This index lists gives the user a reference to a listing of the names of heirs, and others, mentioned in the “Extracts of Intestate Estates of Tompkins County, NY – 1850-1875”that can be viewed at this web-site ( The original “Intestate Estates” can be found at the Tompkins County Court House, 320 North Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY14850.

ABEL, ANDREW J. (of Ulysses) – see Noah Robinson of Trumansburg.

ABEL, ASBURY F. – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses and John W. Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, AZARIAH L. – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses and John W. Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, BETSEY – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses and John W. Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, EVELINE (of Ulysses) – see Noah Robinson of Trumansburg.

ABEL, JARVIS – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses and John W. Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, JOHN – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses and John W. Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, LORET – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, MILTON M. – see Orlando Abel of Ulysses.

ABEL, ORLANDO – see John W. Abel of Ulysses.

ACKERMAN, RACHEL – see Elizabeth Relye of Lansing.

ADAMS, CAROLINE (of Newfield) – see Sumner Rosebrook of Newfield.

ADAMS, HORACE – see Jacob G. Van Vleck of Enfield.

ADAMS, ISAAC – see Alexander Lyon of Hector.

ADAMS, MARIA – see Jacob G. Van Vleck of Enfield.

ADAMS, MARTHA – see Alexander Lyon of Hector.

AG____, SARAH – see Catherine Gibbs of Lansing.

AGNIS, AMELIA (of Michigan) – see Simeon B. Perry of Caroline.

AGNIS, JACOB (of Michigan) – see Simeon B. Perry of Caroline.

AKEN, POLLY (of Scipio, NY) – see Rhoda Goff of Groton.

ALBRIGHT, ELMIRA D. – see Eliza Overpaugh of Corry, PA.

ALBRIGHT, ELZADA – see Catherine Howard of Groton.

ALDRICH, ELIZABETH (of Burdette, Schuyler co.) – see Edward Van Dine of Ulysses.

ALLEN, ADELINE – see George R. Allen of Dryden.

ALLEN, CATHERINE (of Newfield) – see David Knettles of Newfield.

ALLEN, CHAD – see Hiram Allen of Newfield.

ALLEN, CHARLES W. – see Isaac Allen.

ALLEN, CHAUNCEY (of Hinsdale, Catter. County) – see Ezekiel Newton of Groton.

ALLEN, DAVID K. – see Hiram Allen of Newfield.

ALLEN, ELECTA (of Indiana) – see George W. Carpenter of Groton.

ALLEN, ELIZA J. – see Elisha Eldridge of Groton.

ALLEN, FRANKLIN – see George R. Allen of Dryden.

ALLEN, FRANK T. – see Hiram Allen of Newfield.

ALLEN, HENRY (of Indiana) – see George W. Carpenter of Groton.

ALLEN, JAMES W. (of Springville, NY) – see Harriet M. Mack of Lansing.

ALLEN, JEMIMA – see Harriet M. Mack of Lansing.

ALLEN, JULIA ANN – see Hiram Allen of Newfield; David Knettles of Newfield.

ALLEN, JOHN – see David Knettles of Newfield.

ALLEN, MARY (of Candor, NY) – see William Carl of Caroline.

ALLEN, MARY E. (of Springville, NY) – see Harriet M. Mack of Lansing.

ALLEN, MARY L. (of Van Etten, NY) – see John w. Starr of Newfield.

ALLEN, NICHOLAS – see Harriet M. Mack of Lansing.

ALLEN, ORISSA (of Hinsdale, Catter. Co.,) – see Ezekiel Newton of Groton.

ALLEN, SARAH ANN – see George R. Allen of Dryden.

ALLEN, SUSAN – see Isaac Allen.

ALLEN, SUSAN JANE (of Lansing) – see Harriet M. Mack of Lansing.

ALLEN, VIANA – see Hiram Allen of Newfield.

ALLEN, WILLIAM (of Candor, NY) – see William Carl of Caroline.

ALEXANDER, CHRISTINE (of Newfield) – see Jacob Snyder of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, ELMER or ELMORE – see Jeremiah Alexander of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, JEROME – see Jeremiah Alexander of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, JOHN – see Jeremiah Alexander of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, MARY – see Jeremiah Alexander of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, MARY J. (of Newfield) – see Andrew McCorn of Ithaca.

