Presented By Hunter Valley Arabians Inc
Salt Ash Sportsground, Richardson Rd, Salt Ash
Sunday 21st August 2016, 8.30 am start
Supreme Led Pony Breed Exhibit
Rug sponsored by The Rug Rack
Supreme Led Breed Horse Exhibit
Rug sponsored by The Rug Rack
Supreme Led Coloured Exhibit
Supreme Hack of Show
Supreme Hunter of Show
Results sent to RAS NSW for Royal Consideration
Canteen Available
The Hunter Valley All Breeds Show is conducted under the rules and definitions which appear in this schedule and those of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia. The judge’s decision is final.
Gate Entry: $6.00 per car – Free to HVA members, must show card Entry Fees: $4.00.
Gate Opens at 6.00am You must notify us if camping on ground as gates are kept locked.
Camping Fee $10, Form available on request. .
Public Liability: It is mandatory for all competitors to be covered by Public Liability. If you are not a current member with insurance of The Arabian Horse Society, Hunter Valley Arabians Inc, any other Affiliate, or another equine association with 24/7 Public Liability Insurance, you will be required to tender $10.00 per person and complete the Registered Participant Application for each person who will be riding and/or handling your horse at this event. Membership numbers will be required.
0404 485 950
Definitions & Conditions of Entry
- On entry to each class, your armband must be shown to the Ring Steward
- There will be no refunds of entry tickets.
- This show will be run under the current Department of Primary Industries guidelines.
- Horses competing in Breed classes must be registered with the relevant Breed Societies and must produce registration papers on demand
- Dogs must be on a lead at all times and are not permitted on the competition arenas.
- Competitors are asked not to park on the right side of the driveway on the Main Arena
- The gate to the Sportsground must be closed at all times.
- Only officials and judges are permitted in the Main tent on the arena.
- Trade Stands are welcome, please contact The Publicity Officer
- Camping is permitted but a Camping Application Form must be returned to the Secretary prior to the show. A camping fee of $10 per vehicle will apply. Forms are available on request.
- Stabling (offsite) can be arranged by contacting Wendy Ward at Heatherbrae (next to The Ryans) on 0418 410 362
- Committee Accepts no Responsibility: It is the policy of the Committee to see that all due care is taken to protect property, but the Committee shall not be liable to any person in case of loss or damage by reason of any defect, accident, negligence or neglect, however arising.
- Sponsorship opportunities are available for our other shows.
- The AHSA Code of Behaviour System will be enforced at this show. Inappropriate behaviour of handlers / riders will not be tolerated. Infringement cards will be issued and the AHSA will be notified. Any persons receiving a red card will be omitted from further participation at the show.
- You may only compete in open or Hunter. You cannot compete in both
- Entry into the second chance classes is for competitors that did not win champion or Reserve in the first ring.
Thank you to Emma’s Show Horse News & Accessories
for advertising our show at:
Ring 1 JUDGE:
- Yearling any sex
- Led Stallion or Colt
- Led Mare or Filly
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Stallion or Colt
- Led Mare or Filly
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Stallion or Colt
- Led Mare or filly
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any Sex
- Led Colt or Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led gelding 2& 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Stallion or Colt
- Led Mare or Filly
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any Sex
- Led Colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led stallion or colt
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Australian Pony
- Part APSB ne 12.2hh
- Part APSB over 12.2hh
- Welsh Mountain pony
- Welsh B
- Welsh C/D
- Part Welsh ne 12.2hh
- Part welsh over 12.2hh
- Riding Pony ne 12.2hh
- Riding pony over 12.2hh
- Saddle pony ne 12.2hh
- Saddle pony over 12.2hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Led Stallion and Colt
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare ne 16hh
- Led Mare over 16hh
- Led Gelding ne 16hh
- Led Gelding over 16hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Led stallion or colt
- Led under 4years
- Led 14hh ne 15hh
- Led 15hh ne 16hh
- Led over 16hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Led Stallion or Colt
- Led Filly under 3yrs
- Led Mare ne 16hh
- Led Mare over 16hh
- Led Gelding under 3yrs
- Led Gelding ne 16hh
- Led Gelding over 16hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling Any sex
- Led Stallion or Colt
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Colt 2 & 3yrs
- Led Stallion
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare ne 14hh
- Led Mare over 14hh
- Led gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding ne14hh
- Led Gelding over 14hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led stallion or colt
- Led Filly 2 & 3 yrs
- Led Mare ne 14hh
- Led mare over 14hh
- Led gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding ne 14hh
- Led Gelding over 14hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led stallion or colt
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare ne 14hh
- Led Mare over 14hh
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding ne 14hh
- Led Gelding over 14hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Yearling any sex
