, mayor, chief executive officer) is aware of the project and supports it.
4. What is the Grantee Authorized Signature Form?
The PLCB must be assured that the person signing the Grant on behalf of the Grantee has the authority to bind the Grantee to the terms of the Grant. If the Grantee is a corporation, it may submit a corporate resolution evidencing signatory authority on behalf of the corporation, or it may complete and submit the Grantee Authorized Signature Form. If the Grantee is a partnership, a general partner may sign the Grant and the title “Partner” should appear below the name and signature of the partner. If the Grant is not signed by a general partner, then the Grantee Authorized Signature Form must be completed for the person signing the Grant and must be executed by one of the general partners. If the grantee is a sole proprietor, the sole proprietor shall sign the Grant. If someone other than the sole proprietor signs the Grant, the Grantee Authorized Signature Form must be completed for the person signing the Grant and must be executed by the sole proprietor. If the Grantee is any other form of entity or organization, the Signatory Delegation Authorization must be completed for the person signing the Grant and the person executing the Authorization on behalf of the Grantee must be authorized to do so by the entity or organization. A motion, resolution, or similar action that has been adopted by the Grantee and certified or executed by a duly authorized officer or representative of the Grantee, authorizing the filing of the Grant Application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein may be submitted in lieu of the Grantee Authorized Signature Form.
Example: The University President designates a senior administrator (Vice President as an example) as the signatory of the Grant. Another example is the President of Borough Council designates the Mayor as the signatory of the Grant. Refer to Completed Grant Sample document (separate document from this application). Not sure who should sign this form? Contact the Bureau at (717)-705-7333.
5. How long does it take to receive payment once the reimbursement forms have been submitted?
Usually the payment is made within thirty (30) to forty (40) days of the request being approved for payment by the PLCB.
6. Why must our institution/organization request permission to spend funds in another line item or to use the funds in a line item not currently listed in our application?
Grant funds are for specific activities. That is why careful planning needs to be a vital component of your Grant application. Your institution/organization will be able to move funds from one line item to another (directions on how to do this will be sent to you once your grant is finalized). Because of the time limit of the Grant, new line item requests are not permitted.
7. Who can apply for the Grant? Where to send Grant Application to?
Only one (1) department or agency within an organization may apply for the Grant. Multiple requests from an agency will not be considered. Because of limited funding, the PLCB wants to allow its funds to be used by as many organizations as possible. Send the Grant as an attachment electronically to:
and in the subject line title it: 2007 Grant.
Logic Model of PLCB Grant Program
Municipal/Law Enforcement Version
Effective and Promising Practices as recognized by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
AREAS OF STRATEGIC INTERVENTION for Changing the Drinking Environment (Developed by the Higher Education Center)
There are five (5) main areas of strategic intervention at the environmental level. Each area is identified below, accompanied by suggested objectives.
1. Create a health-promoting social, academic, and residential normative environment
a. Correct student misperceptions of drinking norms
2. Limit alcohol availability
a. Limit container size (kegs, pitchers, etc.)
b. Disseminate guidelines for parties
- Implement responsible retailing initiatives to include training
servers in Responsible Alcohol Management Programs, and limiting serving to
registered/trained servers.
- Ban alcohol
- Limit alcohol
- Institute a policy requiring registration of kegs
3. Restrict marketing and promotion of alcoholic beverages
a. Ban or restrict alcohol advertising
b. Ban or restrict promotions with special appeal to underage drinkers, such as those using celebrities, sports stars, cartoon characters, or animals
c. Ban or restrict promotions that portray activities that can be dangerous when combined with alcohol
d. Limit party or event announcements
e. Ban or restrict alcohol industry sponsorship of events
f. Require equal number of pro-health messages for all alcohol advertising
4.Development of and/or increased enforcement of local, state, and/or federal laws
a. Increase/enforce minimum drinking age laws
b. Increase/enforce DUI laws
c. Increase monitoring of parties by police
d. Enforce disciplinary sanctions for students who violate AOD policies
e. Increase criminal prosecution of students for specified alcohol-related infractions
f. Enforce penalties for buying alcohol for an underage person
g. Enforce penalties for possessing/using fake ID's
h. Enforce penalties for sales of liquor to minors
5. Alcohol-free options
a. Promote consumption of non-alcoholic beverages at events and promotion of events free of alcohol usage.
Allowable and Unallowable Expenses for
PA Liquor Control Board Grant
Allowable expensesby categories: Legend: # indicates resources/information available from PLCB.
Assessment areas:
- # Community Alcohol Risk Assessment activities
- # Rapid Response Community Assessment activities
- Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS)
- Activities similar to those mentioned above and approved by PLCB prior to submitting Grant application.