ALEXANDER, MARY JANE – see Jeremiah Alexander of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, ROBERT (of Newfield) – see Jacob Snyder of Newfield.

ALEXANDER, WILBUR – see Jeremiah Alexander of Newfield.

ALLEN, EDWARD (of Caroline) – see Silas Richarld of Danby.

ALLEN, JANE (of Caroline) – see Silas Richarld of Danby.

ALVORD, BENJAMIN (of Freeport, Illinois) – see Lucretia West of Groton.

AMES, BENJAMIN – see Peleg Ellis of Dryden.

AMES, LYDIA – see Peleg Ellis of Dryden.

ANDERSON, BENONI B. – see Daniel C. Anderson of Newfield.

ANDERSON, EXPERIENCE – see Norman Anderson of Enfield.

ANDERSON, JAMES N. – see Daniel C. Anderson of Newfield.

ANDERSON, MARY (of Newfield) – see Daniel C. Anderson of Newfield; Thomas McCrea of Ithaca.

ANDERSON, WILLIAM M. – see Daniel C. Anderson of Newfield.

ANDRE, ALLEN – see William Tillotson of Dryden.

ANDRE, LAURA – see William Tillotson of Dryden.

ANDRE, MARY ANN – see William Tillotson of Dryden.

ANGLE, ESTHER – see Ira Angle of Danby.

ANGLE, MARTHA – see Ira Angle of Danby.

ANGLE, ROBERT C. – see Ira Angle of Danby.

ANGLE, SARAH E. – see Harriet L. Angle.

ANGLE, WILLIAM B. – see Harriet L. Angle.

APGAR, AI G. (of Groton) – see Daniel Dimon of Groton.

APGAR, DANIEL (of Groton) – see Daniel Dimon of Groton.

APGAR, MINERVA (of Groton) – see Daniel Dimon of Groton.

APGAR, PHEBE A. (of Groton) – see Daniel Dimon of Groton.

APGAR, WILBER F. – see Elisha Field of Lansing.

APLEY, JULIA (of Ilion, NY) – see Hannah Mastin of Ithaca.

ARMS, MASON C. – see Nathan C. Arms.

ARMS, WILLIAM – see Nathan C. Arms.

ARNOLD, HARRIET (of Ulysses) – see Alvah Smith of Enfield.

ASHDOWN, MARY A. – see Alonzo Popplewell of Ithaca.

ASHDOWN, RICHARD – see Alonzo Popplewell of Ithaca.

ASHLEY, HARRIET – see Sally Godfrey of Dryden.

ASHLEY, SAMUEL P. (of Caroline) – see Horatio Winchell of Caroline.

ASHTON, ELIZABETH – see John Ashton of Groton.

ASHTON, EZRA – see John Ashton of Groton.

ASHTON, JAMES – see John Ashton of Groton.

ASHTON, JOSEPH – see John Ashton of Groton.

ASHTON, WATSON – see John Ashton of Groton.

ASHTON, WILLIAM – see John Ashton of Groton.

ATWATER, AMANDA (of Ulysses) – see Clark Daggett, Sr. of Ulysses.

ATWATER, LEWIS – see Alonzo Williams.

ATWATER, LORAINE – see Nancy Ellis.

ATWATER, WILLIAM G. – see Nancy Ellis.

AUBLE, ANDREW J. – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, BETSEY – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, ELIAS – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, EMELINE – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, JOHN – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, JOSEPH – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, HENRIETTA (of Hector) – see William P. Updyke of Ulysses.

AUBLE, MARY HENRIETTA (of Hector, NY) – see Isaiah Updyke of Ulysses.

AUBLE, SOPHIA – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUBLE, WILHELMINA – see George Auble of Enfield.

AUSTIN, CHARLES – see Benjamin H. Austin of Groton.

AVERY, ANNIS – see Abigail Mitchell of Lansing.

AVERY, CORNELIA – see Abigail Mitchell of Lansing.

AVERY, EAMES – see Daniel J. Avery of Lansing.