- Led Stallion or colt
- Led Filly 2 & 3yrs
- Led Mare ne 14hh
- Led Mare over 14hh
- Led Gelding 2 & 3yrs
- Led Gelding ne 14hh
- Led Gelding over 14hh
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Led Stallion or colt
- Led Mare or filly
- Led Gelding
Champion & Reserve Champion
- ASH Stallion
- ASH Mare
- ASH gelding
- ASH Working Stallion
- ASH Working Mare or Gelding
- Thoroughbred ne 16hh
- Thoroughbred over 16hh
- ANSA 14hh ne 15hh
- ANSA 15hh ne 16hh
- ANSA over 16hh
- Warmblood
- Arabian
- Arabian Derivative ne 13hh
- Arabian Derivative 13hh ne 14hh
- Arabian Derivative 14hh ne 15hh
- Arabian derivative 15hh and over
- Buckskin ne 14hh
- Buckskin over 14hh
- Palomino ne 14hh
- Palomino over 14hh
- Pinto
- Coloured not listed
Champion & Reserve Champion
RING 3 JUDGE:MardiMangan
- Tiny tots 5yrs and under
- Rider 6yrs & un 9yrs
- Rider 9yrs& un 12yrs
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Rider 12yrs & un 15yrs
- Rider 15yrs & un 17yrs
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Newcomer Galloway
- Novice Galloway
- Intermediate Galloway
- Open Lightweight 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Open Heavyweight 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Open Lightweight 14.2hh ne 15hh
- Open Heavyweight 14.2hh ne 15hh
- Open Galloway
- Child’s Galloway
- Adults Galloway
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Newcomer pony
- Intermediate pony
- Open ne 11.2hh
- Open 11.2hh ne 12hh
- Open 12hh ne 12.2hh
- Open 12.2 ne 13hh
- Open 13hh ne 13.2hh
- Open 13.2hh ne 14hh
- Open pony
- Childs’s pony
- Adults pony
Champion & Reserve Champion ne12.2hh
Champion & Reserve champion ov 12.2hh
- Newcomer hack
- Novice Hack
- Intermediate Hack
- Open 15hh ne 15.2hh
- Open 15.2hh ne 16hh
- Open 16hh ne 16.2hh
- Open 16.2hh and over
- Open hack
- Child’s Hack
- Adults Hack
Champion & Reserve Champion ne 16hh
Champion & Reserve Champion ov 16hh
- Hunter pony ne 12hh
- Hunter pony 12hh ne 13hh
- Hunter pony 13hh ne 14hh
- Child’s Hunter pony
- Adult’s Hunter pony
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Hunter Galloway 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Hunter Galloway 14.2hh ne 15hh
- Child’s Hunter Galloway
- Adults Hunter Galloway
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Hunter Hack 15hh ne 16hh
- Hunter hack over 16hh
- Child’s Hunter Hack
- Adult’s Hunter Hack
Champion & Reserve Champion
Supreme Hack of Show
RING 4 JUDGE:Jackie Hill
- Rider 17yrs & un 21yrs
- Rider 21yrs &un 30yrs
- Rider 30yrs and over
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Newcomer Hunter Hack
- Novice Hunter Hack
- Intermediate Hunter Hack
- Open 15hh ne 15.2hh
- Open 15.2hh ne 16hh
- Open 16hh ne 16.2hh
- Open 16.2hh and over
- Open Hunter Hack
- Child’s hunter Hack
- Adult’s Hunter Hack
Champion & Reserve Champion ne 16hh
Champion & Reserve Champion ov 16hh
- Newcomer Hunter Galloway
- Novice Hunter Galloway
- Intermediate Hunter Galloway
- Open 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Open 14.2hh ne 15hh
- Open Hunter Galloway
- Child’s Hunter Galloway
- Adult’s Hunter Galloway
Champion and Reserve Champion
- Newcomer Hunter pony
- Novice Hunter pony
- Intermediate hunter pony
- Open ne 11.2hh
- Open 11.2hh ne 12hh
- Open 12hh ne 12.2hh
- Open 12.2hh ne 13hh
- Open 13hh ne 13.2hh
- Open 13.2hh ne 14hh
- Open Hunter pony
- Child’s Hunter pony
- Adult’s Hunter pony
Champion & Reserve champion ne 12.2
Champion & Reserve Champion ov 12.2
- Open pony ne 12hh
- Open pony 12hh ne 13hh
- Open pony 13hh ne 14hh
- Child’s pony
- Adults pony
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Open Galloway 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Open Galloway14.2hh ne 15hh
- Child’s Galloway
- Adults Galloway
Champion & Reserve Champion
- Open 15hh ne 16hh
- Open 16hh and over
- Child’s hack
- Adults Hack
Champion & Reserve Champion
Supreme Hunter of Show
Ring 5 Judge: Amy Chapman
- Best presented handler
- Pony with the longest tail ne 14hh
- Horse with the longest tail over 14hh
- Horse or pony with the longest Mane
- Most Attractive Colour Pony ne 14hh
- Most Attractive colour horse 14hh ne15hh
- Most attractive colour horse over 15hh
- Led pony ne 13hh
- Led pony over 13hh ne 14hh
- Led Galloway over 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Led Galloway over 14.2hh ne 15hh
- Led Hack over 15hh ne 16hh
- Led hack over 16hh
Champion & Reserve Champion Led
- Handler un 6yrs (May be accompanied by an adult)
- Handler 6 & un 9yrs
- Handler 9 & un 12yrs
- Handler 12 & un 15yrs
- Handler 15 & un 17yrs
- Handler 17yrs & over
Champion & Reserve Champion Handler
- Best Fancy Dressed
- Led beginners horse or pony(rider not eligible for classes24-30)
- Ridden Beginners Horse or pony at walk trot only (Rider not eligible for classes 25-30)
- Ridden pony ne 13hh
- Ridden Pony 13hh ne 14hh
- Ridden Galloway 14hh ne 14.2hh
- Ridden Galloway 14.2hh ne 15hh
- Ridden Hack 15hh ne 15.2hh
- Ridden Hack over 15.2hh
Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden
- Rider to be Led (not eligible for age groups)
- Rider under 9yrs
- Rider 9 & un 12yrs
- Rider 12 & un 15yrs
- Rider 15 & un 17yrs
- Rider 17yrs & over
Champion & Reserve Champion Rider
- Riding Attire is optional, approved safety helmet and riding boots are mandatory.
- Competitors in the Unofficial Ring must wear correct armband for entry
- Open Riders are not permitted entry in the Unofficial Ring
- This ring will break for lunch after Champion Handler to allow for Fancy Dress Competitors to prepare