Enforcement areas:
- # Source Investigation Projects
- # Controlled Party Dispersal
- # Same - PA Alcohol Guidelines for Enforcement (Same PAGE)
- Activities that develop and/or increase enforcement of local, state, and/or federal laws
- Activities that review, revise and develop and/or increase enforcement of municipal ordinances associated with alcohol consumption
- Developing or increasing enforcement, publicity, and implementation of municipal and/or campus minimum-age drinking laws and other laws to reduce high-risk and celebratory drinking practices. The Grant will cover such items as officer overtime and purchase of one (1) piece of related equipment(Maximum equipment value of $750.00, which is part of the total Grant fund. Examples of equipment are portable breathalyzers, disposable mouthpieces for same, bicycles for bike patrols – contact Grants Division of the PLCB’s Bureau of Alcohol Education at (717) 772-1432 for further details)
Access areas:
- # Assessment surveys and other tools for data gathering such as the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or any other type of community alcohol profile evaluation
- Activities that limit availability of alcohol such as limiting container size (kegs, pitchers, etc.), disseminate guidelines for parties, training of servers in Responsible Alcohol Management Programs (RAMP)
- Activities that restrict marketing and promotion of alcoholic beverages
- Court Watch - is to monitor local underage drinking court cases to assess frequency and consistency of rulings
- # Environmental Scan to assess where and to what extent local alcohol licensees are advertising specials (i.e., billboards, signage, media, etc.)
- # Safe Homes Campaign (Guide Booklet) is a parent and community-networking project to create safe, healthy, drug-free environments for all youth
Norms area:
- Expenses for coalition meetings (including mailing, food and refreshments, training costs for training activities for) coalition members, staff, licensees, law enforcement and community member training) related to grant activities
- Social norms activities as recognized by U.S. Department of Education and National Social Norms Resource Center (
- Activities and programs recommended or suggested by the NIAAA report or the Center for College Health and Safety’s environmental management strategies.
- # Alcohol specific Curriculum such as CSAP model Programs, Project Northland, Start Taking Alcohol Risks Seriously (STARS), Community Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol, Community Trials Intervention to Reduce High Risk Drinking, Across Ages
- # Media Literacy Focus. Training, development and implementation of media literacy education. Media literacy is designed to assist youth to acquire skills in critically evaluating and analyzing various forms of communication designed to influence their decisions. It also includes providing information to parents and other adults to assist with this task.
- “Alcohol and Athletes” training/forum for coaches to increase awareness of underage drinking by their athletes and review/develop policy to address this issue. Must include follow-up survey or action plan to assess how coaches utilized the training information.
Training areas:
- # Source Investigation Project Trainings
- # Controlled Party Dispersal Trainings
- # Fake ID Recognition Trainings
- # Same - PA Alcohol Guidelines for Enforcement (Same PAGE) trainings
- # Responsible Alcohol Management Training Programs
- # Owner Manager Trainings for licensed establishments
Other areas:
- Printing costs associated with Grant activities
- Travel expenses for any training sponsored or supported/approved by PLCB for Grant funds to be used
- Evaluation costs associated with the evaluation of the Grant activities
- Activities and programs not specifically banned or disapproved by the PLCB (please contact PLCB representative before including in Grant application)
Non-allowable expenses:
- Indirect costs associated with the Grant activities
- Any program that is strictly educational or motivational (example: assemblies, mock crashes, entertainers, impaired driving simulators, “beer goggles”)
- Speaker fees for “one time” presentations not directly associated with training campus/community personnel in Environmental Management or NIAAA strategies (as approved by PLCB)
- Curriculum purchase or development unless specified in allowable section
- Equipment purchases (except law enforcement type purchases – see allowable section)
- Promotional items (except for social norms campaigns as recognized by U.S. Department of Education and National Social Norms Resource Center (
- Registration fees, travel expenses, lodging and food costs for any local, state, or national conferences not sponsored, supported or approved by the PLCB
- Teleconferences and audio conferences whereby a fee must be paid to participate
- Alcohol-free activities (these should already be operating in schools and communities and therefore institutionalized)
- TIPS (Training Intervention Procedures for Servers) trainings
If you are not sure whether an expense is permitted contact:
Grants Division
Bureau of Alcohol Education
Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board
Room 602
Northwest Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17124-0001
Phone: (717) 772-1432
Evaluation Report
An evaluation component is a significant part of this Grant. A report will be due forty five (45) days after Grant activities have been completed or Grant year has expired. (Must be submitted by August 15, 2008). Below are the guidelines regarding the evaluation report and the process for this component. Use this guide to answer the question on the Grant application. Upon being funded, a full evaluation guideline page will be sent to you.