AVERY, ELIZA – see Abigail Mitchell of Lansing.

AVERY, FRANCIS B. – see Abigail Mitchell of Lansing.

AVERY, FRANCIS W. – see Daniel J. Avery of Lansing.

AVERY, JAMES – see Abigail Mitchell of Lansing.

AVERY, NANCY – see Daniel J. Avery of Lansing.

AVERY, WILLIAM – see Abigail Mitchell of Lansing.

AYERS, CARLTON – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, ELIAS J. – see Daniel J. Avery of Lansing.

AYERS, HARRIET – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, JAMES C. – see Elias J. Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, JEREMIAH J. – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, LEWIS S. – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, LOUISA (of Caroline) – see Abram Casterline of Ithaca.

AYERS, LUCRETIA – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, MARY – see Elias J. Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, NATHANIEL A. – see Elias J. Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, NICOL H. – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, SOCRATES – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, STEPHEN B.. – see Orsamus Ballou of Dryden.

BALLOU, JAMES D. –– see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, ROBERT E. – see Nathaniel Ayers of Ulysses.

AYERS, WILLIAM W. – see Elias J. Ayers of Ulysses.

BABCOCK, ADELLE – see Sophia Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, AMBROSE – see Sophia Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, GEORGE – see Sophia Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, HARRIET (of Hector) – see Silas Follett of Ulysses

BABCOCK, HANNAH J. – see George P. Babcock of Ulysses.

BABCOCK, MARGARET – see Septa Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, MARTHA – see Sophia Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, SEPTA – see Sophia Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, URANIA – see Septa Babcock of Enfield.

BABCOCK, WILLIAM S. – see George P. Babcock of Ulysses.

BACKUS, ARTEMAS – see Ethan Mix of Groton.

BACON, ADELIA (of Madison Co.) – see Thomas Dutcher of Dryden.

BACON, CHARLES (of Madison Co.) – see Thomas Dutcher of Dryden.

BACON, CHARLES L. – see Daniel Slauson Jr. of Hector.

BACON, DANIEL L. – see George Bower of Lansing.

BACON, JOEL – see Amos Bacon of Lansing.

BACON, MARIETTA – see George Bower of Lansing.

BACON, MATILDA – see Amos Bacon of Lansing.

BACUS, BRAINARD – see Luther Berry of Groton.

BACUS, MELINDA – see Luther Berry of Groton.

BAGLEY, HENRY (of Woodstock, CT) – see Deborah Rawson of Caroline.

BAGLEY, LUTHER (of Woodstock, CT) – see Deborah Rawson of Caroline.

BAILEY, ABAGIL – see Ichabod Brown of Groton.

BAILEY, ALVIN F. – see Alvin Bailey of Dryden.

BAILEY, GEORGE – see Ichabod Brown of Groton.

BAILEY, GEORGE D. – see Alvin Bailey of Dryden.

BAILEY, HARRIET A. – see Alvin Bailey of Dryden.

BAILEY, MARY E. – see Elijah B. Card of Dryden.

BAILEY, MINERVA (of Canastota, NY) – see Hannah Wilcox of Dryden.

BAILEY, ISAAC – see Hannah Bailey of Lansing.

BAILEY, JANE – see Lewis W. Bailey of Newfield.

BAILEY, JOHN (of Newfield) – see Jacob Snyder of Newfield.

BAILEY, LENA (of Newfield) – see Jacob Snyder of Newfield.

BAILEY, LEWIS (of Virginia) – see Edward Snook of Ithaca.

BAILEY, LOIS E. – see Alvin Bailey of Dryden.

BAILEY, MARIA (of Virginia) – see Edward Snook of Ithaca.

BAILEY, MORTON A. – see Lewis W. Bailey of Newfield.

BAILEY, PRISCILLA A. – see Alvin Bailey of Dryden.

BAILEY, WILLIAM – see Elijah B. Card of Dryden.

BAKER, ABRAM – see Emily Leslie of Newfield.

BAKER, AMANDA – see William Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, ANTHONY – see William Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, ELIZA J. – see Solomon T. June of Caroline.

BAKER, ELIZABETH (of Lansing) – see Polly Coleman of Lansing.

