ACTION PLAN – SEPA Physical Activity and Nutrition Workgroup
Goal: Increase opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity in the SEPA region.
Action StepsWhat Will Be Done? / Responsibilities
Who Will Do It? / Timeline
By When? (Day/Month) / Resources
- Resources Available
- Resources Needed (financial, human, political & other)
- What individuals or organizations might resist?
- How?
Who is involved?
What methods?
How often?
Step 1:
Each member provide at least 1 resource on the google doc / All WG members / June 22, 2015 / A.
B. / A.
Step 2:
Set-up facebook page, twitter, instagram and link them / Jacqueline NikpourKalli/Celeen after August 7 / August 7 / A.HPC Support (Social Media training)
- Someone to administer
- Jacqueline – then topics to post Gwen Alexandre
- People need to populate and administer and keep active
What does HPC suggest we post
We can post/tweet events by coalition members
Step 3:
Healthful food at meetings / All WG / June 22 and beyond / A.
B. / A.
Step 4:
Increasing our membership / All WG / Next Meeting / A. ALA, Colleges, Activate Phoenixville, ACS, School Districts
B. Freedom Valley YMCA / A.
Step 5:
Continue to populate resource and database / All WG / A.
B. / A.
Evidence Of Success (How will you know that you are making progress? What are your benchmarks?)
Number of followers – similar to facebook counts
Evaluation Process (How will you determine that your goal has been reached? What are your measures?)
A good benchmark will be when additional people in WG learn to tweet.
Sort Events – make calendar listings
action plan | an exercise
SEPACoalition Meeting
June 22, 2015