BAKER, FRANK -- see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, JAMES – see Emily Leslie of Newfield.

BAKER, JANE – see Humphrey Martin of Ithaca.

BAKER, JUSTUS (of Danby) – see Emily Leslie of Newfield.

BAKER, LAWRENCE – see Emily Leslie of Newfield.

BAKER, MARTHA E. – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, MARY – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, OBADIAH C. – see Lydia Baker of Enfield.

BAKER, OLIN M. – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, ORLO A. – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, STEPHEN A. (of Lansing) – see Polly Coleman of Lansing.

BAKER, THOMAS – see Emily Leslie of Newfield.

BAKER, WARREN E. – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, WILLIAM (of Danby) – see Emily Leslie of Newfield.

BAKER, WILLIAM A. – see Anthony Baker of Newfield

BAKER, WM. HENRY – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BAKER, ZELIA E. – see Anthony Baker of Newfield.

BALDWIN, AMELIA M. – see William Baldwin of Groton.

BALDWIN, DANIEL – see William Baldwin of Groton.

BALEDIN, DORA – see Alanson Durfee of Groton.

BALDWIN, HEMAN (of Groton) – see Margaret Brown of Groton.

BALDWIN, HEPSAH S. – see William Baldwin of Groton.

BALDWIN, LUCINDA (of Groton) – see Margaret Brown of Groton.

BALDWIN, S. M. – see Cornelia Larabee of Dryden.

BALDWIN, SALLY – see Cornelia Larabee of Dryden.

BALDWIN, VIOLA A. – see William Baldwin of Groton.

BALL, EMMA H. – see Isaac Ball of Ulysses.

BALL, ESTHER (of Candor, NY) – see Ezra Phipps of Ithaca.

BALL, HARRIET E. – see Isaac Ball of Ulysses.

BALL, HARRIET H. – see Isaac Ball of Ulysses.

BALL, JAMES C. – see Isaac Ball of Ulysses.

BALL, LEWIS A. – see Isaac Ball of Ulysses.

BALLARD, BENJAMIN – see Thomas Berry of Hector.

BALLARD, CAROLINE OPHELIA – see Delavange Ballard of Enfield.

BALLARD, ELIZA – see Thomas Berry of Hector.

BALLARD, HIRAM R. – see Delavange Ballard of Enfield.

BALLARD, HORACE – see Delavange Ballard of Enfield.

BALLARD, JOHN – see Delavange Ballard of Enfield.

BALLARD, SARAH MATILDA – see Delavange Ballard of Enfield.

BALLARD, SUSAN – see Delavange Ballard of Enfield.

BALLOU, ASA – see Orsamus Ballou of Dryden.

BALLOU, CHARLES L see Orsamus Ballou of Dryden.

BALLOU, MARTHA M. – see Orsamus Ballou of Dryden.

BALLOU, MARY – see Orsamus Ballou of Dryden.

BANFIELD, CHARLES – see Emeline Ostrander.

BANFIELD, JAMES W. – see Patty Banfield of Dryden.

BANFIELD, JOSEPH H. – see Patty Banfield of Dryden.

BANFIELD, MARY (of Danby) – see Emeline Ostrander.

BANGS, ELIZA – see Luther Berry of Groton.

BANGS, SAMUEL – see Luther Berry of Groton.

BANTA, ALONZO – see Charlotte J. Banta of Ulysses.

BANTA, ANNA – see Charlotte J. Banta of Ulysses.

BANTA, ANNA T. – see Charlotte J. Banta of Ulysses.

BANTA, CAROLINE A. – see Charlotte J. Banta of Ulysses.

BANTA, CELINA C. – see Charlotte J. Banta of Ulysses.

BANTA, JOHN -- see Charlotte J. Banta of Ulysses.

BARBER, FRANCIS – see John Ashton of Groton.

BARBER, GEORGE (of Ransomville, NY) – see John Ashton of Groton; Jacobus Quick of Caroline.

BARBER, JAMES – see John Ashton of Groton.

BARBER, MARGARET – see John Ashton of Groton.

BARBER, SAMANTHA A. (of Ransomville, NY) – see Jacobus Quick of Caroline.

BARBER, VIAN -- see Orlando Abel of Ulysses.

BARBER, WILLIAM – see John Ashton of Groton.

BARDEN, ABIGAIL C. (of Lee, Mass.) – see Tully c. Jarvis of Ithaca.

BARGERM, CATHERINE T. (of Genoa, NY) – see Harriet M. Mack of Lansing.

BARNS, ALFRED S. (of Brooklyn) – see Mary K. Hubbard of Lansing.

BARNS, HARRIET (of Brooklyn) – see Mary K. Hubbard of Lansing.

BARNES, ALFRED S. – see Mary K. Hubbard of Lansing.

BARNES, HARRIET – see Mary K. Hubbard of Lansing.

BARNEY, LOVINA (of Crawford Co., PA) – see Sophia G. Mosher of Ithaca.

BARR or BURR, D. T. (of Lansing) – see Nathaniel Loomis of Groton.

BARR or BURR, LOUISA (of Lansing) – see Nathaniel Loomis of Groton.

BARRETT, CAROLINE (of Springfield Center, PA) – see Esther Brown of Groton.

BARROWS, LORA – see Stephen Barrows of Groton.

BARROWS, PADDOCK J. – see Stephen Barrows of Groton.

BARROWS, WEALTHY A. – see Stephen Barrows of Groton.

BARTHOLEMEW, ANN (of Dundee, NY) – see Ichabod Brown of Groton.

BARTHOLEMEW, ASA (of Dundee, NY) – see Ichabod Brown of Groton.

BARTHOLEMEW, CALEB (of Dryden) – see James Gaston of Dryden.

BARTHOLEMEW, IRVIN (of E. Townsend, Ohio) – see John Fish of Danby.

BARTHOLEMEW, L. W. (of Dryden) – see James Gaston of Dryden.

BARTHOLEMEW, MARY H. (of Tompkins Co.) – see John W. Houtz.

BARTHOLEMEW, SUSAN (of E. Townsend, Ohio) – see John Fish of Danby.

BARTLE, CAROLINE S. – see Peter Bartle of Ithaca.’

BARTLE, WOOD – see Peter Bartle of Ithaca.

BARTLETT, BURT H. (of Geneva, NY) – see Anna Loomis.

BARTLETT, SALLY (of Geneva, NY) – see Anna Loomis.

BARTO, CHARLES P. -- see Henry D. Barto of Ulysses.

BARTO, FRED D. – see Henry D. Barto of Ulysses.

BARTO, HENRY D. – see Henry D. Barto of Ulysses.

BARTO, KATE F. – see Henry D. Barto of Ulysses.

BARTO, RICHARD V. – see Henry D. Barto of Ulysses.

BARTO, THOMAS – see Mary Barto of Newfield.

BARTON, CHARLES – see Lewis Barton of Dryden.

BARTON, DANIEL – see Lewis Barton of Dryden.

BARTON, ELIZA – see Lewis Barton of Dryden.

BARTON, LUCY ETTE – see Lewis Barton of Dryden

BASHFORD, ELIZA – see John Ashton of Groton.

BATEMAN, MILLY – see David Beach of Newfield.

BATEMAN, WILLIAM – see David Beach of Newfield.

BATES, ABRAM – see Charles W. Bates of Ithaca.

BATES, ALFRED – see Warren S. Bates of Ulysses.

BATES, AMELIA (of Danby) – see Peleg Ellis of Danby.

BATES, FANNY V. – see Larkin J. L. Bates of Dryden.

BATES, FRANCIS (of Danby) – see Peleg Ellis of Danby.

BATES, FRANCIS A. – see Charles W. Bates of Ithaca.

BATES, FRED E. – see Charles W. Bates of Ithaca.

BATES, JEROME D. – see Charles W. Bates of Ithaca.

BATES, NELSON L. – see Larkin J. L. Bates of Dryden.

BATES, OTIS A. – see Larkin J. L. Bates of Dryden.

BATES, RUFUS – see Jabez B. Scott of Ithaca.

BATES, S. AUGUSTA – see Charles W. Bates of Ithaca.

BATES, SARAH BELL – see Warren S. Bates of Ulysses.

BATES, STEPHEN H. – see Warren S. Bates of Ulysses.

BATES, SYLVESTER – see Warren S. Bates of Ulysses.

BEACH, CHARLES – see Peter Beach of Newfield.

BEACH, GEORGE – see David Beach of Newfield.

BEACH, HOLDEN – see Peter Beach of Newfield.

BEACH, JEROME – see Peter Beach of Newfield.

BEACH, LEONARD – see Peter Beach of Newfield.

BEACH, PETER – see David Beach of Newfield.

BECKER, PERMELIA (of Hector) – see Silas Follett of Ulysses.

BECKMAN, SALLY (of Caroline) – see Ruth M. Surdam.

BECKWITH, JAMES B. – see Jane Nixon of Caroline.

BECKWITH, MARY E. – see Jane Nixon of Caroline.

BECKWITH, MINNIE (of Fremont, Ohio) – see Jane Nixon of Caroline.

BEEBE, ELVIRA D. – see Chandler L. Benson of Groton.

BEEBE, JOHN – see Chandler L. Benson of Groton.

BEERS, ANDREW J. – see Anna Beers of Danby.

BEERS, ANGELINE – see Josiah Beers of Danby.

BEERS, CLARISSA A. – see Josiah Beers of Danby.

BEERS, ISAAC – see Anna Beers of Danby.

BEERS, MINERVA (of Middlebury, Elkhart Co., Indiana) – see William P. Sherwood.

BEERS, STEPHEN C. – see Josiah Beers of Danby.

BELDEN, JANE (of Fulton, NY) – see Azariah Culver of Ulysses.

BELDEN, ORRIN (of Fulton, NY) – see Azariah Culver of Ulysses.

BELKNAP, DAVID – see Candace Belknap of Dryden.

BELKNAP, PHEBE (of Canandaigua, NY) – see John Smiley of Dryden.

BELL, SARAH – see Warren S. Bates of Ulysses.

BELL, SUSAN – see James K. Boyce of Lansing.

BENHAM, CAROLINE E. – see Marvin Smith of Ulysses.

BENHAM, GEORGE (of Ithaca) – see Thomas Hawkins of Ithaca.

BENHAM, SAMUEL (of Ann Arbor) – see Thomas Hawkins of Ithaca.

BENHAM, THOMAS (of Ithaca) – see Thomas Hawkins of Ithaca.

BENHAM, WARREN (of Ann Arbor, Michigan) – see Thomas Hawkins of Ithaca.

BENJAMIN, JOHN – see John Benjamin of Dryden.

BENN, JANE (of Penn Yan) – see Peter McArthur of Dryden.

BENN, GEO. (of Penn Yan) – see Peter McArthur of Dryden.

BENNET, AARON – see Walker Bennet of Danby.

BENNET, ABBA ISABELLA – see Walker Bennet of Danby.

BENNET, ANN ELIZA – see Walker Bennet of Danby.

BENNET, ANNIE – see Walker Bennet of Danby.

BENNET, JAMES PORTEUS – see Walker Bennet of Danby.

BENNETT, ADELINE – see Chauncey Bennett of Groton.

BENNETT, ANGELINE (of Ohio) – see Ichabod Brown of Groton.

BENNETT, BULAH ANN – see Otis Bennett of Groton.

BENNETT, IDA MAY – see Otis Bennett of Groton.

BENNETT, LEWIS – see Chauncey Bennett of Groton.

BENNETT, ZILPAH – see Chauncey Bennett of Groton.

BENSON, CHARLES F. – see Chandler L. Benson of Groton.

BENSON, DAY – see Chandler L. Benson of Groton.

BENSON, ELIZABETH – see Jonathan D. Benson of Hector.

BENSON, GILES H. – see Chandler L. Benson of Groton.

BENSON, MARTIN L. – see Jonathan D. Benson of Hector.

BENSON, PHILENA B. – see Chandler L. Benson of Groton.

BENSON, PHILURA – see Frank Buck of Lansing.

BENTLEY, CAROLINE M. – see Ezekiel Newton of Groton.

BENTLEY, HENRY – see Ezekiel Newton of Groton.